SAVE THE DATE: 60th (Diamond) Anniversary Dinner on Thursday, April 25th, 2013 at the National Arts Club

Our Diamond Anniversary will be quite the celebration! We will be having an open full bar service and hors d’oeuvres followed by a sit-down, three course dinner. Our honorees this year are New York Governor Andrew Cuomo, New York State Attorney General Eric Schneiderman, and our very own District Leader Louise Dankberg.
Please join us in celebrating their accomplishments by joining us as a Patron or Sponsor. Your name will appear on the official invitation and in the program. As I am sure you are aware, this is the only fundraiser of the year for Tilden so your support is important to us. Patron tickets are $500 and Sponsor tickets are $300. Please feel free to pass this on to others as well.
Please complete the form below and send it with your check by March 1st to ensure inclusion in the invitation to:

Paula Schaeffer

166 E 35th Street 16C

New York, NY 10016-4149


For questions regarding the dinner please call Paula Schaeffer, Dinner Chairperson at 212-889-4791.
*I wish to be a PATRON ($500)____SPONSOR ($300) ____ of the 60th AnniversaryTilden Dinner. Enclosed is my check payable to the Samuel J. Tilden Democratic Club.
NAME (to appear on invitation) _______________________________________
ADDRESS _______________________________________________________
TELEPHONE # (including area code) ____________________________________
ALTERNATE TELEPHONE # (including area code) ___________________________
E-MAIL __________________________________________________________
FAX ____________________________________________________________