Don’t forget, Tonight is the induction of past Tilden president Deborah Kaplan as she is inducted as a Justice of the Supreme Court of the State of New York on Thursday, January 19, 2012 at 5:00 pm at the New York County Lawyers Association, 14 Vesey Street. Reption to follow, please RSVP to
The Tilden Annual Meeting will be held on January 26th at 7:30pm at Seafarer’s International House. We will be voting for Officers and Executive Committee Members for 2012.
1. Adoption of Agenda
2. Adoption of Minutes
3. Elections Committee—Opening of the Poll
4. President’s report
5. District Leader’s report
6. Treasurer’s Report
7. NYS Campaign Finance Reform Letter
8. Elections committee—Closing of the Poll
9. Old/New Business
10. Elections Committee – Announcement of Election Results
11. Oath-taking by Officers and Executive Committee members
12. Adjournment
Once again, for your convenience the following people have been nominated to the Elections Committee:
President: Steven Newmark
I look forward to seeing you at the induction this evening and at our annual meeting on the 26th,
Sandro Sherrod