Tonight, Thursday March 15

Just a reminder that our next meeting will be held on Thursday, March 15, 2012. Our guest for the evening will be Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney.
The New York State Primary date for federal elections (U.S. Congress and Senate) has been set for Tuesday, June 26th. Petitioning is set to begin on Tuesday, March 20th. While a date has not been finalized for state offices (Assembly, Senate, State Committee), it is possible that the primaries for those offices will also be held on June 26th, with a similar petitioning schedule.

Thus, we will be holding our Candidates’ Night, and Endorsement Night, for all 2012 candidates at our next meeting. The information – same as always! – is below. Also, attached please find a proposed agenda.

Samuel J. Tilden Democratic Club Meeting
Thursday, March 15, 2012
Seafarer’s International
123 East 15th Street (at Irving Place)
New York, NY 10003