HOLIDAY FOR HOPE ! December 11th, 2022

Date: Dec 11, 2022,
Location: Paul & Jimmy’s Restaurant, 123 East 18th Street, betw Irving Place & Park Ave. South
Time: 1:30 -4:30 p.m.
Donation: New York Public Library, NYPL – Epiphany Branch


Senate Endorsement

Good evening Fellow Tildenites,

The polls have now closed and Mike Corbett has won the endorsement vote for State Senate for the 59th Senate District.  Please allow me to offer my appreciation to all of our members who participated in the endorsement process, including those who attended and publicized the forum, drafted the candidate questionnaire, reached out to the candidates and their campaigns and voted for an endorsement.  I will be in touch shortly with information on how to help our Club’s endorsed candidate.
As a reminder, early voting starts August 13th.

Congresswoman Carolyn B. Maloney still has it

In light of the recent redistricting maps that have been circulated, we would like to take the opportunity to proudly reaffirm our endorsement of Congresswoman Carolyn B. Maloney. Congresswoman Maloney has been a staunch advocate for progressive politics and New York City and we know she will continue to be an outstanding advocate for us.

Endorsement Correction

The Tilden membership voted to endorse for the following offices.

NYS Senate 29th District (new)
Brian Kavanagh
New York County Civil Court 4th District
Matthew Bondy
New York County Surrogate’s Court
Hilary Gingold
New York County-Wide Civil Court
E. Deronn Bowen