Tilden Democratic Club Meeting & Event Schedule

3/20/14                meeting

4/21/14                meeting

4/24/14                Annual Dinner at National Arts Club

5/15/14                meeting

6/8/14                  Tilden street fair

6/19/14                meeting

9/18/14                meeting (TBD)

10/16/14              meeting

11/20/14              meeting

12/7/14                Toys 4 Tots Brunch

2014 Tilden Officers and Executive Committee Elected

2014 Executive Committee

Congratulations to our incoming officers and Excutive Committee members for 2014!


Mark Thompson

Greg Martello
Wilbur Weder
Claude L. Winfield

Pat Levenson

Recording secretary:
Ellen Imbimbo

Corresponding secretary:
Sandy Hecker

Executive at-large:
Elizabeth Aivars
Ashia Badi
Genevieve Cervera
Jay Stuart Dankberg
Mollie Dunlap
Laura Koestler
Gregory Lambert
Laura Lopez
Janice Plumer
Marcia Robinson
Paula Schaeffer
Sandro Sherrod
Ameilia Smollens
Shelley Winfield
Arthur Wolf
Alicia B. Zanelli

Ex officio members
Louise Dankberg
Steven Newmark
Steven Smollens




Samuel J. Tilden Annual Toys for Tots Brunch

Sunday, December 8th

12:00 – 3:00pm

Paul & Jimmy’s

123 E 18th Street 

Manhattan, NY


More details to follow! Look for an email soon.

New Manhattan Democratic Party Website

Below is the text of an email from New York County Democratic Committee County Leader Keith Wright:

Dear Friends,

The Manhattan Democratic Party is proud to announce the launch of our new fully informative website, complete with event, volunteer, and leadership information.

Please visit us at www.manhattandemocrats.org

A special thank you to Manhattan Young Democrats and the entire website team. We are greatly appreciative of your extraordinary work. As we continue to improve our outreach through technology, we look forward to hearing from you. Please send comments and suggestions to manhattandems@gmail.com.

Demmy Award Nominees for the Manhattan Democratic Club of the Year, Manhattan Democrat of the Year, and Young Democrat of the Year will be announced TOMORROW at 10AM via our new website.

We hope to see you online!

Keith L. T. Wright
County Leader
New York County Democratic Committee

June Monthly Meeting & Petitioning Schedule

Samuel J. Tilden Democratic Club Monthly Meeting
Thursday, June 20, 2013
Seafarer’s & International House
Irving Place/15th Street (2nd Floor)
Please join fellow Tildenites on the following dates as we petition for our endorsed candidates to get on the ballot this Fall!

Monday, June 17th – D’Agastino at 3rd Ave. and 25th St., 4:30 – 6:30 pm

Thursday, June 20th – Met Supermarket, 3rd Ave. bet. 16th and 17th Sts., 4-6pm

Monday June 24th – Gristede’s, 1st Ave. and 21 St. 4:30 – 6:30 pm

Thursday, June 27th – Morton Williams, 23rd St., bet. 1st and 2nd Aves.

Tilden Democratic Club 2013 Endorsements

Last Thursday, May 16th, the Samuel J. Tilden Democratic Club held its 2013 Endorsement Night for public and Party offices.  Tilden voted not to endorse as a club for mayor or public advocate.  For other offices, the Club voted to endorse the following candidates:

Scott Stringer

Jessica Lappin

Cyrus Vance, Jr.

Rosie Mendez

Daniel Garodnick

Steven Smollens

Louise Dankberg

What a night!

 Thank you to everyone who made it out to celebrate the 60th Anniversary of the Samuel J. Tilden Club!

It was a great evening spent at the former home of our namesake, Governor Tilden.  Thank you to everyone for making it a huge success, but a special thanks to our Patrons, our Sponsors, and our wonderful Dinner Committee, including Dinner Chair Paula Schaeffer and Vice-Chair Wil Weder (who secured the National Arts Club as our location).

From the cocktails to the food to the décor of the National Arts Club, it was a fabulous night all around.  We honored two long time Tildenites: Louise Dankberg and Marcia Robinson, along with Attorney General Eric Schneiderman, and Governor Andrew Cuomo.  We were joined by dozens of elected officials and dignitaries.

We set the bar pretty high for future dinners!  But we will continue to have more fun in the decades to come.

See everyone again soon.


Steven Newmark
President, Samuel J. Tilden Democratic Club


On Thursday, March 21st, The Tilden Democratic Club with co-host a forum for the candidates for Manhattan Borough President and Public Advocate for the City of New York. Other co-hosts include the Lexington, Lenox Hill, and Eleanor Roosevelt Democratic Clubs, the Manhattan Young Democrats, and ACT NOW.


Candidates will each have 15 minutes to speak and answer questions. The forum will be held from 7 to 9pm at New York New Church, 114 East 35th St, between Lexinton and Park Avenues.


The candiidates for Manhattan Borough President:


  • Gale Brewer, City Councilmember, CD6
  • Robert Jackson, City Councilmember, CD7
  • Jessica Lappin, City Councilmember, CD5
  • Julie Menin, former Community Board 1 Chair


The candidates for Public Advocate for the City of New York:


  • Dr. Cathy Guerriero, Professor
  • Letitia James, City Councilmember, CD35
  • Reshma Saujani, former Deputy Public Advocate
  • Daniel Squadron, State Senator, D26


SAVE THE DATE: 60th (Diamond) Anniversary Dinner on Thursday, April 25th, 2013 at the National Arts Club

Our Diamond Anniversary will be quite the celebration! We will be having an open full bar service and hors d’oeuvres followed by a sit-down, three course dinner. Our honorees this year are New York Governor Andrew Cuomo, New York State Attorney General Eric Schneiderman, and our very own District Leader Louise Dankberg.
Please join us in celebrating their accomplishments by joining us as a Patron or Sponsor. Your name will appear on the official invitation and in the program. As I am sure you are aware, this is the only fundraiser of the year for Tilden so your support is important to us. Patron tickets are $500 and Sponsor tickets are $300. Please feel free to pass this on to others as well.
Please complete the form below and send it with your check by March 1st to ensure inclusion in the invitation to:

Paula Schaeffer

166 E 35th Street 16C

New York, NY 10016-4149

Email: pschaeffer1@nyc.rr.com

For questions regarding the dinner please call Paula Schaeffer, Dinner Chairperson at 212-889-4791.
*I wish to be a PATRON ($500)____SPONSOR ($300) ____ of the 60th AnniversaryTilden Dinner. Enclosed is my check payable to the Samuel J. Tilden Democratic Club.
NAME (to appear on invitation) _______________________________________
ADDRESS _______________________________________________________
TELEPHONE # (including area code) ____________________________________
ALTERNATE TELEPHONE # (including area code) ___________________________
E-MAIL __________________________________________________________
FAX ____________________________________________________________