Don’t forget this Monday at 8pm the Judicial Candidates have been invited to address the Tilden membership. Each candidate will be given an opportunity to briefly introduce him or herself and answer a few questions. We will be joined by our sister club GSID at Seafarer’s at 123 East 15th Street on the 2nd Floor.
Tilden’s members are known around the county for great things and this year we are pleased to have two of our own who are Candidates for Justice of the Supreme Court of New York. All of the Tilden family are invited to join them in support at their receptions.
Tomorrow, Sunday September 18th, please join Judge Deborah Kaplan at Cibo Restaurant at 767 Second Avenue and 41st Street from 3:30 until 6:30pm. For additional information please call (347) 527-0345 or email
Tuesday, September 20th, you are invited to join Judge Saliann Scarpulla atthe home of Dr. Jeffery and Ms. Arlene Nichols from 6:00 until 8:00 pm at 161 West 15th Street and Seventh Avenue; Apartment 3H/Buzzer #37.
I look forward to seeing you at the above events,
Sandro Sherrod