Press Conference to Save Union Square

Tilden, instrumental in the formation of Save Union Square park, participated in a press conference on Sunday, October 16th. The conference was called to send a message to the City Administration and the BID(Business Improvement District) that the community and elected officials are vehemently opposed to a private restaurant in the park. Parks are for children and the public. Where is the playground that has been promised for years?

Speakers included Scott Stringer, Dick Gottfried, Tom Duane and Rosie Mendez. Press coverage including NY 1, 1010 Wins, ABC, The Daily News, The Villager, and UPN-9. We think we made a large impact and hope the Administration will take us seriously. Present from Tilden were Paula Schaeffer, Eadie Shanker, Lyle Frank and Louise Dankberg.

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