Dear Tildenites,
We hope you’ve had a wonderful and restful Labor Day weekend. We all commemorate the collective power of America’s Labor movements. America’s Unions have worked together to help organize and make America work better for us all.
A few quick items to note:
Tilden Member John “Butch” Purcell will be honored by Stuyvesant Town on September 25th. Playground 9 will be named in his honor. The naming ceremony will on September 25th at 10 am. We should all come out to support our own Butch for this well-deserved honor!
Our amazing Tilden member and District Leader for the past 25 years, Louise Dankeberg was re-elected Chair of the New York County Executive Committee.
Many congrats to them both!
Tilden September General Meeting September 26th 7:30 pm. Seafarer’s International House at 123 E 15th ST 7 pm
Tonight we will have a special visit by Congresswoman Maloney and her Chief of Staff Sarah Hughes
- Call to Order
- Adoption of Agenda
- Committees reports by Chair a. Donations b. Membership c. Housing d. Dinner/Gala
- State Committeewoman Report
- District Leader Report
- Old/New business
- Adjournment
Ahsia Badi, President