Shelley Winfield Wins NYC Council Women’s Award!

Congratulations to Tilden’s own Shelley Winfield, who was presented with the New York City Council’s Women’s Award yesterday evening in a special ceremony. The award recognizes women with vision, trailblazers who embody the entrepreneurial spirit in pursuit of greatness in the public, political or private sectors by harnessing opportunities through their vision that transform all of our lives for the better. Shelley, you have always served Tilden and our community 100%, challenging us to do better and inspring us. We applaud you and this wonderful recognition!

Mark P. Thompson


New Baby! New News!

A huge Tilden “congratulations” to former Tilden President Steve Newmark and Bonnie Starfield (and Harrison Newmark) on the birth of Marley Rosa Newmark. Marley arrived on March 23; it is rumored she arrived holding a green petition and Tilden flashlight pen!

The Annual Dinner on April 23 at the National Arts Club is selling out quickly, so be sure to send in your reservation as soon as possible. If you need more information contact President Mark Thompson at As a reminder, the event will serve as the April monthly meeting.

Our own Genevieve Cervera is undergoing surgery today (3/31), so please keep her in your thoughts. We wish her the best and will provide an update.

We have been invited to the Association of the Bar of the City of NY’s April 28 (6-8 pm) panel discussion on the governance of the City Council. The event will feature many City Council members and other elected officials and special guests, including Borough President Gale Brewer, Councilmembers Levin, Rosenthal and Lander, Public Advocate Tish James, Christopher Collins (formerly of BSA, now with Capalino+Company), Dick Dadey (Citizen’s Union), and Susan Lerner (Common Cause). Please RSVP at by clicking on “Events.”

At our last meeting, Tilden voted unanimously to support Senator Brad Hoylman’s eforts to restore the budget allocation for runaway and homeless youth. Please sign the petition by cut-and-pasting this address: into your browser. It’s important that we show our support!

Our Male District Leader Steve Smollens, who attended Council Member Corey Johnson’s event “Reforming the Rent Guidelines Board,” prepared a very informative summary of the event and the information presented. Since the document exceeds the capacity of this posting, if you would like a copy please contact for a copy.

Save the date May 19 for a bus trip to Albany. Enjoy what should be nice weather (finally!) Upstate and join fellow New Yorkers for a rally to support keeping rent regulations. More information to follow.

And a special shout out to Steve “Eagle Eyes” Smollens and Sandro “Typo” Sherrod!

Happy Holidays!

Mark P. Thompson


Wrap Up, Updates and News

Greetings Tildenites!

Last week’s monthly meeting in the Chapel was exciting, with special guests, reports on many activities, and a resolution. We were joined by Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz, Jr., who discussed many of his projects, including the gun crime registry and development in The Bronx. Since many Tildenites have a personal history with the Borough it led to some fun questions. The BP was accompanied by staffers Dirk McCall and Matt Emrick and provided us with copies of the Bronx Tourism Guide.

Our City Councilman (and former Tilden President) Dan Garodnick and our State Senator Brad Hoylman took the stage to discuss current issues. Dan discussed new parks being created and protection for renters being subjected to new forms of harassment. Brad discussed ethics reform, homeless youth, and the State budget. The dual format made for an exceptionally informative session.

Following up on Brad’s discussion, Housing Committee Chair Shelley Winfield presented a resolution in support of restoring 2015-2016 Executive Budget Funds (from $2.35 million to $4.75 million) for programs to help homeless youth. Special thanks to Janice Plumer for her expertise in crafting the resolution, which passed unanimously, and the Committee for its hard work. DL Steve Smollens provided an insightful discussion and analysis of mutliple housing issues, including the rent reguation situation.

Dan Garodnick is partnering with NY Road Runners for Health & Fitness Sunday March 28 (1-4 pm) at PS 59 (233 East 56th St. between 2nd & 3rd Avenues). The afternon will include fitness events, a nutrition workshop and other fun activities for kids in grades K-6. For more information and to RSVP call Dan’s office at (212) 788-7393 or visit

Remember to RSVP for the Thursday, April 23 Annual Dinner at the National Arts Club. Seating is limited so act now! The Dinner will be doing double-duty as the April meeting. The May meeting will be held off-cycle on Thursday, May 14 to accommodate the petitioning schedule.

Tilden would like to send our best wishes to the several Club members who have been dealing with health issues over the past few months. At least week’s meeting we cheered members Marcia Robinson, Arthur Wolf, Virginia Rosario and Genevieve Cervera. We are thinking of you!

Warmest Regards,

Mark P. Thompson

President, Samuel J. Tilden Democratic Club



March 19 Meeting Agenda Update – Even more excitement!

Monthly Meeting
Thursday, March 19, 2015
7:30 PM
Seafarer’s & International House
NOTE: Meeting will be in Ground Floor Chapel
1. Guest Speaker: Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz, Jr.
2. President’s Report
3. Dinner Committee Update
4. Council Member Daniel Garodnick
5. Housing Committee Report
6. District Leader Report
7. Old/New Business
8. Adjourn

BP Brewer Needs Your Assistance and Rally for Our Schools

Manhattan Borough President Gale Brewer’s Office Requests input on the budget

Each year the Manhattan Borough President submits a report on the Borough’s budget priorities. The Borough President solicits the public’s views and recommendations on the budget’s proposals and the Borough’s capital and service needs. We have been asked to help BP Brewer by filling out the survey through one of the two following links before 5 PM on March 17. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact Sam Levine, First Deputy Director of Budget, at or (212) 669-4814.

Link #1:

Link #2:


Rally for Public Education

Public Advocate Tish James has invited us to a Rally for Public Education this Sunday, March 15, at 1:30 pm in City Hall Park. The purpose of the rally is to demand that New York State fund our schools and respect our teachers. Come join other Tildenites to stand up for our schools.



Mark P. Thompson


Samuel J. Tilden Democratic Club
















Tilden artists in the news!

Congratulations to Tilden members who participated in this week’s Gramercy Neighborhood Associates Annual Community Art Show at the National Arts Club. Tilden Vice President Claude L. Winfield had two works in the show, intricately beaded portraits of musical icons Duke Ellington and John Coltrane. Mant Tildenites attended the show’s Opening Night Reception, which was hosted by Tilden Executive Committee member Alan Krevis, President of Gramercy Neighborhood Associates. The event was featured on the front page of this week’s Town & Village newspaper, and included photographs of Claude and Shelley Winfield (Executive Committee member), Alan Krevis, and Louise Dankberg, our Female District Leader.

Invitation to a Panel Discussion on the City Council

The City Bar Association has invited Tilden members to attend an interesting event about the City Council. If you are interested in attending, please RSVP per the instructions at the end of this page.
Tuesday, April 28, 2015 from 6 pm – 8 pm
Association of the Bar of the City of New York
42 West 44th Street (between 5th & 6th Avenues)
The Committee on New York City Affairs of the City Bar Association invites you to a panel discussion at the Association House from 6-8:00 p.m. on April 28, 2015 addressing the governance of the City Council. The format will be lively and interactive and will provide a forum for the following issues:
1. What impact do the recent amendments to the Council’s Rules (the “Rules”) have upon the Speaker’s powers, independence of Council Members and Committee Chairs, and the effectiveness of the Council in performing its obligations under the Charter?
2. Is a strong Speaker necessary for the Council to act as a check and balance to the Mayor?
3. What further amendments to the Rules are necessary, or should any of the recent amendments be reconsidered?
4. What additional powers, if any, does the Council need to perform its duties effectively and to act as a check and balance to the Mayor?
Manhattan Borough President Gale Brewer
Lobbyist Chris Collins
Citizens Union Executive Director Dick Dadey
Public Advocate Letitia James
Queens Borough President Melinda Katz
Common Cause Executive Director Susan Lerner
City Council Rules Committee Chair Brad Lander
Dean Eric Lane (Counsel/Executive Director Charter Revision Commission 1987-1989)
City Council Member Mark Levine
City Council Member Helen Rosenthal
Former Speaker Peter Vallone
Audrey Isaacs and Robert Brill
RSVP via; click on “Events”; go to April, 2015 calendar; click on 4/28/15 Evolving City Council event; click at bottom right of flier to register

Even in the terrible weather Tildenites are active!

The weather outside may be frightening, but it still can’t keep Tilden members from contributing to our community.

On Tuesday, February 24, the Gramercy Neighborhood Association will hold the Opening Night Reception for its Annual Art Show. Tilden Executive Committee Member Alan Krevis is GNA’s Board President. The Reception will be held at the National Arts Club (15 Gramercy Park South, just off Irving Place) from 6-8 pm; admission is free. The show, which runs from February 24 through February 28, features art work by Tilden Vice-President Claude L. Winfield.

Janice Plumer, Tilden Executive Committee Member, was asked by the Union Square Community Coalition to review the last three years of USCC’s financial records (a major task). Janice recently completed the review.

On Wednesday, Executive Committee Shelley Winfield attended Baruch College’s Newman Institute’s Affordable Housing Conference, along with several other Club members, and spoke during the follow-up to the morning session.

These are just a few of the ways Tilden members are active in our community.