HOLIDAY FOR HOPE ! December 11th, 2022
Date: Dec 11, 2022,
Location: Paul & Jimmy’s Restaurant, 123 East 18th Street, betw Irving Place & Park Ave. South
Time: 1:30 -4:30 p.m.
Donation: New York Public Library, NYPL – Epiphany Branch
Tilden Finishing Strong For Maloney and Corbett ! Tilden Do Not Sit Back – Your Neighborhood Is On The line -Help Anyway You Can !
Senate Endorsement
Good evening Fellow Tildenites,
Congresswoman Carolyn B. Maloney still has it
In light of the recent redistricting maps that have been circulated, we would like to take the opportunity to proudly reaffirm our endorsement of Congresswoman Carolyn B. Maloney. Congresswoman Maloney has been a staunch advocate for progressive politics and New York City and we know she will continue to be an outstanding advocate for us.
MALONEY ! KAVANAUGH ! BONDY ! Tilden finishes strong !
Congresswoman Maloney Honors Ukrainian Community
Congresswoman Maloney expressed support for the Ukrainian community with an award to the Ukrainian World Congress represented by their executive director Andrij Dobriansky (third from left).
Tilden Takes To The Streets ! Join Us and Save DEMOCRACY- It’s Petition Time
Endorsement Correction
The Tilden membership voted to endorse for the following offices.
69th Annual Tilden Democratic Club Gala is here !