New Officers Sworn In

Dara Kane was sworn-in as President of The Samuel J. Tilden Democratic Club by City Councilman Dan Garodnick on Thursday January 19, 2006. Ms. Kane has been active in The Club for the past four years. In Fall 2005 she served as a Delegate to the Judicial Convention. Presently, Kane is a Delegate to the Democratic County Committee. Dara and her husband, Steve are active at P.S. 40 where their son attends school. Dara recently secured a donation of $1,000 from the Donations Committee of The Club for P.S. 40’s arts program. Ms. Kane has been a resident of Stuyvesant Town and Peter Cooper Village for the past 16 years.

Annual Meeting Notice

Dear Tilden Members and Friends:

The Annual Meeting of the Samuel J. Tilden Democratic Club will convene at the Seafarers’ House, located at 123 East 15th Street @ Irving Place on Thursday, January 19th, 2006 in the second floor meeting room at 7:45 PM. There will be an Executive Committee meeting at 7 PM before the Annual Meeting.

Happy Holidays!

Annual Brunch Report

The Samuel J. Tilden Democratic Club held its annual Toys for Tots Brunch on Sunday December 4, 2005 at the Cottage Restaurant on 16th St. and Irving Place. Over 100 people attended the event. It is a two-fold event: to thank the Tilden members for their hard work all year round and to give $1500 to the Children at Bellevue, to make the holidays a little brighter for needy children who are hospitalized during this festive time of year.

The brunch was also well represented by our Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney, our newly elected Council Members Daniel Garodnick and Rosie Mendez, our new Civil Court Judge, Tanya Kennedy, all three candidates for the Assembly – Don Tobias, Steve Kaufman and Sylvia Friedman.

At the brunch, we also celebrated our December birthday guests, including former Club President, Jay Dankberg and Amelia and Lilly Smollens, daughters of District Leader Steven Smollens.

We take this opportunity to wish everyone a happy holiday season and lots of good health and peace in the New Year. We can be reached at 212-228-5980.

Meeting Notice

Special Meeting: Candidates for the 74th Assembly District Seat

A discussion and possible vote on candidates:

Sylvia Friedman
Stephen Kaufman
Donald J. Tobias, Esq.

Seafarers’ House
123 East 15th Street

Wednesday, December 7th, 2005
7 PM in the Chapel

Reminder: Democratic County Committee Meeting, December 15th

If you are a member of the County Committee and cannot attend, please call Louise Dankberg, 212-475-5347.

In Memoriam

Dear Friends,

I know that some of you already know. It is with deep sorrow that I inform you of the passing of our beloved Sheila Agress.

She was very involved in democratic politics of course, not just to Tilden, but also to the State Committee and to the Eleanor Roosevelt Legacy. She volunteered at SHARE, at the Holocaust Museum, just to name a few. Please feel free to tell people who do not have e-mail or whom I haven’t contacted. It is a very sad time for us all but we are lucky to know Sheila and to be part of her world.

Funeral services: Thursday, Nov. 10th, 2005

Gramercy Chapel
2nd Avenue and 10th Street
11:30 AM


Paula Schaeffer

Dan Garodnick Wins!

The Tilden Democratic Club proudly announces that our very own Dan Garodnick has won the race to become our next Councilman in the 4th District. A special thanks to everyone involved and to all of Dan’s team.

Also, congratulations to all of the elected Democratic candidates.

Click here for full election results

Press Conference to Save Union Square

Tilden, instrumental in the formation of Save Union Square park, participated in a press conference on Sunday, October 16th. The conference was called to send a message to the City Administration and the BID(Business Improvement District) that the community and elected officials are vehemently opposed to a private restaurant in the park. Parks are for children and the public. Where is the playground that has been promised for years?

Speakers included Scott Stringer, Dick Gottfried, Tom Duane and Rosie Mendez. Press coverage including NY 1, 1010 Wins, ABC, The Daily News, The Villager, and UPN-9. We think we made a large impact and hope the Administration will take us seriously. Present from Tilden were Paula Schaeffer, Eadie Shanker, Lyle Frank and Louise Dankberg.

Meeting Notice — Meet Fernando Ferrer!

he next General Membership Meeting of the Club will be held on
Thursday October 20 at the Seafarers and International House, 123
East 15th Street. Invited guest speaker is Democratic Mayoral

We will also have a table at the street Fair on Sunday October 23rd.
Our site is in front of 330 Third Avenue. Please join us the meet the
candidates and register to vote.

Congratulations to Dan!

We’re pleased to announce that our very own former President, Dan Garodnick, will be the Democratic nominee for City Council, District 4!

The New York Times:

“In the Council race to succeed Eva Moskowitz, who ran and lost for Manhattan borough president, the winner was Dan Garodnick, a lawyer who served as president of a Democratic club on the East Side of Manhattan.”

But the battle isn’t over yet! We’ll need everyone’s help to make sure he wins in November and keeps this important district in Democratic hands. Join us today! Our next General Membership meeting is September 26th. Mark your calendar!

Also, congratulations to our other endorsed candidates who were successful last night: Scott Stringer, Rosie Mendez, Robert Morgenthau, and Kristin Booth Glen!


Meetings Notice

There is a Special Pre-Primary meeting scheduled for Monday, September 12th, 2005 at Kenmore Hall, 145 East 23rd Street at 7:30PM. This meeting is being called for the distribution of palm cards both in your buildings and on Primary Day. This is absolutely essential for success in the Primary.

The next General Membership meeting will convene at Seafarers’ House, 123 East 15th Street, corner of Irving Place, on Monday the 26th at 7:30PM on the second floor. This change of meeting date was necessary due to the a scheduling conflict with the Judicial Convention.