Last night the Independent Screen Panel announced the following Supreme Court Judicial Candidates Found Most Highly Qualified.
In no particular order, they are:
Anthony Cannataro
David Cohen
Jennifer Schechter
Alex Tisch
Melissa Crane
Paul Goetz
Gerald Leibovitz
Adam Silvera
Machelle Sweeting
Erika Edwardes
Shawn Kelley
Verena Saunders
Lisa Sokoloff
They join Nancy Bannon, Andrea Masley, Robert Reed, Kelly O’Neill Levy, Lynn Kotler and James d’Auguste who have already been reported out twice and are already candidates for this year.
Congratulations to all. We will forward receptions as they become known. The Judicial Convention will be held on Thursday, September 22nd, at a venue to be annouced.
Louise, Sandro, Greg