Please join us May 15th, 6pm Tavern on the Green
as we honor Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney
and Geoffrey Croft, President and Founder of
NYC Park Advocates. The dinner is dedicated to
Margot Gayle, our founding Female District Leader
on the occasion of her 100th birthday. Member tickets
are $90, guest tickets are $175. For further
information and RSVP – Esther Yang at 917 369 0032.
Affordable Housing
Claude Winfield, chairperson of Community Board Six
Housing and Homeless Services Committee will
discuss affordable housing at our April 24th
meeting at 7:30 pm at Seafarer’s – 123 E. 15th St.
Borough President Scott Stringer,
Assemblymember Brian Kavanagh
and Councilmember Dan Garodnick
with Co-Sponsors – Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney
State Senator Tom Duane
Community Board 6
ST/PCV Tenants Association
invite you to a ST/PCV Town Hall Meeting
Thursday, April 3, 2008 6pm to 8pm
VA NY Harbor Healthcare System
423 East 23rd Street
Come discuss the issues facing Stuyvesant Town/
Peter Cooper Village with your elected officials
and fellow community members.
March 27, 2008 General Membership Meeting
Please join us on March 27, 2008, at 7:30 PM at the Seafarers and International House, Chapel,
123 East 15th Street (corner of Irving Place). Our guest speaker is Councilmember John Liu,
chair of the Council’s Transportation Committee. He will discuss local transportation issues
including Congestion Pricing. We will also hear from the three candidates for Manhattan
Surrogate – Justice Milton Tingling, Jr., John Reddy, Jr. and Nora Anderson. For further information,
call Louise Dankberg at 212 475 5347.
55th Anniversary Dinner
Please join us to celebrate our 55th Anniversary. Dinner is on May 15th at Tavern on the Green. We are honoring Congresswoman Carolyn B. Maloney and Geoffrey M. Croft, founder and president of New York City Park Advocates. Cocktails are from 6 to 7pm and sit down dinner starts at 7 pm. For further information, please call chairperson, Esther Yang, 917 369 0032.
2008 Meeting Schedule
Thursday 1/24 Annual Meeting
Monday 2/11 Executive Committeee Meeting, 2nd flr
Thursday 2/28 General Meeting, Chapel
Thursday 3/27 General Meeting, Chapel
Thursday 4/24 General Meeting, Chapel
Thursday 5/15 Annual Dinner, Tavern On The Green
Thursday 5/22 General Meeting, Chapel
Monday 6/9 Petition Pick-Up, Chapel
Sunday 6/15 Street Fair, 3rd Avenue from E. 23rd Street to East 34th Street
Monday 7/7 Petition Wrap Party, 2nd Flr
Monday 9/8 General Meeting, Chapel
Thursday 9/25 General Meeting, Chapel
Thursday 10/23 General Meeting, Chapel
Thursday 11/20 General Meeting, Chapel
Sunday 12/7 Holiday Luncheon, Location TBA
* Annual Meeting held at Manhattan Comprehensive Day & Night School, SE Corner of East 15th Street and 2nd Avenue.
All General Meetings held at Seafarer’s & International House, 123 East 15th Street at Irving Place. Meetings begin at 7:30pm unless otherwise noted. Schedule is subject to change. If a schedule change should occur the membership will be notified. However, please check our website and monthly newsletter for updates.
Annual Meeting Thursday January 24th
On Thursday January 24th at 7:30pm The Samuel J. Tilden Democratic Club will hold its Annual Meeting. Our Annual Meeting is for the purpose of electing new Officers and Executive Committeee Members. Positions are open to members of the Club who are in good standing. If any member is interested in an Officer or Executive Committee position please contact us by e-mail at or by phone 646-872-0044.
Annual Meeting
Thursday January 24th @ 7:30pm
Manhattan Comprehensive Day & Night School
SE Corner East 15th Street and 2nd Avenue
Sunday December 2nd Annual Holiday Luncheon
Toys For Tots Luncheon, Sunday December 2nd, is a wonderful year-end event. A donation will be made to the Bellevue Hospital Pediatric Resource Center. Please do not bring gifts. The Cottage Restaurant, 16th Street @ Irving Place, 12pm-3pm. For more info contact: Julie Torres, Chairperson at 212-689-7654. $15 members. $30 non-members.
Tilden Donates to Community Organizations
On Thursday evening October 18th The Samuel J. Tilden Democratic Club made its annual donation presentation to five organizations in our community. Street Fair money that the Club earns every year goes directly back to the community in the form of donations to worthwhile programs and organizations. This year’s recipients included: Brotherhood Synagogue Shelter Program, Churchill School, Creative Center for People with Cancer, Manhattan Comprehensive Day & Night School, and Stein Senior Center. In addition, donations have also been made to Bellevue Hospital Pediatric Resource Center, 13th Precinct’s Night Out Against Crime, and The Stuyvesant Town/Peter Cooper Village Tenant’s Association.
Tilden Endorses Clinton for President ’08
The members of The Samuel J. Tilden Democratic Club would like to announce their endorsement of New York State Senator Hillary Clinton for President in 2008. The Club met on October 18th for a General Meeting and overwhelmingly voted to endorse Senator Clinton. District Leader Louise Dankberg said, “Sen.Hillary Clinton deserves our endorsement as I feel she is the only candidate who can win the General Election in November 2008. She is highly intelligent, has a great campaign and has Bill Clinton. We must not be shortsighted and look for a better candidate who might be more appealing. Our aim is to take back the White House and try to fix some of the disasters of the last 7 years. All the Democratic candidates would make great Presidents,
but only Hillary can actually attain that status at this time.”