Endorsement Correction
Correction to our last note.
At our last meeting we voted to endorse our own Michelle Winfield for State Committeewoman along with a few incumbents who have let the club know they intend for running for re-election. However at the time of the meeting, the male state committee incumbent had not declared he was running for re-election and the endorsement of his seat was deferred to a later meeting, along with some of the other seats.
We apologize for any confusion, and thank our committed members who pointed out the inconstancy.
Happy Thanksgiving, and we look forward to seeing you at the Holidays for Hope event and in the new year.
State Committee Endorsements and Happy Thanksgiving!
Dear Tildenites,
We are delighted to endorse our own Michelle Winfield for State Committeewoman as well as Michael Farrin for State Committeeman for the 2020 primary!
Wishing you and your family and friends a Happy Thanksgiving.
Please join us for our Holiday Party!
Holidays for Hope (Click link to purchase tickets online or by Check BEFORE the event)
Tilden Holiday Lunch
12/1/2019 1-4 pm @ Paul and Jimmy’s Restaurant 123 E. 18th Ave.
Holidays for Hope Party 12/1! Tilden Endorsements for 2020!
Dear Tildenintes,
We are delighted to notify you that membership voted to endorse Carolyn Maloney for Congress, Harvey Epstein for State Assembly, Brad Hoylman for State Senate and Liz Kruger for State Senate.
Please join us for our Holiday Party!
Holidays for Hope (Click link to purchase tickets online or by Check BEFORE the event)
Tilden Holiday Lunch
12/1/2019 1-4 pm @ Paul and Jimmy’s Restaurant 123 E. 18th Ave.
TIlden Membership meeting Thursday 11/21- 7:30 in the Chapel!
Dear Tildenites,
We hope this email finds you well.
Tilden November General Meeting (Note new time and date)
November 21st, 2019 7:30 pm
Seafarer’s International House at 123 E 15th ST (in the chapel!!)
Holidays for Hope (Click link to purchase tickets online)
Tilden Holiday Lunch
12/1/2019 1-4 pm
Presidential Debate Watch Party Wednesday 11/20!
Dear Tildenites,
We hope this email finds you well. Looking forward to our debate watch party! We are co-hosting with our sister club, Eleanor Roosevelt Democratic Club!
Tilden Presidential Debate Watch Party
Wednesday 11/20 8pm-10pm
Shades of Green-125 E 15th St, New York, NY 10003
See you there!
Ahsia Badi, President
Vote today November 5th!
Vote today!
Find your polling site here
Please vote for Jumane Williams for Public Advocate.
The club has endorsed yes votes for ballot measures 1 and 5.
Ahsia Badi
President, Tilden Democrats
November Tilden events
Dear Tildenites,
We hope this email finds you well.
We have a packed few months!
Tilden Presidential Debate Watch Party
Wednesday 11/20 8pm-10pm
Shades of Green-125 E 15th St, New York, NY 10003
Tilden November General Meeting (Note time and date)
November 21st, 2019 7pm
Seafarer’s International House at 123 E 15th ST
Holidays for Hope (Click link to purchase tickets online)
Tilden Holiday Lunch
12/1/2019 1-4 pm
October Tilden meeting this Thursday 10/24
Dear members,
See you Thursday!
Tilden October General Meeting October 24th, 7:30 pm.
Seafarer’s International House at 123 E 15th ST
-Call to Order
-Adoption of Agenda
-President’s Report
-Discussion: November 4th Ballot initiatives
-Discussion: Tilden bylaw improvements in order to ease and modernize membership and renewal procedures (approved by Executive September 26)
-Committees reports
-State Committeewoman Report
-President Report
-District Leader Report
-Old/New business
Save the Date: December 1st Holiday Party and April 2nd 2020 for our Annual Gala.
Request from Assemblymember Harvey Espstein’s Youth Council and Junior Tilden Member- Antalya Badi
Know any public school student? Right now, public school students are eligible to full fare, three-ride MetroCards. However, Student MetroCards are only valid to use between 5:30 am – 8:30 pm. State Assemblymember Harvey Epstein’s Youth Council is working toward extending student MetroCard time restrictions. Please help us collect data on this issue by filling out this form and sharing it with your friends! Please share this link!
Ahsia Badi, President
Tilden October news, debate watch, general meeting and student survey
Dear Tilden,
Looking forward to seeing you in this busy month.
Tilden Presidential Debate Watch Party Tuesday, October 15th! 8pm
Shades of Green
125 E 15th St, New York, NY 10003
Tilden October General Meeting October 24th, 7:30 pm.
Seafarer’s International House at 123 E 15th ST
-Call to Order
-Adoption of Agenda
-President’s Report
-Discussion: November 4th Ballot initiatives
-Discussion: Tilden bylaw improvements in order to ease and modernize membership and renewal procedures (approved by Executive September 26)
-Committees reports
-President’s Report
-State Committeewoman Report
-President Report
-District Leader Report
-Old/New business
Save the Date: December 1st Holiday Party and April 2nd 2020 for our Annual Gala.
Request from Assemblymember Harvey Espstein’s Youth Council and Junior Tilden Member- Antalya Badi
Know any public school student? Right now, public school students are eligible to full fare, three-ride MetroCards. However, Student MetroCards are only valid to use between 5:30 am – 8:30 pm. State Assemblymember Harvey Epstein’s Youth Council is working toward extending student MetroCard time restrictions. Please help us collect data on this issue by filling out this form and sharing it with your friends! Please share this link!
Ahsia Badi, President