Debate Watch Party this Thursday 9/12/19 and September updates

Tilden Presidential Debate Watch Parties
Thursday 9/12  8 pm-11 pm
Shades of Green
125 E 15th St, New York, NY 10003
Watching with other Dems is so much fun! After the great success of our last watch party, we are holding another one for both nights! Come watch with us as we get ready for 2020!

Tilden Member John “Butch” Purcell will be honored by Stuyvesant Town 9/25 at 10 am. Playground 9 will be named in his honor. The naming ceremony will on September 25th at 10 am. We should all come out to support our own Butch for this well-deserved honor!

Tilden September General Meeting September 26th 7:30 pm.
Seafarer’s International House at 123 E 15th ST 7 pm

Tonight we will have a special visit by Congresswoman Maloney’s Chief of Staff Sarah Hughes
1. Call to Order
2. Adoption of Agenda
3. Committees reports by Chairs of
• Donations
• Membership
• Housing
• Dinner/Gala
4. State Committeewoman Report
5. District Leader Report
6. Old/New business

In addition, the following advertisement appeared in Town & Village from the Stuy Tenant’s Association regarding the City’s planned Eastside Coastal Resiliency Project.


Ahsia Badi



Join Tilden


September Tilden General Meeting

Dear Tildenites,

We hope you’ve had a wonderful and restful Labor Day weekend.  We all commemorate the collective power of America’s Labor movements.   America’s Unions have worked together to help organize and make America work better for us all. 

A few quick items to note:

Tilden Member John “Butch” Purcell will be honored by Stuyvesant Town on September 25th.  Playground 9 will be named in his honor. The naming ceremony will on  September 25th at 10 am. We should all come out to support our own Butch for this well-deserved honor!

Our amazing Tilden member and District Leader for the past 25 years,  Louise Dankeberg was re-elected Chair of the New York County Executive Committee.

Many congrats to them both!

Tilden  September General Meeting September 26th 7:30 pm. Seafarer’s International House at 123 E 15th ST 7 pm

Tonight we will have a special visit by Congresswoman Maloney and her Chief of Staff Sarah Hughes

  1. Call to Order
  2. Adoption of Agenda
  3. Committees reports by Chair a. Donations b. Membership c. Housing d. Dinner/Gala
  4. State Committeewoman Report
  5. District Leader Report
  6. Old/New business
  7. Adjournment


Ahsia Badi, President



Join Tilden

Save the Date: Tilden Holiday Party 12/1 at Paul and Jimmie’s

Debate watch party and Supreme court forum

Tilden Presidential Debate Watch Parties
Tuesday 7/30 and Wednesday 7/31   8 pm
Shades of Green
125 E 15th St, New York, NY 10003
Watching with other Dems is so much fun! After the great success of our last watch party, we are holding another one for both nights! Come watch with us as we get ready for 2020!

2019 State Supreme Court Candidates East Side Forum
Tuesday, August 6, 2019, 6:30-8:30 PM
New Church, 114 East 35th Street (between Park and Lexington Avenues).

Passing of Pat Levenson

Dear friends;

It is with deep sadness we are emailing to note the passing of our wonderful friend Pat Levenson. Pat passed away peacefully during the early hours of Friday, July 19.

In keeping with her wishes Pat’s privacy was respected during the past few weeks.   Pat remained strong and was alert until her final hours, with almost no pain as she retained her brilliant wit, dignity and calmness.

Her family is in our thoughts.

There will be a celebration of Pat’s life in the Fall. Information regarding a memorial fund in her honor will be forthcoming shortly.


Ahsia Badi, President



Petitioning Wrap Up Party

Once again, as a thanks to our hard working volunteer petitioners, we will be having a thank you party to celebrate your rolling up of your sleeves to get good, progressive candidates on the ballot and in office.


Tilden Petitioning Wrap Up Party
Tuesday, July 9th,  6-8 pm
Citizens of Gramercy
362 Second Avenue and 21st Street

Those who petitioned with Tilden petitions enjoy complimentary access, all else are $40. Please RSVP to Michelle D. Winfield to confirm your attendance.

We look forward to seeing you there!

Sandro Sherrod
District Leader

GOTV for Grace Park and Dem Debate watch!

Dear TIldenites,

We all are out and about this weekend to help get our Civil court Candidate Grace Park Elected.

Check out this wonderful poem by our Tildenite Carol Rinzler in support of Grace Park.

Join Dan Garodnick on Monday at 5:15! Meet at 23rd St. and 1st. Ave. at 5:15 pm and parade to 14th St. and 1st. Ave.
Please contact Louise for other times to GOTV.

If anyone can GOTV or pamphlet, they should contact Joanna Saccone,
(917)-975-3611 or to arrange places and times.

On Election Day Joanna will be at the Starbucks at 1st Avenue and 23rd street if anyone wants stop by and volunteer.

Victory Party!
At The Globe, 158 East 23rd, between 3rd and Park Avenue South. Starting 9:00 pm.

NY State Primary June 25, 2019

Tilden Presidential Debate Watch Party Wednesday, June 26th! 
Shades of Green
125 E 15th St, New York, NY 10003
9 pm
Tilden members get a free drink! Snacks provided. Come watch with other Dems as we get ready for 2020! Bring a friend!. New members get a free drink too!

June Tilden Meeting (Cancelled)

Save the Date! East side Supreme Court Judicial Forum 
Aug. 5th at 6:30pm


Ahsia Badi, President

June News and Events – Updated

Dear TIldenites,

Looking forward to a wonderful June with some great events

Criminal Justice Reform Forum (Joint ERDC/GSID/Tilden event)
Special speaker Janos Dev Marton, State Campaign Manager, ACLU
Note there will be NO Tilden meeting that night) 
When 6/20/2019 7pm
Where: New Church 114 E. 35th St.

NY State Primary June 25, 2019 We are getting out the vote for our candidate Grace Park. Please reach out to Louise if you would like to help volunteer.

Tilden Presidential Debate Watch Party Wednesday, June 26th! 
Shades of Green
125 E 15th St, New York, NY 10003
8 pm
Tilden members get a free drink! Snacks provided. Come watch with other Dems as we get ready for 2020! Bring a friend!. New members get a free drink too!

June Tilden Meeting (Cancelled)

Save the Date! East side Supreme Court Judicial Forum 
Aug. 8th at 6:30pm


Ahsia Badi, President

Dear TIldenites,

Looking forward to a wonderful June with some great events

Criminal Justice Reform Forum (Joint ERDC/GSID/Tilden event)
Special speaker Janos Dev Marton, State Campaign Manager, ACLU
Note there will be NO Tilden meeting that night)
When 6/20/2019 7pm
Where: New Church 114 E. 35th St.

NY State Primary June 25, 2019 We are getting out the vote for our candidate Grace Kim. Please reach out to Louise if you would like to help volunteer.

Tilden Presidential Debate Watch Party
Shades of Green
125 E 15th St, New York, NY 10003
8 pm
Tilden members get a free drink! Snacks provided. Come watch with other Dems as we get ready for 2020! Bring a friend!. New members get a free drink too!

June Tilden Meeting (Cancelled)

Save the Date! East side Supreme Court Judicial Forum
Aug. 8th at 6:30pm


Ahsia Badi, President


Join Tilden

Local Community Events in our District
CB6 Senior Resource Fair
On Thursday, June 20th from 3 PM to 7 PM at Baruch College’s Multi-Purpose Room 1-107. CB6 will hold a Senior Resource Fair that offers information on rent assistance, caregiver support, blood pressure, cholesterol, and diabetes screenings, vision tests, and mental health resources. To RSVP please click here or call 212-319-3750 and click here to view the flyer.

June Tilden Events

Dear TIldenites,

Ramdan Kareem and an early Eid Al-Fitr Mubarak to those that celebrate!

Looking forward to a wonderful June with some great events

Tilden Street Fair Sunday June 9th, 2019 11 am-4 pm at 30th and 3rd avenue.

Criminal Justice Reform Talk
Special speaker Janos Dev Marton, State Campaign Manager, ACLU
Co-sponsored with sister clubs GSID/ERDC

When 6/20/2019 7pm
Where: New Church 114 E. 35th St.

Janos Dev Marton works on #SmartJustice which is committed to cutting the US jail and prison population in half, and reducing racial disparities. They seek to center the voices directly impacted leaders in driving legislation, pending prosecutor and parole practices, and influencing elections across the country.

June Tilden Meeting

When: 6/27/2019 7pm
Where: Seafarers International House

Save the Date

NY State Primary June 25, 2019
Tilden Presidential Debate Watch Partys June 25th and 26th! Location info to come.


Ahsia Badi, President


Join Tilden

Local Community Events in our District

Kips Bay Library Free Events for Adults and Kids
Through June at 446 3rd Avenue (at 31st Street). The Kips Bay Library is offering free movie screenings and exercise classes for adults, as well as read-alouds and movies for kids. Click here to view the adult calendar and kids calendar for May as well as the adult calendar and kids calendar for June.

Stuyvesant Park Summer Events 
Through August at 9 Rutherford Place (at 16th Street). Stuyvesant Park Neighborhood Association is offering jazz, tango, stargazing, and outdoor movies for kids. For more information please visit, or click here.

NYU Langone Public Health Events
NYU Langone is offering a variety of free public health events this month. These events provide screenings, education, and much more. Click here to view NYU Langone’s public health events for the month of May.

Bi-weekly Gardening Club at Stuyvesant Square Park
Every Tuesday and Thursday from 10 AM to 12 PM in Stuyvesant Square Park (17th -15th Street at 2nd Avenue) This club meets twice a week to garden in the park. For more information,

Exhibition on How Subway Cars Become Artificial Reefs
Now through June 16 at The New York Transit Museum’s gallery space in Grand Central Terminal. At this space, 19 photographs of images of the New York City Subway’s reefing program will be displayed, free of charge. Click here for more details.

Upcoming Voter Registration Deadlines
There is a primary on Tuesday, June 25, and polls will be open from 6 AM to 9 PM that day. However, in order to vote in the June 25 election, there are several deadlines that voters should be aware of:

  • A mailed application to register to vote must be postmarked no later than May 31st, and received by a board of elections no later than June 5th.
  • The application or letter of application by mail for an absentee ballot must be postmarked by June 18th.
  • June 24th is the last day that someone can apply in-person at a board of elections office for an absentee ballot, and it is also the last day that a ballot can be postmarked.
  • June 25th is the last day that a ballot can be delivered in-person to a board of elections (by someone other than the voter).

Jazz Concert at Asser Levy Recreation Center
Friday, May 31 from 6 PM to 7:30 PM at Asser Levy Recreation Center (392 Asser Levy Place). This concert will be with ten-time Grammy nominated artist
Ginetta M. She, who plays pocket trumpet, sings and composes in addition to leading her band. To RSVP, please visit To learn more about the concert, please view the event flyer here.

It’s My Park Day at Union Square Park
Saturday, June 1 from 10 AM to 1 PM at Union Square Park. On the park’s center lawn, there will be a celebration of parks, nature, and sustainability. Click on the Eventbrite page for this It’s My Park Day for more details and to register.

Murray Hill Neighborhood Association Street Festival
Saturday, June 1 from 11 AM to 6 PM on the west side of Park Avenue between 34th and 40th Streets. This festival, which will be organized by the Murray Hill Neighborhood Association, will have live entertainment, walking tours of Historic Murray Hill, unique purchases from local vendors, many chances to win quality prizes, a book table, a flea market, an opportunity to learn about neighborhood activities, a bake table, and food vendors. To learn more, view the flyer for the street festival here.

Family Fun Day at St. Vartan Park
Saturday, June 1 from 12 PM to 3 PM at St. Vartan Park. NYC Parks and Council Member Keith Powers will have an afternoon of crafts, games, carnival booths, inflatables, transformation face painting with Agostino Arts, an obstacle course, a photo booth, and more. Click here for more information on this Family Fun Day.

Workshop for Growing Your Park Group
Monday, June 3 from 6:30 PM to 8:30 PM at the Southbridge Towers Community Room at 100 Gold Street. This workshop is intended to help people discover creative and strategic ways to seek out new members for their park groups and help them develop as leaders in the work to help transform park space. Click here to register.

Later Life Planning Workshop: Medicare 
Monday, June 3 from 6 PM to 8 PM  at Weill Cornell Medicine, Belfer Research Building (413 East 69th Street, Room 204). Join Erica Hasuman, HIICAP Outreach Coordinator from the NYC Department for the Aging for a session on Medicare.  To RSVP for each session, or for further information, please click here or call 212-490-9535.

8th Annual NYU Community Health Forum
Wednesday, June 5 from 11 AM to 2 PM at the NYU Kimmel Center, Rosenthal Pavilion at 60 Washington Square South, 10th Floor.  The theme of the forum is “Your Pain Matters – Understanding and Speaking About Chronic Pain.” At the forum, there will be an expo with a variety of health services, followed by a panel discussion on important wellness issues, including chronic pain issues. To learn more about the forum and to RSVP, click here.

Open Houses on East Side Coastal Resiliency Project
Wednesday, June 5 from 4 PM to 8 PM and Thursday, June 6 from 2 PM to 8 PM at Peter Cooper Village (360 First Avenue – Lower Level, the entrance on east side of 1st Avenue at East 21st Street). This is an opportunity to learn about the current plans for flood protection along Manhattan’s Lower East Side, as well as planned park improvements. City agencies will be available to answer questions. Click here to view the flyer in English and Chinese, and here to view the flyer in English and Spanish.

4th Annual FDNY LGBTQ Pride Celebration Block Party 
Thursday, June 6th from 6 PM to 9 PM at Spring Street between Hudson Street and Varick Street. Join The New York City Fire Department at a block party hosted by the fabulous Tym Moss featuring live music, distinguished honorees, DJ and dancing, food and drinks, photo opportunities with FDNY Mascots Siren and Hot Dog, and much more. To learn more about the block party, please view the event flyer here.

Manhattan Gender Equity Summit
Thursday, June 6th from 6 PM to 9 PM at the Department of Records, 31 Chambers Street (between Elk and Centre Street). The Commission on Gender Equity will host a discussion on gender equity and diversity. To learn more about the discussion, please view the event flyer here.

Pickleball Festival at St. Vartan Park
Saturday, June 8th from 8 AM to 5 PM at St. Vartan Park. At the festival, attendees can meet other Pickleball enthusiasts in for a day of competition, open play, clinics, guest speakers, prizes and much more. Pickleball equipment will be provided. To learn more about the festival, please view the event flyer here.

Crackdown on Sexual Harassment: What You Need to Know 
Thursday, June 13th at 6:30 PM at The Metropolitan Museum of Art (entrance at 5th Avenue and East 81st Street). The Women and Families Committee of Manhattan Community Board 8 invites you to a special public forum featuring Cyrus Vance Jr., Dana Sussman, and Rick Rossein. To learn more about the forum, please view the event flyer here.

LGBT Pride Stonewall 50
Monday, June 17 at 6 PM at The Joyce Theater in New York City (175 Eighth Avenue (at 19th Street). Join the City Council LGBT Caucus in a Celebration of LGBT Pride! To RSVP, email or call (212) 482-4122. To view the event flyer click here.

Later Life Planning Workshop: Important Documents
Monday, June 17 from 6 PM to 8 PM  at Weill Cornell Medicine, Belfer Research Building (413 East 69th Street, Room 204). Join Ronald Fatoullah, Esq. Ronald Fatoullah and Associates for a session on  Important Documents: Wills, Health Care Proxies, Living Wills and Power of Attorney. To RSVP for each session, or for further information, please click here or call 212-490-9535.

CB6 Senior Resource Fair
On Thursday, June 20th from 3 PM to 7 PM at Baruch College’s Multi-Purpose Room 1-107. CB6 will hold a Senior Resource Fair that offers information on rent assistance, caregiver support, blood pressure, cholesterol, and diabetes screenings, vision tests, and mental health resources. To RSVP please click here or call 212-319-3750 and click here to view the flyer.

NYU Langone Heart Health Lecture on Air Travel, Cellphones, and Radiation
Thursday, June 20th from 6 PM to 7 PM at the NYU Langone Health Science Building (435 East 30th Street, in SB 1 03 Seminar Room). NYU Langone’s Center for the Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease offers free educational events throughout the year through its Heart Health Lecture Series, a patient education initiative that focuses on topics related to helping people take control of their heart health and work toward a healthier future. This lecture will discuss whether there is a health risk with air travel, cellphones, and radiation. Click here to learn more about the Heart Health Lecture Series, and click here to view the flyer for the June lecture.

Is NYC Ready for a Green New Deal?
Thursday, June 20th from 6 PM to 8 PM at the Abrons Arts Center (466 Grand Street). The Manhattan Solid Waste Advisory Board is holding the first in a series of conversations on the implications of the Green New Deal for NYC with a diverse panel of experts. For more information, please click here

“Art Inspired By” Series at Asser Levy Recreation Center
June 21 from 6 PM to 8 PM at Asser Levy Recreation Center (392 Asser Levy Place). On this date, people can create their own masterpieces inspired by work from famous artists. The series will include an overview of the artist and then a workshop. The April 19th event focused on work from Andy Warhol, the May 17 event focused on work from Curtis King, and the June 21 event will focus on work from Frida Kahlo. For more information, click here.

Later Life Planning Workshop: Palliative Care Hospice, and Your Family
Monday, June 24 from 6 PM to 8 PM  at Weill Cornell Medicine, Belfer Research Building (413 East 69th Street, Room 204). Join Ronald Adelman, Co-Chief, Division of Geriatrics and Palliative Care, Weill Cornell Medicine for a session on Palliative Care Hospice, and Your Family. To RSVP for each session, or for further information, please clicker here or call 212-490-9535.

Council Member Keith Powers Mobile Office Hours
Thursday, June 27 from 12 PM to 2 PM at Stuyvesant Town Community Center (449 East 14th Street). These mobile office hours are an opportunity for people to sit down with representatives from Council Member Powers’ office to talk about issues you care about and work toward solutions. For any questions on these office hours, contact

Free Bike Helmet Fitting with Department of Transportation, Sponsored by Council Member Keith Powers
Saturday, June 29 from 12 PM to 3 PM at the First Avenue Loop, Playground 9 (between 16th and 18th Streets). Attendees will be able to get custom-fitted, free bicycle helmets so that people can stay safe when riding around.

NYC Pride March
Sunday, June 30th at noon (march will start at 26th Street and 5th Avenue). This march, which is a celebration of the LGBTQ+ community, is the biggest Pride celebration in the world. For more details, please click here. For a map of the march’s route, please click here.

National Night Out
National Night Out, which is a  a community-police awareness-raising event in the United States, will be held on Tuesday, August 6 from 5 PM to 8 PM. The NYPD 13th Precinct National Night Out will be held at the MS 104 Playground at 20th Street and 2nd Avenue at that date and time (a flyer on the 13th Precinct National Night Out can be found here). More details on the NYPD 17th Precinct National Night Out are still to come.

Next week’s Tilden General Meeting (May 16th)

May 16th Thursday at 7 pm (note date and time)
Seafarer’s International House at 123 E 15th ST 7 pm
Special speaker Council Member Brad Lander will speak about: Civic Engagement Commission and the Charter Revision. Jt. With ERDC/GSID clubs.

Following the Talk- Tilden will meet for the following agenda:

  1. Call to Order
  2. Adoption of Agenda
  3. Donation committee presents our 2019 Donations to:
    • Stuyvesant Park Neighborhood Association
    • Jazz Standard’s Jazz Discovery Program
  4. Discussion of Decriminalization of Marijuana Legislation
  5. Committees reports by Chair
    a. Donations
    b. Membership
    c. Housing
    d. Dinner/Gala
  6. State Committeewoman Report
  7. District Leader Report
  8. Old/New business
  9. Adjournment


Ahsia Badi, President


Join Tilden

Local Community Events in our District

Kips Bay Library Free Events for Adults and Kids
Through May at 446 3rd Avenue (at 31st Street). The Kips Bay Library is offering free movie screenings and exercise classes for adults, as well as read-alouds and movies for kids. Click here to view the adult calendar and kids calendar for May.

NYU Langone Public Health Events
NYU Langone is offering a variety of free public health events this month. These events provide screenings, education, and much more. Click here to view NYU Langone’s public health events for the month of May.

Bi-weekly Gardening Club at Stuyvesant Square Park
Every Tuesday and Thursday from 10 AM to 12 PM in Stuyvesant Square Park (17th -15th Street at 2nd Avenue) This club meets twice a week to garden in the park. For more information, email

Democracy Civics Series at Tompkins Square Library
Thursdays between April 4 and May 16 at Tompkins Square Library (331 East 10th Street) at 5:30 PM. Each event in this series will involve community conversations where people learn how federal, state, and local governments are structured and how you can make an impact. Each event in this series is free.
Each event in this series is free. For more information, please view the flyer for the series here.

East Side Coastal Resiliency Project Community Open Houses
May 14 from 4 PM to 8 PM and May 15 from 2 PM to 8 PM at the Lower Eastside Girls Club at 402 East 8th Street (at Avenue D). At the event, local residents are encouraged to stop by to learn more about current plans for flood protection along Manhattan’s Lower East Side and planned park improvements. City agencies and members of the design team will be at these open houses to explain and answer questions.
 For more details, please view the event flyer here.

Panel Discussion on Congestion Pricing
Tuesday, May 14 from 6 PM to 8 PM at the Henry George School of Social Science on 149 East 38th Street (East 38th Street between Lexington and 3rd Avenues). The panelists will discuss congestion pricing in New York as well as the potential challenges this policy faces.
For more information on the event and to register, please click here.

13th Precinct Sector D Build the Block Meeting
Tuesday, May 14 at 7 PM (doors open at 6:30 PM) at the Kips Bay Community Center at 485 1st Avenue (enter on 29th Street). At this meeting the Neighborhood Coordination Officers (NCOs) will hold a discussion on the public safety challenges in the area. Click here for more information.

“Art Inspired By” Series at Asser Levy Recreation Center
May 17 and June 21 from 6 PM to 8 PM at Asser Levy Recreation Center (392 Asser Levy Place). On these three dates, people can create their own masterpieces inspired by work from famous artists. The series will include an overview of the artist and then a workshop. The April 19th event will focus on work from Andy Warhol, the May 17 event will focus on work from Curtis King, and the June 21 event will focus on work from Frida Kahlo. For more information, click here.

It’s My Park Days in Community District Six
It’s My Park Days are times when people come together each year to volunteer and celebrate their neighborhood parks. Here are the upcoming It’s My Park Days in Community District Six:

  • Stuyvesant Square Park: Saturday, May 18 from 9:30 AM to 12:30 PM.
  • East River Esplanade: Saturday, May 18 from 9:30 AM to 12:30 PM.
  • Bellevue South Park and KBK9 Dog Park (on Mount Carmel Place and East 27th Street): Saturday, May 18 from 10 AM to 1 PM; volunteers will meet in the center of the park.
  • Vincent Albano Park and Playground (2nd Avenue and East 29th Street): Sunday, May 19 from 9:30 AM until 2 PM.

Celebrating Spring at the Alice Aycock Pavilion 
May 18, June 1 and June 8 from 1 PM to 4 PM at the Alice Aycock Pavilion (60th Street and the East River Waterfront Esplanade). On these dates, Friends Of the East River Esplanade (60th to 120th Streets) will be celebrating spring with holding art activities from The Craft Studio, free ice cream, face painting, live music, and more. For more information, view this flyer. For updated information, in the event that there is rain and one of these dates may need to be postponed or canceled due to weather, click here.

Opportunity to Shred Old Papers
Sunday, May 19 from 10 AM to 4 PM. During this time, the NYC Department of Consumer Affairs will host their 12th Annual Citywide Shredfest Identity Theft Prevention event at Union Square and other locations throughout the five boroughs. Participants can bring old bank statements, old pay stubs, credit card applications and other papers with personal identifying information to be shredded, free of charge. For more details, view the event flyer here.

Celebration of the Life of Former Stuyvesant Park Neighborhood Association President Rosalee O’Hanley Isaly
Sunday, May 19th at 4 PM at the Stuyvesant Square Park West Fountain (near Rutherford Place and the 16th Street gate). The Stuyvesant Park Neighborhood Association will be celebrating the life of their late President, Rosalee O’Hanley Isaly, with a memorial tree dedication and remembrances. Speakers will include members of Isaly’s family and William Castro, the Manhattan Borough Commissioner of the NYC Department of Parks and Recreation. People can view the flyer for the tree dedication and remembrances here.

CB6 Forum on Combating Hate Crimes Through Education
On Monday, May 20th at 6:30 PM, CB6’s Housing, Homeless, & Human Rights Committee is hosting a forum at Baruch College’s Engleman Recital Hall on combating hate crimes through education. Council Member Mark Levine will moderate a panel discussion on the topic. View the event flyer here and RSVP for the event here.

Day of Games for Senior Citizens
Wednesday, May 22 from 11 AM to 2 PM at Asser Levy Recreation Center (392 Asser Levy Place, or off 23rd Street between 1st Avenue and the FDR Drive). This day is an opportunity for senior citizens to join the Asser Levy Recreation Center for a day of sports that will include basketball, pickle ball, volleyball, track and field, and tennis. This event is free, but an RSVP is needed. To RSVP, email To find out more information about the expo, view the event flyer here.

Forum on the Diversity of New York City’s Neighborhoods and Schools
Tuesday, May 28 from 4 PM to 7:30 PM at the NYU Kimmel Center (60 Washington Square South). The event will feature the release of the NYU Furman Center’s State of New York City’s Housing and Neighborhoods in 2018 report, which examines the connection between neighborhood racial diversity and racial diversity in traditional public primary schools. Panelists at this event  the implications of this relationship for neighborhoods, schools, and New York City. For more information or to RSVP, click here.

Jewish Heritage Month Celebration
Tuesday, May 28 from 6 PM to 8 PM at the Museum of Jewish Heritage (36 Battery Place). This celebration, which is sponsored by the Office of NYC Comptroller Scott Stringer, will honor Chanie Apfelbaum (Founder of Busy in Brooklyn), Joel Grey (Academy Award, Oscar and Tony Award Winner), and Mark Hetfield (President and CEO of HIAS). To RSVP, click here or call 212-669-4466

Council Member Keith Powers Mobile Office Hours
Thursday, May 30 from 12 PM to 2 PM at Stuyvesant Town Community Center (449 East 14th Street). These mobile office hours are an opportunity for people to sit down with representatives from Council Member Powers’ office to talk about issues you care about and work toward solutions. For any questions on these office hours, contact

Jazz Concert at Asser Levy Recreation Center
Friday, May 31 from 6 PM to 7:30 PM at Asser Levy Recreation Center (392 Asser Levy Place). This concert will be with ten-time Grammy nominated artist
Ginetta M. She, who plays pocket trumpet, sings and composes in addition to leading her band. To RSVP, please visit To learn more about the concert, please view the event flyer here.