Hello Fellow Tildenites,
The Elections Committee met on October 15, 2014 to elect a chairperson and discuss committee business. I am honored to introduce myself as the chairperson of Tilden’s Elections Committee for this year. I am grateful for the privilege to do service for our wonderful club!
I am equally pleased to report that it’s time for Tilden Club elections!! The Elections Committee is ready to accept nominations for Club Officers and Executive Committee Members. According to our By-Laws, you may nominate yourself or others for office.
If you wish to nominate anyone for this year’s elections, please submit the names of all persons you wish to nominate, specifying the office you wish to nominate them for, to me at: kcwatermanesq@gmail.com by November 1, 2014. Nominations will not be considered or added to the Nominating Committee report if sent after November 1, 2014.
Also, please note that the Elections Committee and Executive Committee will hold a “Candidates Night” on Monday, November 3, 2014 at 7:30 p.m. at the Seafarer’s International House (15th Street and Irving Place, 2nd Floor) which all nominees must attend and may make a presentation in support of their candidacy.
I look forward to receiving your nominations and seeing you at the Candidates Night on November 3!
Kathleen C. Waterman, Esq.