Amelia Smollens Wins DOUBLE Gold!

Tilden’s own Amelia Smollens won not just one but TWO Gold Medals for her skiing abilities at Lake Placid this weekend. Despite the insanely cold weather and difficult courses, Amelia won Gold Medals in both the Super G and the Giant Slalom. Congratulations Amelia!!


Housing Clinic with Steve Smollens and Keith Wright Video

On Tuesday, February 10 (5:30-7:30) Councilman Corey Johnson will hold his monthly housing clinic. Our own Male District Leader Steve Smollens, Esq. will be providing advice and help that evening on a variety of housing matters, including landlord harassment/disputes, evictions, second hand smoke, heat, noise, therapy pets, and many others (it’s New York, so the possibilities are endless!). The clinic will take place at Councilman Johnson’s District Office (224 West 30th Street, Suite 1206). All advice is free so bring your issues, questions, and problems. We understand that Steve has arranged for no snow that evening!
City & State, one of New York’s leading political publications, recently interviewed Assemblyman Keith Wright. He sat down with Gerson Borrero to discuss Governor Andrew Cuomo’s planned trip to Cuba and his personal experiences visiting the country. If you would like to watch the interview, go to City and State’s website or cut and paste this link in your browser:

Updates: Genevieve and Events

In advance of the upcoming snowstorm, we hope that everyone stays safe and warm.

Good news is that Genevieve Cervera is doing better and she sends her thanks and best wishes to her Tilden Family. Let’s all keep her in our thoughts and prayers for a speedy, complete recovery.

Borough President Scott Stringer has invited us to the “Trailblazers” Program and Award Ceremony in Honor of African American History Month. The event will take place next Tuesday, February 10 from 6-8 pm at The NY Public Lbrary Schomburg Center (515 Malcolm X Boulevard). RSVP at or (212) 669-4466.

The always fun and yummy Bellevue Legislative Breakfast, sponsored by the Bellevue Community Advisory Board, will be held Friday March 6 from 9:30-11:30 at the Hospital (12th floor conference room). RSVP at or (212) 562-6185.

City Council Member Corey Johson will hold a free Housing Clinic on February 10 from 5:30-7:30 pm at his District Office (224 West 30th Street, Suite 1206). The public is invited to come and meet with housing experts to discuss issues, problems and questions.

For Executive Committee members, please expect an email soon regarding the upcoming Executive Commitee meeting.



Election Results from January 22, 2015 Annual Meeting

On the evening of Thursday, January 22, the Samuel J. Tilden Democratic Club held its Annual Meeting and conducted its election with a standing-room-only crowd. The discussion and presentations highlighted the many ways in which Tilden members serve the community and City, with a new committee formed to look at health care issues.

The election included a contested race for Executive Committee that went to multiple ballots. Kathleen “Kate” Waterman Chaired the Election Committee.

Congratulations to the following members who were reelected or elected:


President: Mark P. Thompson    

Vice President: Greg Martello, Wilbur Weder, Claude L. Winfield    

Recording Secretary: Ellen Imbimbo    

Corresponding Secretary: Sandy Hecker    

Treasurer: Patricia Levenson    

Executive Committee:

Elizabeth Aivars    

Ahsia Badi    

Genevieve Cervera    

Mollie Dunlap    

David Garodnick    

Laura Koestler    

Alan Krevis    

Greg Lambert    

Laura Lopez    

Max Markham    

Janice Plumer    

Esther Ramos    

Paula Schaeffer    

Sandro Sherrod    

Charles Sturcken    

Shelley Winfield    



Annual Meeting and Elections – Agenda for January 22

Annual Meeting & Election
Thursday, January 22, 2015 7:00PM
Seafarer’s & International House
1. President’s Report
2. District Leaders’ Report
3. Annual Treasurer Report
4. Election
5. Announcement of Election Results & Swearing-In of Officers
6. Adjourn

Tilden Elections January 22

Hello Tildenites,
Just one more week to our 2015 Elections!
The Elections will take place on Thursday, January 22, 2015 at 7:00 p.m., at The Seafarer’s
Institute on 15th Street and Irving Place, 2nd Floor. The Elections are conducted by secret ballot.
The following is a list of all of positions and the candidates running for those positions. Each candidate is a Tilden member in good standing:
Position Candidate
President Mark P. Thompson
Vice-President Greg Martello Wilber Weder Claude L. Winfield
Recording Secretary Ellen Imbimbo
Corresponding Secretary Sandy Hecker
Treasurer Patricia Levenson
Executive Committee
Elizabeth Aivars
Ahsia Badi
Genevieve Cervera
Mollie Dunlap
David Garodnick
Laura Koestler
Alan Krevis
Greg Lambert
Laura Lopez
Max Markham
Janice Plumer
Esther Ramos
Marcia Robinson
Virginia Rosario
Paula Schaeffer
Sandro Sherrod
Amelia Smollens
Charles Sturcken
Sharon Sylvester
Shelley Winfield
Arthur Wolf
Alicia Zanelli
Any of the candidates may request a membership list from the Treasurer. Thank you for your continued dedication to Tilden and our community!
Very truly yours,
The Elections Committee
Kathleen C. Waterman, Chairperson

The Long Awaited Borough President’s Apple Sauce Recipe!

For those of you in attendance at our recent meeting with Borough President Gale Brewer, you will remember that she promised to share her celebrated Apple Sauce Recipe. It has gained notoriety far and wide and – hold on to your toque! – we now have the recipe for Tilden members.
Basic Applesauce
Core 1 pound of apples (peel if desired)) and chop and slice.
Combine apples with a cinnamon stick and 1/4 cup of water in a saucepan (optional 1-2 tablespoons of sugar).
Bring to a boil then reduce to simmer, stirring occasionally to prevent sticking, until tender.
Remove from heat and remove the cinnamon stick. Stir in juice from 1/2 lemon.
“Applesauce a la Gale” keeps for 5 days in the fridge or can be frozen for two months.
Special thanks to Shulamit Warren, Director, Policy and Special Projects at Borough President Brewer’s Office.

Judge Kathryn Freed’s Induction & Annual Meeting Update

Greetings Tildenites!
We have been invited to attend the induction of Kathryn Freed as a Justice of the Supreme Court of the State of New York. The ceremony – followed by a reception – takes place this Thursday, January 8 at 4:30 pm at the Civil Courthouse, 111 Centre Street Room 325. Tilden’s own District Leader Louise Dankberg will be speaking at the event.
Some of you may have noticed that the Annual Meeting and Election will actually be on Thursday, January 22 (not 23rd as stated in the last email). The meeting will be held at our usual meeting location, Seafarers’ Institute (123 East 15th Street @ Irving Place) at 7:30 pm. Congratulations to Mark & Suzanne Shapiro, Joy Garland and Pat Levenson for being the first three readers to spot-the-typo! They will each receive a Tilden Club pen/flashlight/stylus at the meeting.

Happy New Year Tilden!

Happy and Healthy New Year to Tilden members and all our friends!
The Annual Meeting and Election will be held the evening of Thursday, January 23 at Seafarer’s Institute. Additional information to follow.
Julie Menin, Commissioner of the NYC Department of Consumer Affairs, has asked for help in spreading the word about an upcoming Phone-A-Thon on Saturday January 31 to help New Yorkers learn about tax breaks that they may be missing. These credits range from $2,000 to $10,000 in tax credits like the Earned Income Tax Credit and Child Care Tax Credit. About 25% of eligible working families fail to claim their money – money families need to help pay for daily necessities – because many people don’t know about these programs.
Tilden members are being asked to volunteer for two-hour shifts (11 a.m. to 1 p.m. or 1 p.m. to 3 p.m. or 3 p.m. to 5 p.m.). Locations vary throughout the City.
For more information on how to register contact the NYC Department of Consumer Affairs or Mark Thompson at