Reminder Constitution Convention Forum and Meeting – Tonight

Join us for a Constitutional Convention Forum where we weigh the benefits that might be possible and the potential losses should there be a constitution convention in New York. Come learn more about the process and what it may bring before you vote on it on November 7th. The forum will be followed by our monthly meeting.

Thursday, October 19th at 7:00pm
123 East 15th Street, 2nd Floor

State Senator Liz Krueger
Assemblymember Dick Gottfried
Evan Davis,  Senior Counsel – Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton LLP
Jordan Marks, New Yorkers Against Corruption

All current members are encouraged to renew their membership now. Please bring your completed 2018 membership application and a check with you to the forum. You may also pay online but you must still submit an application. New members are of course always welcome and may use the same form.

We hope to see you tonight for an interesting discussion.

Next Membership Meeting and September events

Please note that the Tilden meetings were mistakenly listed as occurring on September 18th when in fact they will be on September 14th.


Don’t Forget to vote at the Democratic Primary on September 12th open from 6am-9pm for our endorsed candidates for City Council, Carlina Rivera and Keith Powers. You can verify where you pollsite is located here. If you encounter any difficulties at your pollsite please report them to District Leader Sandro Sherrod.

Tilden General Membership Meeting

September 14, 2017 – 7:30 pm
123 East 15th Street, 2nd Floor

1. Call to Order
2. Adoption of Agenda
3. Adoption of Minutes
4. President’s Report
5. District Leader’s Report
6. State Committee Report
7. Treasurer’s Report
8. Guest Speaker – Brianna Mankey: Breaking Ground Out-Reach Program
9. Old/New Business
10. Adjournment

Tilden Executive Committee Meeting

September 14, 2017 – 5:45 pm
123 East 15th Street, 2nd Floor

1. Call to Order
2. Adoption of Agenda
3. Vice President Vacancy
4. State Committee Report
5. 65th Gala
6. Endorsed Candidates for local council districts 2 & 4
7. Primary Day
9. Homeless Shelter on 17th Street
10. Nominating Committee
11. Old/New Business
12. Adjournment

Come Celebrate the Supreme Court Candidacy of Nancy M. Bannon at The Wheeltapper Room at the Fitzpatrick Hotel Grand Central at 141 East 44th Street and Lexington Avenue on Sunday, September 17th from 11am-1pm.

Eleanore Roosevelt and Four Freedoms Democratic Clubs are holding a New York Supreme Court Candidates Forum at the New Church at 114 East 35th Street on September 18th from 7-9pm.

Congratulations to State Senator Hoylman and his family on the new addition, his second daughter, Lucy.

from Sandro, Louise and Greg

Tilden 2017 Endorsements

Samuel J. Tilden Democratic Club braved the sweltering heat last night to endorse citywide an council candidates. Endorsement Night for public and Party offices.  The Club voted to endorse the following candidates:

Bill de Blasio

Letitia James

Scott Stringer

Gale Brewer

Cyrus Vance, Jr.

Carlina Rivera

Keith Powers

Sandro Sherrod

Louise Dankberg

Reserve now for the Tilden 64th Annual Gala

RSVP and pay online by clicking here.


The First Lady of the City of New York

Chirlane McCray
Presented by Mayor David N. Dinkins
Council members

Daniel R. Garodnick and Rosie Mendez

Recipients of the Beth R. Cosnow Award for Democratic Leadership


Bill Samuels

Recipient of the Millard L. Midonick and Margot Gayle Humanitarian Award for Community Service

Thursday, April 20, 2017
6:00 to 9:00 p.m.
National Arts Club
15 Gramercy Park South

RSVP and pay online by clicking here.

Election Day is Here – GO VOTE!

sticker_0After the seemingly never ending election cycle, the moment we have all been waiting for is finally here! Today we will bring closure to this process by voting. Pollsites in New York City will be open from 6AM to 9PM. High turn out is expected so plan a little extra time to do so.

To find your poll site or see a sample ballot use the online poll site locator tool.

While New York is not a battleground state, a high voter turnout here will be received as a rejection of the recent demagoguery and politics of hate. Please make sure you vote and then remind your friends and family who might be less likely to be engaged in the political process (for whatever reason) how important sending the right message about our future.

unknownIf you have any difficulty finding your poll site, difficulties while voting or know someone else who had,
please contact District Leader
Sandro Sherrod at 646-883-8683.
You might also call the NYC Board of Elections directly at 866-868-3692 to report problems.

After you vote, join us and our neighboring Democratic clubs at a watch party, starting at 7pm at Durden – 213 Second Avenue and 13th Street.

2017 Membership

Dear Tilden Club Member:

I trust you are doing well, and that when we meet again, Hillary Rodham Clinton is President-Elect. This election is the turning point in our Democracy and every vote does count. I hope you cast your vote in person or by absentee ballot.

You can download your 2017 Membership form from this link. You are strongly encouraged to pay online so that your dues are recorded in a timely manner.

If you are a current member and renewing your membership you must do so in advance of the Annual Meeting in January 2017 to maintain your status as a member in good standing, and eligibility to vote at the Annual Meeting. Your renewal membership starts from the date of the electronic transfer, or the date on a check or money order or, if available, on the postmark conditional upon verification of acceptance of the check or money order.

If you are a new member (that is you are not a current member, or your membership lapsed) you secure the rights of a member in good standing and eligibility to vote if you pay the dues now and attend the meeting on November 17, 2016

The bylaws provide:

Section 3. Membership.

A new member is in good standing 60 days from date of membership and having attended one (1) regular meeting of the Club

Please return by mail, your completed form and dues check to the Club Treasurer, Charles Sturcken, at the address in the Membership Form. You may also choose to take advantage of paying the dues online.

I hope to see you at the November meeting, Toys for Tots (December 4 at Paul and Jimmy’s) and at the Annual Meeting.

Thank you very much, on behalf of the Samuel J. Tilden Democratic Club.

Democratically yours,
Greg-Patric Martello
Tilden President

Presidential Debate Watch Party


First Debate Watch Party

Monday, September 26 – 8 p.m.

The moment we’ve all been waiting for. Hillary Clinton finally gets her chance to debate the issues, one-on-one with Donald Trump. Tilden and the Eleanor Roosevelt Clubs will co-host a Watch Party this Monday for the first debate where we will cheer on our candidate.

Doors open at 8 p.m. at Shades of Green Pub, 125 East 15th Street. There is no cover, and drink specials will be available.

RSVP on, Facebook or via email.

No Primary Tuesday

Quick reminder- while other districts have a Primary Election this Tuesday, September 13th, we do not.

Mark your calendars now, the General Election will be held on November 8th. If you plan to be out of town please register for an absentee ballot for this extremely important election. Before then please consider helping to keep PA blue each Saturday with us.

To learn more about your poll site or to look up election dates you can use the poll site locator online app.