Can’t wait to see everyone tonight!
Samuel J. Tilden Democratic Club
74th Assembly District Part C – New York County
Can’t wait to see everyone tonight!
Petitioning 2024
Great turnout Sunday morning to petition with Tilden’s endorsed candidates Congressman Jerry Nadler, Assembly Member Harvey Epstein, and our very own State Committee Member Michelle D. Winfield.
We had a team of more than a dozen out on the streets, talking to the community, getting signatures, and hearing about the issues. Thank you to everyone who joined us!
We will be out again next weekend, so please join us:
Sunday, March 24, 2024, from 10:30 to 12:30 at 16th Street and 1st Avenue
Judicial Candidates Allison Greenfield and Justice Lou Nock will join us!
Congressman Nadler and Assembly Member Epstein will drop by as well
Please turn-in completed sheets at Thursday’s membership meeting!
Please email to arrange to pick-up blank petition sheets!
Early Voting Rally and Primary on Tuesday !
Assemblymember Harvey Epstein Presents Proclamation to Steve Smollens in Recognition of his years of Community Service and to the Law. Congratulations Steve!
And, Hang With Harvey
Wednesday July 12th from 9 AM to 11 AM in Madison Square Park at 26th Street and 5th Avenue
Wednesday August 2nd from 9 AM to 11 AM at the Stuytown Community Center (449 East 14th Street)
Wednesday August 16th from 4 PM to 6PM in the district office (107 Avenue B)
Thank you volunteers !
Thank you Tilden for your support !
Reparations for African American in NYS
The Samuel J. Tilden Democratic Club
WHEREAS, the New York State Senate has introduced Senate Bill 2416 for the purpose of addressing the fundamental injustice, cruelty, brutality, and inhumanity of slavery in the history of the City and State of New York; and
WHEREAS, the enslavement that proliferated in New York constituted an immoral and inhumane deprivation of African Americans’ life, liberty, property, citizenship rights, cultural heritage, and denied them the fruits of their own labor; and
WHEREAS, systematic and pervasive discrimination of African Americans in housing, education, commerce, recreation, and healthcare, which still exists today, has resulted in disparate generational poverty; and
WHEREAS, the Samuel J. Tilden Democratic Club hereby endorses Senate Bill 2416 to establish a commission to examine the institution of slavery in New York, racial and economic discrimination against African Americans, and the economic impact thereof, and to recommend appropriate remedies, financial and otherwise, to the legislature for its consideration and approval.
Therefore, be it
Resolved, the Samuel J Tilden Democratic Club urges the New York State Senate to pass S 2416, and the Governor to sign it into law.
Be it further Resolved, the Samuel J Tilden Democratic Club urges the New York Assembly to take up companion legislation to support S 2416, and the Governor to sign it into law.
Dated, May 18,2023