Membership Meeting April, 21

At our next meeting we will be joined by Manhattan Borough
President Scott Stringer who will update the club on his borough wide initiatives on
improving access to fair banking and fresh produce to the city.

If you haven’t yet RSVP’ed for the 58th Annual Tilden Dinner and Reception on April 28, do
so now. Tickets are going fast. If you need extra invitations please call (347) 948-3367.

Tilden General Membership Meeting

April 21, 2011 – 7:30 pm
123 East 15th Street

1. Call to Order
2. Adoption of Agenda
3. Adoption of Minutes
4. President’s Report
5. District Leader’s Report
6. Report from Borough President Scott Stringer
7. Treasurer’s Report
8. Old/New Business
9. Adjournment

I look forward to seeing you,

Sandro Sherrod

March Meeting Notice

In case you have not already heard the governor’s
budget proposal includes cutting the Title XX funding
that allows senior centers to operate. This could
result in the closing of 105 senior centers around
the city. We have invited a representative from
our own Stein Senior Center to talk about what
we can do to help keep this from happening.

Tilden General Membership Meeting
March 24, 2011 – 7:30 pm
123 East 15th Street


1. Call to Order
2. Adoption of Agenda
3. Adoption of Minutes
4. President’s Report
5. District Leader’s Report
6. Stein Senior Center Rep on Title XX cuts
7. Treasurer’s Report
8. Old/New Business
9. Adjournment

February Meeting Notice

We have invited Manhattan Borough President Scott Stringer to come join us at our next membership meeting. He will be updating us on his progress to facilitate better networking among community and neighborhood groups as well as his successful efforts to save money for New Yorkers who spent too much of their paychecks on “cashing fees”.

Tilden General Meeting
February 17th, 7:30 pm
123 East 15th Street and Irving Place, 2nd floor.

1. Call to Order
2. Adoption of Agenda
3. Adoption of Minutes
4. President’s Report
5. District Leader’s Report
6. Treasurer’s Report
7. Remarks from Manhattan Borough President Scott Stringer
followed by a brief question and answer period.
8. Old/New Business
9. Adjournment

Tilden Donations Reception and Campaign Events

Next week is our Annual Donation Reception!  This is a wonderful opportunity for you to get to know some of the great organizations that serve our community and that Tilden has made a pledge to support in their efforts.  The reception wine and cheese reception will be held at Seafarer’s on the 2nd Floor on the 21st.  Please take this opportunity to support the wonderful work of these groups as well as the work of the Donations Committee whose continued work has made this possible.

Tilden Donations Reception
October 21st, 7:30 pm
123 East 15th Street and Irving Place, 2nd floor.

Campaign Events

Tilden has a handful of tickets for an event at the Waldorf Astoria for the Cuomo campaign on October 20th at 7pm.  Tickets will be given to those who send an email to until they are used up.  So act fast!

The Democratic Coordinated Campaign has many events in the upcoming days leading up to the November 2nd General Election.  They are now working to get votes for the entire Democratic Ticket and are working jointly.  They need our help!

The coordinated campaign is looking for your help with visibility, canvassing, phonebanking and other events for the Democratic ticket. Please contact Danielle at or 646 522 7211 to volunteer.

  • They are canvassing every Saturday from 11AM-4PM in Manhattan out of 305 West 44th Street, Mezzanine, NW corner of 8th Avenue
  • They phonebank every day of the week from 12-9PM. If you’re willing to call, they are ready for you to come in! They have phones, scripts, and friends to call with! Come in for an afternoon or evening shift at 305 West 44th Street, Mezzanine, NW corner of 8th Avenue
  • They need your help on Wednesdays and Thursdays to cover the subway stops nearest you: at Union Square or along the Lexington line from 7:30-9AM or 5:30-7PM. Contact Danielle to find out which stop needs to be covered and to get palmcards.
  • They also need your help for visibility at grocery stores, bagel places, greenmarkets, parks, and street fairs! Contact Danielle to get involved!
  • For people who live in large buildings that we cannot canvass, we have a Neighbor to Neighbor call program. We will provide you with a list of registered voters in your building and a script and we ask you to call your neighbors and speak to them about coming out to vote. Please contact Danielle for call lists.
  • If you are unable to do any of these things but would still like to help, please call Danielle! They have something for you to do!

Contact Danielle with questions or to RSVP at or 646 522 7211.

It is less than 3 weeks to Election Day and we need to work hard to ensure a successful democratic turnout!

NEW LOCATION for tomorrow’s Voting Machine Demonstration!

New Voting Machine Demonstration

Come try out the NEW Paper Based Optical Scan (PBOS)
voting machines being used in the upcoming elections

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

7:00 pm to 9:00 pm

NEW LOCATION: Hunter College School of Social Work
129 East 79th Street, Room 1010, off Lexington Avenues

Co-sponsored by:
Congress Member Carolyn Maloney, State Senator Liz Krueger, State Senator José Serrano
Assembly Member Jonathan Bing, Assembly Member Brian Kavanagh, Assembly Member Micah Kellner
Council Member Dan Garodnick Council Member Jessica Lappin

Also co-sponsored by the East Side Democratic Club,
The Eleanor Roosevelt Democratic Club,
Lenox Hill Democratic Club, Lexington Democratic Club
and Tilden Democratic Club along with the
New York Democratic Lawyers Council


RSVP suggested to 212-725-8825 or

Demonstration Courtesy of the
New York City Board of Elections

For more information on voting with the new machines please visit

To download a copy of the flyer, click here.

Petition Wrap Up Party Reminder

Hopefully you were able to keep cool during these record breaking days and are ready to venture outside again because Monday we will be having a little gathering to celebrate all the hard work Tildenites have done to make this another successfully year of petitioning.

Bring all your remaining petitions to turn in. They don’t need to be fully completed or witnessed yet. It is important that any remaining ones be turned in by Monday since we will be binding them and submitting them to the Board of Elections in time for the July 15th deadline. If you are unable to make it to the party and wish to turn them in before please call (346) 948-3367 to arrange to do so.

Tilden Petition Wrap Party
July 12th, 7:30 pm
123 East 15th Street and Irving Place, 2nd floor.

June Meeting Reminder

Next week take a break from the wonderful summer weather and join us for our June membership meeting. Will we have an important presentation on the new voting system that we will be using later this year.

Please bring any completed petitions you have with you to the meeting to turn them in.

Tilden General Meeting
June 24th, 7:30 pm
123 East 15th Street and Irving Place, 2nd floor.

1. Call to Order
2. Adoption of Agenda
3. Adoption of Minutes
4. President’s Report
5. District Leader’s Report
6. Treasurer’s Report
7. Presentation: New Voting System for NY
8. Old/New Business
9. Adjournment

2010 Endorsements

The Tilden membership gathered last evening and voted to endorse the following candidates:

US Senate: Charles Schumer
US Senate Special Election: Kirsten Gillibrand
US House of Representatives: Carolyn Maloney
NYS Lieutenant Governor: Bill Samuels
NYS Attorney General: Eric Schneiderman
NYS Comptroller: Thomas DiNapoli
NYS Senate : Thomas Duane (29th District), Liz Krueger (26th District)
NYS Assembly: Brian Kavanagh
State Committee (74th AD): Michael Farrin (Male), Sylvia Friedman (Female)

Please click on the candidate’s names above to learn how you can help out with their campaigns.

May Meeting & Forum Reminder

While there is a bit of chill in the air, it is in fact May. With May comes the second of our cosponsored candidate forums and our May membership meeting.

Be sure to join us at the east midtown democratic club candidate forum this coming Sunday for NYS Governor, NYS Lieutenant Governor and House of Representative candidates for the 14th district. Each candidate will be given an opportunity to speak followed by a period for questions from the audience. The flyer for this event may be found here.

East Side Candidate Forum No. 2
May 16th, 1pm – 3pm

Candidates for NYS Governor, NYS Lieutenant Governor and 14th Congressional Seat will take your questions.
Baruch Performing Arts College, Engelman Recital Hall Lexington Avenue and 24th Street.

At our next membership meeting we will be voting to endorse candidates for several offices.

Tilden General Meeting
May 20th, 7:30 pm

Endorsement vote for both US Senate Seats, US House of Representative NY14, NYS Governor, NYS Lieutenant Governor, NYS Comptroller and Male and Female State Committee positions.
123 East 15th Street and Irving Place, 2nd floor.

57th Annual Dinner and Reception

We are very excited to be celebrating out 57th year and honoring some very important members of our community.  Please join us as we present Councilmember Rosie Mendez with the Beth R. Cosnow Award for Democratic Leadership and District Leader Steven W. Smollens and Lyle Frank with the Tilden Humanitarian Award for Community Service.  Each of them have been outstanding leaders in the community and we will take this opportunity to recognize them and thank them for all that they have done.

Tilden 57th Annual Dinner & Reception
May 6th, 2010
6:00 PM
Il Cortile Restaurant
125 Mulberry Street, New York City.

It is not too late, if you have not already done so, you may RSVP to or by leaving a message at (347) 948-3367.  Tickets are $350 for Patrons, $275 for Sponsors, $175 for Guests and $95 for Members.  Please indicate your desired level of sponsorship when you email or call.