Join Democratic activists across Manhattan to phone bank on behalf of Democratic candidates
over the next two weeks and help take back the NY State Senate!
WHEN: Tuesday, Oct. 21, 6 – 8 pm
Thursday, Oct. 23, 6 – 8 pm
Tuesday, Oct. 28, 6 – 8 pm
Thursday, Oct. 30, 6 – 8 pm
WHERE: Campaign Office of Senator Brad Hoylman
80 Eighth Avenue, Ste. 1802
(corner of 14th Street)
WHY: We need to take back the State Senate to defend a woman’s right to choose, establish campaign finance reform, renew and strengthen our rent laws, ban hydrofracking, protect transgender rights, pass a decent minimum wage, support immigration reform, institute tax fairness and other progressive reforms!
RSVP: Call Max Markham at (917) 572-0033 or email to sign up
Monthly meeting is this Thursday October 16
Monthly Meeting
Thursday, October 16, 2014
7:30 PM
Seafarer’s & International House
1. Adoption of Agenda
2. President’s Report
3. Nominating Committee Report
4. Dinner Committee Report
5. Donations Committee Report
6. District Leader Report
7. Presentation: Fracking by Food and Water Watch
8. Old/New Business
9. Adjourn
A Call to Phones! Dominic Recchia for Congress
New York City has a very tight Congressional race between Democrat Dominic Recchia and Republican Michael Grimm. A Democratic victory in that District, which covers parts of Brooklyn and Staten Island, is critical to helping our party succeed.
Dominic Recchia has asked Tilden members to help him by phone banking (an evening ‘virtual’ phone bank from your home) and good old fashioned canvassing. Since this is going to be such a close election, any help that we can provide will make an impact.
If you are able to spare some time, please contact Louise Dankberg ( and join with the other Tilden heroes who have already volunteered.
Let’s take Congress one seat at a time!
Nominating Committee update; Next General Meeting October 16
On Monday evening, September 29, the Executive Committee met and voted to elect the following members to the Nominating Committee: Ahsia Badi, Genevieve Cervera, Louise Dankberg, Laura Koestler, Marcia Robinson, Paula Schaeffer, and Kate Waterman. Laura Koestler has agreed to serve as the Interim Chair. The committee is charged with accepting and vetting candidates for office and will organize a Candidate Forum, which will be held at the November 20 meeting. There are rumors that Errol Lewis of NY1 television will be broadcasting live from Seafarer’s that evening.
Don’t forget to attend the October 16 General Membership Meeting at Seafarer’s Institute. We will begin promptly at 7:30 pm.
Tuesday is National Voter Registration Day! Join the fun!
You’ve been waiting for this day to come around again. Remember last year when Texas beat New York by registering a measly dozen more new voters than New York? Well, now we have the chance to right that wrong! Join Tilden’s Voter Registration Committee Members and Friends on Tuesday, September 23 (also known as National Voter Registration Day) from 6:30 – 7:30 pm in front of the new Starbucks at the southeast corner of 23rd Street and First Avenue. We’ll have t-shirts and forms and a lot of fun encouraging folks to sign up to vote in time for the November 4 election. We will also be signing up new voters in partnership with the Bellevue CAB in the “F Link” corridor of Bellevue Hospital (that’s in the C-D Building, across from the Gift Shop) from 10 am – 3 pm earlier in the day.
Join Senator Hoylman Sunday at People’s Climate March
Dear Friend:
I urge you to join me this Sunday, September 21 at the People’s Climate March to greet the world leaders who are converging on New York City for next week’s United Nations Climate Summit 2014.
Over 950 progressive organizations are collaborating to produce this massive event to demand that summit delegates adopt an ambitious global agreement to dramatically reduce global warming pollution, protect our natural resources and secure environmental justice.
The March will step off at 11:30 a.m. just north of Columbus Circle and end on Eleventh Avenue between 34th Street and 38th Streets. I hope to see you there.
All best,
Brad Hoylman
State Senator
27th District
Agenda for Thursday, September 18 Meeting
Monthly Meeting
Thursday, September 18, 2014
7:30 PM
Seafarer’s & International House
1. Adoption of Agenda
2. President’s Report
3. Nominating Committee
4. Dinner Committee Report
5. Donations Committee Report
6. District Leader Report
7. Presentation: “No on Proposition 1” (Redistricting) by Common Cause
8. Old/New Business
9. Adjourn
VOTE TODAY! and some Judicial Candidate receptions
Remember to vote today!
Many of our judicial candidates are having receptions for delegates and have invited them to attend. Following is a list of those receptions:
Please note that James D’Auguste held his reception last night before this email was sent.
Sunday, 14th September, 2014, from 11 A.M. to 1 P.M. Nancy Marie Bannon. The Wheeltapper Pub (Fitzpatrick Hotel), 141 East 44th Street, just East of Grand Central Terminal.
Sunday, 14th September, 2014, from 1:30 P.M. to 3 P.M. Arlene P. Bluth. Greenwich Mean Time Tavern, 142 Bleecker Street at LaGuardia Place.
Sunday, 14th September, 2014, from 3 P.M. to 5 P.M. Kathryn E. Freed. Le Souk, 510 LaGuardia Place, between Bleecker and Houston Streets.
Sunday, 14th September, 2014, from 5:30 P.M. to 7:30 P.M. Andrea Masley. At the Rubin/Finder residence, 15 Charles Street, Suite 16-C (between 7th Avenue and Greenwich Avenue).
Monday, 15th September, 2014, from 6 P.M. to 8 P.M. Lori Susan Sattler. Silbermann residence, 215 East 68th Str., Apt. #12S.
Remember (how could you forget?) that PRIMARY DAY is Tuesday, September 9! Please vote at your usual poll site. The polls are open from 6 am to 9 pm. Please vote for our endorsed candidates:
Governor – Andrew M. Cuomo
Lt. Governor – Kathy C. Hochul
Senator (28th Dist) – Liz Krueger
These are the only contested races in “Tilden Town.”
One of the important roles Tilden plays is being in the forefront in electing Judicial candidates. Many of you were present earlier this year when we heard from different judicial candidates running for Civil Court. Another part of the judicial process – is the nomination of Supreme Court Judges by delegates from all the clubs.
The Supreme Court Independent Screening Panel – which names the candidates for Judges that the delegates then select at the upcoming Judicial Convention – reported out the following candidates as being the most Highly Qualified:
Tilden’s own NANCY BANNON, James D’Auguste and Lynn Kotler. Congratulations to all. They join the ‘automatic’ candidates who have already been reported out twice (Kathryn Freed, Lori Sattler, Arlene Bluth, Arthur Engoren, Andrea Masley, Barbara Jaffe and Ruth Pickholtz). As we know, there is only one vacancy this year, besides Milton Tingling who is running for reelection.
The Judicial Convention is on Tuesday, September 16th at 6 pm at the School of Visual Arts Theater (West 23rd Street between 8th and 9th Avenues). If you attend, please wear your Tilden T Shirts!
We have some good news about Arthur Wolf. He is doing very well and will be heading home on Tuesday (in time to vote!). Let’s all reach out to Arthur to welcome him home and be sure to help in with a speedy recovery.
Lots of news and events for Tilden!
As we wind up Summer and celebrate our Democratic values on Labor Day, Tildenites can remember what great work we have done for our City. Our next task is to make sure everyone votes on Primary Day, next Tuesday, September 9.
In advance of November’s General Election, Tilden will take part in “National Voter Registration Day,” which is September 23. This is a nationwide day of action to register as many new voters as possible. Last year Texas won by just 12 registrations; our goal is to make New York State the winner! Shelly Winfield – Chair of Tilden’s Voter Registration Committee – will bring materials to our next meeting on Thursday, September 18, so take some packets home with you and reach out to your friends, family, neighbors, and even random people who may need your encouragement.
Don’t forget to attend the upcoming Senior Issues Forum on Monday September 15 (6-8 pm at NYU Langone Medical Center Alumni Hall B). Attendees will hear about a variety of programs available for seniors and will have the opportunity to ask questions. Thanks to Senator Liz Krueger and Community Board Six for sponsoring the event. Bring friends!
Tilden has been invited to two events being held by other local Democratic Clubs. The Stonewall Democratic Club is hosting an Educational Policy Forum on September 17 (LGBT Community Center, 208 West 13th near 7th Avenue, 8 pm). The panel will include NYC School Chancellor Carmen Farina and City Councilmember (and City Council Education Committee Chair) Danny Dromm. In addition, GSID is hosting Gubernatorial Candidate Zephyr Teachout at its monthly meeting (September 4, 7:30 pm, at Seafarer’s Institute).