Arthur Wolf Update, Cocktails, Seniors, and more!

After receiving great care and many visits and phonecalls from friends, Arthur Wolf has moved to Village Care Rehabilitation Center. He would appreciate seeing friends and hearing from you, so please call his cell (917) 750-8173 and arrange a visit. 

It’s time for the Annual County Cocktail Party! It’s this Monday, August 25 (6-8 pm) at AFSCME (420 West 45th Street between 9th and 10th Avenues). Join County Leader Keith Wright and other dignitaries, as well as lots of Tildenites, and have some fun. Tilden is able to subsidize some tickets, so please contact Louise Dankberg if you would like to attend (

The Senior Issues Forum, sponsored by Senator Liz Krueger and CB 6, will be held on Moday September 15 at NYU Langone Medical Center Alumni Hall B fom 6-8 pm. This will be a highly informative session, so bring questions and concerns and find out new ideas. (Additional information is posted here in an earlier update.) RSVP to 

While adding things to your calendar, please include our next meeting on Thursday, September 18. 

For those of you on Facebook, please take a minute to “Like” Tilden. Your photo will then magically appear on the wesbite! (Magic brought to you by Sandro Sherrod.) Ask your friends to “like” Tilden too.

The Jim Owles Democratic Club is organizing a “Candles for Clemency” bus trip to Governor Cuomo’s house on the evening of September 6. For more information contact






Arthur Wolf update

Dear Tildenites,

For those of you who can’t make it in person to visit Arthur Wolf, he would be happy to hear from you via his cell phone (917-750-8173).


Mark Thompson


Arthur Wolf Update

Dear Tildenites,

Many of you have asked me about our fellow Tildenite, friend and Honoree Arthur Wolf. He is resting comfortably in Bellevue Hospital, Room 17 West 27, and would appreciate a quick visit from fellow Tildenites to lift his spirits and keep him up on things. Thanks to Marcia Robinson for visiting Arthur and letting us know of his location.

Warmest Regards,

Mark Thompson



Voter Registration Drive Thrives & Senior Issues Forum Is Coming

Members of Tilden took to the streets on six different occasions during July and August, signing up new voters and getting the word out that New Yorkers need to vote. Wearing special t-shirts and buttons (rumors are that a photo of Tildenites and their t-shirts may appear in the New York Times weekend fashion section .. although Town & Village scooped The Times) groups could be seen at events and on street corners, having fun while doing what Good Democrtas do. Members who were out there included: Dottie Blumner, Genevieve Cervera, District Leader Louise Dankberg, Greg Martello, Paula Schaeffer, Mark Shapiro, Shelly Winfield (who spearheads the effort and has kept the momentum going), Alicia Zanelli, Tony Ficcio, Robert Iskowitz, Greg Lambert, Edie Shanker, Kate Waterman, Sylvia Oshpyko, Esther Ramos, Virginia Rosario, Sandy Hecker, and Mark Thompson. Keep your eyes and ears pen for future dates .. it’s a fun way to meet people, catch up with Tidlen members, and get new voters.

On Monday, September 15, State Senator Liz Kruger will be the Keynote Speaker at Community Board Six’s Senior Issues Forum. The event will last from 6-8 pm and will be held at NYU Langone Medical Center Alumni Hall B. The event will be moderated by Tilden’s very own Ahsia Badi, and features multiple expert panelists who will discuss issues of interest to seniors, including housing, health care, technology and lifelong learning. Please RSVP to or call (212) 319-3750.

Remember our next meeting will be September 18!

Tilden Voter Registration Drive Is Underway!

Tilden has taken up the charge with a Voter Registration Drive ahead of September’s Primary. Members were at the Community Board Six Quality of Life Forum on July 15, signing up new voters, and will be out again on Wednesday (7/23) from 5:30 pm – 6:30 pm and Saturday (7/26) from 10:30 am -11:30 am. Both events will take place in front of the (relatively) new Starbucks on the southeast corner of 23rd Street and First Avenue. Members will be wearing t-shirts or buttons with the slogan “Not registered? Really?”
In addition to being able to register to vote, individuals will have the opportunity to register as an organ donor. Individuals will also be able to take blank forms for their neighbors, family members and friends to complete and return by mail.
If you are able to spend just one hour with fellow Tildenites please let Shelley Winfield ( know so that she can have a t-shirt and button ready for you.

Announcing the New Tilden Voter Registration Committee

One of the Club’s most important tasks is to encourage voter registration. In order to do this, we have established a Voter Registration Committee, headed by Committee Chair Shelley Winfield. Participation is easy and fun; You just need to let Shelley know you are interested in joining and show up at designated events or locations, where a table will be set up with forms and additional information. This is a great way to encourage the Democratic process and meet your neighbors. The first Voter registration Action will take place this Tuesday evening at 6 pm (July 15) at the Community Board Six Gramercy Neighborhood Quality of Life Forum at the High School of the Future (127 East 22nd Street, between Park Avenue and Lexington Avenue). Please email Shelley ( and let her know if you can take part.
And don’t forget to vote for Tilden as The Best Club by emailing your vote to


The Samuel J. Tilden Democratic Club has been officially nominated as a “best club” for a Demmy Award.  It is not too late to let the Demmy Committee know why Tilden should win.  Tell them about your love for Tilden, why you belong to the Club, what you have accomplished, how the Club has been involved in the community, how much fun it is to be a member of Tilden, how you met your true love through Tilden, discuss the issues we address, mention the great candidates we help elect, and make it clear that we are the Best Club!

There are only three other Clubs up for the award so it’s important we all vote and ask our friends and family members to vote. You need to vote ASAP since the award ceremony is Monday (July 14).

You can vote by sending an email to In the subject line state ‘Voting for Tilden as Best Club.’

Grab Those Green Sheets and Petition With Tilden! Wrap up of this month’s meeting

We have many opportunities for petitioning fun during the next few weeks. On Monday, June 23rd, starting at 4:45 pm, we will be pounding the pavement in front of D’Agostino’s on Third Avenue at 25th Street. On Thursday, June 26th, starting at 4:45 we will be getting lots of signatures in front of Hane restaurant (south east corner of First Avenue and 20th Street in Stuyvesant Town).
In addition to petitioning with Tilden, you can also join our sister club, the Eleanor Roosevelt Democratic Club, since they are carrying the same petitions as we are. They have identified some dates when they will be petitioning in Tilden’s neighborhood, including: Saturday June 21 from 2-4 pm at the northeast corner of 23rd Street and 2nd Avenue (State Senator Brad Hoylman will be there). On Tuesday June 24, from 5:30-7:30 pm, they will be in front of Dagostino’s on Third Avenue and 25th Street, then at Gristede’s (Second Avenue at 29th Street) on Wednesday June 25 from 5:30-7:30 pm.
Thanks to everyone who attended this week’s Monthly Meeting. In addition to treats and beverages, we dealt with three substantive issues. Stanley Wilson, from the Council of School Administrators and Supervisors, spoke to us about the issue of some veterans not receiving credit for time served when having their pensions calculated. Tildenites asked a variety of questions that allowed us to learn more about the issue. Following the presentation and Q&A members voted unanimously in favor of a supportive resolution. The evening included a discussion of a proposal to ask the City Council to consider divesting from publicly-traded fossil fuel companies. We will ask a speaker to attend our meeting in the fall since the issue needed more discussion. One of the Club’s continuing areas of interest – charging children under a certain height or age for bus rides – was also discussed. Assembly member Rosenthal has introduced legislation to resolve the matter after years of hard work –often led by Tilden’s own Shelley Winfield. We will invite the Assembly member to speak with us in the fall.
Please note that our Annual Toys for Tots luncheon has been moved to December 14, 2014. We will be having lots of fun at Paul & Jimmy’s. More news on that later!

Next Meeting, Green Petitions, Street Fair, and Happy Members!

Please remember to bring any completed petitions to the next Club Meeting, which is Thursday (June 19) evening at 7:30 at Seafarer’s Institute (15th Street at Irving Place). This will be the first collection, so keep gathering more signatures! Members who gather two completed petition sheets are invited to the Tilden Petition Wrap Party at Kipsey’s on Monday, July 7th at 7 pm for last collection of petitions.

Please note that this will be the last meeting until September, so please attend and see everyone before the Summer break. We will be having a special guest speaker, lots of good discussion, munchies and drinks, and a whole lotta fun as always!

Thanks to everyone who attended the Tilden Street Fair. The weather was perfect, lots of members were at the booth all day, many others roamed the Fair gathering hundreds of petitions, and we were joined by many of our elected officials. We also met several potential new Tilden members and look forward to seeing them again.