Happy Holidays and some updates

On behalf of the Samuel J. Tilden Democratic Club, we wish you a Happy Chanukah, Merry Christmas, Joyous Kwanzaa and a Happy & Healthy Democratic New Year!

In honor of the holidays and our successful Toys 4 Tots event on Sunday, we will not be meeting in December. We will reconvene on January 22 for our Annual Meeting and Election.

This evening President Mark Thompson and Treasurer Patricia Levenson visited the Beth Israel Pediatric Unit, where we presented a check to the Chair and Director from the Tilden Club members. The donation will be used to buy gifts and toys for the children and young people who are staying in the Unit over the holidays. It was impressive and moving to meet the staff and see some of the beautiful and brave young people. Everyone who made the donation possible should be proud and Tilden was thanked profusely.

We have been invited to participate in a major anti-fracking rally in Albany on January 7. Bring some friends and stay warm in Balmy Albany while working for a good cause. For more information and to sign up for the bus, visit  foodandwaterwatch.org

If anyone you know is not receiving these updates from Tilden please send contact information to President Mark Thompson at markptnyc@aol.com

Congratulations on a successful Toys for Tots Event

Congratulations to all Tildenites for holding another successful Toys for Tots event. Paul & Jimmy’s was packed to overflowing with more than 70 seated guests who enjoyed a delicious lunch; dozens of other friends stopped in to enjoy the festivities. Guests were entertained by our own Adam Smale and Jane Barry, whose beautiful, jazz-inspred rendition of “God Bless America” brought the crowd to its feet. In celebration, Tildenites ‘lit up’ their new Tilden flashlight pens to provide a light show.

We were joined by a cavalcade of our elected officials, including State Senator Brad Hoylman, State Senator Liz Krueger, and Comptroller Scott Stringer, and many judges and judicial candidates. A soecial shout-out of thanks was given to the event committee, which included Genevieve Cervera, Kate Waterman, Louise Dankberg, Pat Levenson, Laura Koestler, Paula Schaeffer and club President Mark Thompson. Sandy Hecker (our own “Paparazzi to the Stars”) documented the event and will be posting her photos on Facebook. This year’s event was the largest, most successful and most enjoyable so far thanks to everyone’s hard work.

The reason for the event was to raise funds to donate (in addition to our street fair proceeds) to local charities. This year we provided large donations to the Bellevue Hospital clothing room, the Stein Senior Center’s Alzheimers programs, and Beth Israel Hospital for toys for children staying in the hospital over the holidays.

Congratulations Tilden!

Last Call for Toys 4 Tots brunch and the 2015 Club Calendar

If you haven’t purchased your ticket for Toys 4 Tots, you should do it now! There are only a few seats left for this fun and delicious meal on Sunday December 14 (12 – 3 pm at Paul & Jimmy’s restaurant, 123 East 18th Street between Park Ave South and Irving Place). Tickets are $30 for members, and $50 for non-members. Please send your check to Pat Levenson, 444 East 20th St #6D, NYC, NY 10009. (Don’t bring toys; your ticket price covers the donations.)

Since 2015 is just around the corner, be sure to mark your calendar with the following dates:

1/22/15 – Annual Meeting 

2/19 – Monthly Meeting 

3/19 – Monthly meeting

4/23 – Annual Dinner at National Arts Club

5/21 – Monthly Meeting (Candidates Night and Endorsement Vote)

6/7 – Street Fair

6/25 – Monthly meeting (first petition collection)

7/13 – Petition Wrap Party

9/13 – poll coverages/palm card distribution festivities (location TBD)

9/14 – Primary Day

9/17 – Monthly Meeting

10/15 – Monthly Meeting

11/19 – Monthly meeting

12/6 – Toys 4 Tots Event

 1/21/16 – Annual Meeting

Annual Toys 4 Tots celebration is December 14

Our annual Toys 4 Tots event will be Sunday December 14 from noon – 3 pm at Paul & Jimmy’s restaurant(our favorite spot), 123 East 18th Street (between Park Avenue South and Irving Place). Tickets are $30 for members, and $50 for non-members, and includes a delicious meal along with the festivities. For more information email genevievecervera9@gmail.com. Please send your check to Pat Levenson at 444 East 20th Street #6D, NYC, NY 10009. Be sure to get your ticket early since the event fills up quickly. And remember, don’t bring toys to the event. Your ticket price will cover the donations. Paul & Jimmy’s puts on an excellent brunch/lunch and everyone who comes has a rollicking good time .. and by coming you are able to support several amazing causes in our own community.

Agenda for November 20 Meeting

Thursday, November 20, 2014 7:30 PM

Seafarer’s & International House (15th Street at Irving Place)


1. President’s Report

2. Elections Committee Report

3. Dinner Committee Report

4. Toys for Tots Committee Report

5. District Leader Report

6. Guest Speaker: Borough President Gale Brewer

7. Old/New Business

8.  Adjourn

In Memoriam: Catherine Donato

We regret to inform you that Julie Torres’ mother, Catherine Donato, passed.  She was 102 years old and left behind a loving family with many years of happiness. Her funeral is scheduled for 11 am Monday at the Madison Avenue Baptist Church (30 East 31st Street at Madison Avenue).  Julie and her family thank you for all the love, calls, visits and cards in recent months and hopes to see many Tildenites Monday.

Agenda for November 20 Monthly Meeting

Thursday, November 20, 2014 7:30 PM

Seafarer’s & International House (15th Street at Irving Place)


1. President’s Report

2. Elections Committee Report

3. Dinner Committee Report

4. Toys for Tots Committee Report

5. District Leader Report

6. Guest Speaker: Borough President Gale Brewer

7. Old/New Business

8.  Adjourn

Toys, Trees and Election Update

For those of you unable to view the recent Toys for Tots announcement, the event will be Sunday December 14 from noon – 3 pm at Paul & Jimmy’s (as it has been for several years), 123 East 18th Stret (between Park Avenue South and Irving Place). Tickets are $30 for members, and $50 for non-members. For more information email genevievecervera9@gmail.com. Please send your check to Pat Levenson at 444 East 20th Street #6D, NYC, NY 10009. Be sure to get your ticket early since the event fills up quickly. And remember, don’t bring toys to the event. Your ticket price will cover the donations.

Many members of Tilden are actively involved in the tree planting effort to beautify our neighborhood. If you haven’t been able to get out there and dig in the dirt, you now have a chance to help another way by adopting a tree bed. The map in this link shows trees recently planetd as a result of the work of some Tilden members (thank you, Claude L. Winfield!): https://mapsengine.google.com/map/edit?mid=zZymRs_TCQGc.kEhs65jf75Pk  We wiill be sending out information soon on how to adopt the beds around those trees (and others) in our neighborhood. And now that you aren’t donating to hundreds of candidates anymore you can use your extra pennies to adopt a bed!

Lastly, 2015 renewal forms are in the mail. If you have not received one by early next week, please contact Mark Thompson, President, at markptnyc@gmail.com or use the form available on the website.



Tilden Elections! Nominations are open!

Hello Fellow Tildenites,
The Elections Committee met on October 15, 2014 to elect a chairperson and discuss committee business. I am honored to introduce myself as the chairperson of Tilden’s Elections Committee for this year. I am grateful for the privilege to do service for our wonderful club!
I am equally pleased to report that it’s time for Tilden Club elections!! The Elections Committee is ready to accept nominations for Club Officers and Executive Committee Members. According to our By-Laws, you may nominate yourself or others for office.
If you wish to nominate anyone for this year’s elections, please submit the names of all persons you wish to nominate, specifying the office you wish to nominate them for, to me at: kcwatermanesq@gmail.com by November 1, 2014. Nominations will not be considered or added to the Nominating Committee report if sent after November 1, 2014.
Also, please note that the Elections Committee and Executive Committee will hold a “Candidates Night” on Monday, November 3, 2014 at 7:30 p.m. at the Seafarer’s International House (15th Street and Irving Place, 2nd Floor) which all nominees must attend and may make a presentation in support of their candidacy.
I look forward to receiving your nominations and seeing you at the Candidates Night on November 3!
Kathleen C. Waterman, Esq.