Tilden Group Petitioning Dates

Thursday June 8th – 4:30 pm 16th St. and 1st. Ave. Stuyvesant Town

Friday June 9th – Morton William Supermarket 5 pm- 23rd St. Bet. 1st. and 2nd Aves.

Sunday June 11th – Tilden Street Fair – 3rd Ave. bet. 27th and 28th Its. 11 am – 4 pm

Monday June 12th – 4:30 pm D’Agostinos 25th St. and 3rd Ave.

Thursday June 15th – 21 St. and 3rd Ave. NE Corner 5 pm

Wednesday June 21  – 4:45 pm, 20th St. and 1st Ave. outside Have restaurant

Friday June 23rd – 5 pm Morton William Supermarket 5 pm 23rd St. bet. 1st. and 2nd Aves.

Monday June 26th 4:30 pm CVS 3rd Ave. bet. 21st and 22nd Sts.

Thursday June 29th – 5 pm Duane Reade – 18th St. and 3rd Ave.

Monday July 10th – 5 pm. 14th St. and 3rd Ave. outside 5 Napkin  Burger

Of course, please go out at other times with Michelle Winfield and other Tilden members.  It’s more fun in groups.  Please bring your clip boards, Tilden button and voter registration forms to all petition events.

Our Petition Wrap Party is on Monday July 17th, location TBA.  Your entrance fee is 2 completed petition sheets (one for Citywide and Countywide candidates and one for our candidates, City Council and Civil Court Judges), or $35 in cash.

Please remember we are petitioning for County Committee, City Council Members Carlina Rivera and Keith Powers, Civil Court Judges RICHARD TSAI AND PHAEDRA PERRY, District Leaders Sandro Sherrod and Louise Dankberg, Judicial Delegates and Alternates.

Happy Petitioning and summer!

#1 Club in New York!

Democratically yours,

Greg Martello, President

TILDEN NOTICE of Upcoming Events


of Upcoming Events

05/30/2017                   Executive Committee Meeting at 6 pm

at Seafarers International House

123 East 15th Street at Irving Place, 2nd Floor

06/05/2017                   Petition Handouts to volunteers for club petitioning

at 7:00 pm at Seafarers International House

123 East 15th Street at Irving Place, New York, N.Y.

06/06/2017                   First day of petitioning

various locations to be announced

06/11/2017                   Tilden Street Fair between 11:00 am – 4:00 pm

Exact location to be announced

06/15/2017                   Tilden Regular Club Meeting and Annual Summer

Break Party at 7:00pm at Seafarers International

House, 123 East 15th Street at Irving Place, 2nd Floor

06/29/2017                   First Tilden Collection of Petitions at 7:00 pm

at Seafarers International House, 123 East 15th

Street at Irving Place, on the 1st Floor Chapel

07/11/2017                   Second Tilden Collection of Petitions at 7:00 pm

at Seafarers International House, 123 East 15th

Street at Irving Place, 2nd Floor

07/13/2017                   Tilden Filing of Petitions

07/17/2017                   Tilden Petition Wrap Up Party

Venue to be announced

#1 Club in New York!

Democratically yours,

Greg Martello, President

TILDEN NOTICE – Executive Committee Meeting – Thursday, May 30, 2017 at 6:00 PM


Executive Committee Meeting

Thursday, May 30, 2017

6:00 PM

Seafarer’s & International House


1.   Call to Order

2.  Discussion of

a.  Committees

b.  Formation of Committees

c.  Committee Agendas

3.  Motion to Adjourn

Please note: All members are invited to attend. Your presence and participation is always welcome. Only Executive Committee Members however will be allowed to sit and vote on committees formed.

#1 Club in New York!

Democratically yours,

Greg Martello, President

TILDEN NOTICE of Upcoming Events


of Upcoming Events

05/30/2017                   Executive Committee Meeting at 6 pm

at Seafarers International House

123 East 15th Street at Irving Place, 2nd Floor


06/05/2017                   Petition Handouts to volunteers for club petitioning

at 7:00 pm at Seafarers International House

123 East 15th Street at Irving Place, New York, N.Y.


06/06/2017                   First day of petitioning

various locations to be announced


06/11/2017                   Tilden Street Fair between 11:00 am – 4:00 pm

Exact location to be announced


06/15/2017                   Tilden Regular Club Meeting and Annual Summer

Break Party at 7:00pm at Seafarers International

House, 123 East 15th Street at Irving Place, 2nd Floor


06/29/2017                   First Tilden Collection of Petitions at 7:00 pm

at Seafarers International House, 123 East 15th

Street at Irving Place, on the 1st Floor Chapel


07/11/2017                   Second Tilden Collection of Petitions at 7:00 pm

at Seafarers International House, 123 East 15th

Street at Irving Place, 2nd Floor


07/13/2017                   Tilden Filing of Petitions


07/17/2017                   Tilden Petition Wrap Up Party

Venue to be announced


#1 Club in New York!

Democratically yours,

Greg Martello, President

TILDEN NOTICE – Executive Committee Meeting – Thursday, May 30, 2017 at 6:00 PM


Executive Committee Meeting

Thursday, May 30, 2017

6:00 PM

Seafarer’s & International House


1.   Call to Order

2.  Discussion of

a.  Committees

b.  Formation of Committees

c.  Committee Agendas

3.  Motion to Adjourn

Please note: All members are invited to attend. Your presence and participation is always welcome. Only Executive Committee Members however will be allowed to sit and vote on committees formed.

#1 Club in New York!

Democratically yours,

Greg Martello, President

Tilden 2017 Endorsements

Samuel J. Tilden Democratic Club braved the sweltering heat last night to endorse citywide an council candidates. Endorsement Night for public and Party offices.  The Club voted to endorse the following candidates:

Bill de Blasio

Letitia James

Scott Stringer

Gale Brewer

Cyrus Vance, Jr.

Carlina Rivera

Keith Powers

Sandro Sherrod

Louise Dankberg

TILDEN NOTICE: Samuel J. Tilden May Endorsement Meeting – Thursday, May 18, 2017 7:00 PM (New Time)


Samuel J. Tilden

May Endorsement Meeting

Thursday, May 18, 2017

7:00 PM (New Time)

Seafarer’s & International House

123 E 15th St, New York, NY 10003


    1. Call  to Order
    2. President’s Report
    3. District Leader’s Report
    4. Endorsement Votes
    5. Results of Endorsement Votes
    6. Old/New Business
    7. Motion to Adjourn

Louise Dankberg and Sandro Sherrod as District Leaders of the 74th A.D, Part C

#1 Club in New York!

Democratically yours,

Greg Martello, President

TILDEN NOTICE: Samuel J. Tilden May Endorsement Meeting – Thursday, May 18, 2017 (Time to be announced)


Samuel J. Tilden

May Endorsement Meeting

Thursday, May 18, 2017

(Time to be announced)

Seafarer’s & International House

123 E 15th St, New York, NY 10003


  1. Call to Order
  2. President’s Report
  3. District Leader’s Report
  4. Endorsement Votes
  5. Results of Endorsement Votes
  6. Old/New Business
  7. Motion to Adjourn

Louise Dankberg and Sandro Sherrod as District Leaders of the 74th A.D, Part C

#1 Club in New York!

Democratically yours,

Greg Martello, President