Tilden’s  Holiday for Hope Virtual Charity Event  

Join us for Tilden’s  Holiday for Hope Virtual Charity Event  

Time for a virtual celebration with good friends and good cheer!

Our holiday gifts benefit charities in the 74th Assembly District. Proceeds for this virtual event go directly to charity gifts (through our club’s donation account). This year a gift will be given to Gramercy Neighborhood Associates (GNA)

December 6, 2020 1-3 PM Tickets $60
RSVP  at  https://bit.ly/tildenhfh20   

You can renew here http://tildendemocrats.com/membership/join-tilden/)

All members in good standing with dues paid for 2021  will receive the virtual meeting invitation.


Holiday for hope 2020

600,000 people have voted so far !! Stroll to the Polls for Early Voting -NEW TIMES !

Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney and Assemblyman Harvey Epstein led a rally and urged NYers to vote early. More than 90,000 voters turned out on Saturday !
Tilden Democrats, Eleanor Roosevelt Democrats and Gramercy-Stuyvesant Democrats urge voters to get out early .

Here are the remaining dates and you can find your early voting place by visiting. vote.nyc .  Tip for Seniors – ask the poll site personnel for the Senior Line to expedite your check-in.

 Thursday, October 29, 2020  10 AM to 6 PM 
 Friday, October 30, 2020  7 AM to 5 PM 
 Saturday, October 31, 2020  7 AM to 5 PM
 Sunday, November 1, 2020  7 AM to 4 PM

Join Carolyn Maloney on Thursday 10/22 at 3-4 pm! Plus Phone banking

Dear Tilden,

We will be joining Congresswoman Maloney for a campaign stop at Stuytown at 611 13th street from 3-4 pm on Thursday 10/22.

In addition, we are supporting phone banking for r Carolyn Maloney and Joe Biden to boost early voting turnout.  The phone bank will be going on every day, virtually, until the election.

Here is a link to the instructions for the phone bank:
Here is a link to the phone bank if you have any spare time:
You can hop on the phone bank whenever you have time, and just make as many calls as you can!

Stroll to the Polls for Early voting 10/24 Noon!!

The Samuel J. Tilden Democratic Club will  ” Stroll to the Polls” on Saturday 10/24 at Noon. We will be joined by Gramercy Stuyvesant Independent Democrats and Eleanor Roosevelt Democratic Club to kick-off early voting in New York City at noon on Saturday, October 24th.

The “Stroll” will mark the first of ten days where voters can cast their ballots before election day at sites around the City.
Strollers will be masked and socially distanced for safety Strollers will rally and then march to early voting sites.

When: Saturday, October 24th
Time: 12 noon
Where: First Avenue and East 18th Street,

Early voting sites :
*Campos Plaza – 611 East 13th Street Community Center

*Hunter College -Brookdale Dorm, 440 East 26th Street
__________________________________________________________ _
The Samuel J. Tilden Democratic Club since 1953 has strived to help elect the most qualified candidates to public office. The club acts as a liaison between government officials and their constituents by creating forums where groups can meet and engage critical issues in the community. Proud of our community activism and passionate about our traditions!

Phone banking Thursdays, voter registration this Sunday

We are joining Three Parks, ERDC and GSID for  virtual phone banking for New York for Biden+Harris: Independent Democrats Swing State Phone Bank (Virtual)  ON Thursdays 6-730 pm. Follow the link below to register. 


Also we are joining ERDC for voter registration outside Kips bay library this! Come by for a short bit if able! Sunday 11am to 1 pm.

Virtual Vote Blue Buses starting this weekend!

Vote Blue 2020
Dear Tildenites!

While COVID and the need to protect voters and volunteers make Vote Blue buses unlikely between now and November 3rd, that isn’t stopping us from talking with every voter we can in the crucial, must-win state of Pennsylvania

Starting this Sunday afternoon, September 13th, we’ll be calling and texting voters in Pennsylvania for the Democratic Coordinated Campaign, aka “Back to Blue,” in support of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris and Democratic candidates in down-ballot races. Pennsylvania is a swing state this year on the presidential level, but there are also critical congressional, statewide, and state House and Senate races that will affect the lives of working families for years to come.

We need to win them all. Here’s how:

Join Vote Blue NYC and activists from all over New York City on a “virtual bus ride” to Pennsylvania. Sign up for our first virtual bus this Sunday starting at 4:30 pm.
After registering and before the phone bank, you’ll receive a Zoom link for access. You’ll need both a computer running Chrome or Firefox (laptop or desktop; sorry, no iPads) and a cell phone. Don’t worry if you’ve never done this before–we’ll give you a script and all the training you need, just like we do on our Vote Blue buses.

Vote Blue will be running three phone- or text-banks a week through Election Day; this Sunday is the beginning. We’ll send you a weekly list of Vote Blue and other volunteer opportunities in New York City so you won’t wake up on November 4th wishing you’d done more.

Sign up now and join us this Sunday to win Pennsylvania!

The Vote Blue Team