Regular Club Meeting
Thursday, May 19, 2016 at 7:00 PM
Seafarer’s & International House
Samuel J. Tilden will be holding a Candidates Night on May 19, 2016 giving candidates an opportunity to speak about their candidacy and ask for our club endorsement.
Comments by candidates will be limited to 5 minutes.
Due to time constraints the candidates will also answer two questions each from the club.
If you are interested in submitting a question please write your question on an index card and give to Greg Martello at 7 pm. We will choose the questions from those submitted with the time allotted from each candidate.
The candidates that will be appearing are:
- Assemblyman Brian Kavangh at 7:15 pm
- Senator Liz Krueger at 7:30 pm
- Senator Brad Hoylman at 7:45 pm
- Committeeman Michael Farrin at 8:00 pm
- Committeewoman Marti Speranza at 8:15 pm
#1 Club in New York!
Democratically yours,
Greg Martello, President