New York County County Democratic Committee Meeting & Presidential Dem Debate Watch


Dear Tildenites,

Organizing Meeting of the New York County Democratic Committee 10/3/2019  6:30 pm

If you are a County Committee Member, you are invited to attend the Organizing Meeting of the New York County Democratic Committee on Thursday, October 3rd in the Gymnasium of the Denny Farrell Riverbank State Park at 679 Riverside Drive, off of West 145th Street. Check-in will open at 6:30pm. We are coordinating vans. Please email Louise or Brian for location and time.

Meeting proceedings will begin promptly at 7 pm.

i. Roll Call
ii. Election of Temporary Chairperson
iii. Election of Temporary Secretary
iv. Election of persons to fill vacancies in the County Committee
v. Election of the Chairperson
vi. Election of the Secretary
vii. Adoption of any Rules and Regulations
viii. Election of Other Officers
ix. Other Business

Additional details about the meeting can be found online at


Tilden Presidential Debate Watch Party Tuesday, October 15th!  (Possibly the 16th too)
Shades of Green
125 E 15th St, New York, NY 10003
8 pm

Save the Date: December 1st Holiday Party and April 2nd 2020 for our Annual Gala.


Ahsia Badi, President


Join Tilden


Tilden General meeting tomorrow (Thursday)

Looking forward to seeing you all tomorrow!

Tilden September General Meeting September 26th 7:30 pm.
Seafarer’s International House at 123 E 15th ST 7 pm

Tonight we will have a special visit by Congresswoman Maloney’s Chief of Staff Sarah Hague.
1. Call to Order
2. Adoption of Agenda
3. Committees reports by Chairs of
• Donations
• Membership
• Housing
• Dinner/Gala
4. State Committeewoman Report
5. District Leader Report
6. Old/New business

The executive committee will meet briefly after the general meeting.

Also as a reminder –

Tilden Member John “Butch” Purcell will be honored by Stuyvesant Town 9/25 at 10 am. Playground 9 will be named in his honor. The naming ceremony will on September 25th at 10 am. We should all come out to support our own Butch for this well-deserved honor!

Tilden Democratic Debate watch on 10/15 at Shades of Green. Save the Date!


Ahsia Badi



Join Tilden

Debate watch on 9/12 and Claude L. Winfield honored this Sunday

Dear Tildenites,

We are delighted to inform you that our own Vice-President Claude L Winfield will be honored at the 50th Annual African American Day Parade this Sunday, September 15th. The theme for this year’s parade is integrity and transparency in local government and politics.  Manhattan Borough President Gale Brewer will be recognizing and honoring the outstanding achievements of African American leaders in the Manhattan community including our very own Claude. Please come out and support him on Sunday.

Claude will also be honored at a separate reception on Friday evening, September 13th    

See you tomorrow at the Debate Watch Party!

Shades of Green
125 E 15th St, New York, NY 10003
Watching with other Dems is so much fun! After the great success of our last watch party, we are holding another one for both nights! Come watch with us as we get ready for 2020!


Ahsia Badi, President Tilden Democrats

Debate Watch Party this Thursday 9/12/19 and September updates

Tilden Presidential Debate Watch Parties
Thursday 9/12  8 pm-11 pm
Shades of Green
125 E 15th St, New York, NY 10003
Watching with other Dems is so much fun! After the great success of our last watch party, we are holding another one for both nights! Come watch with us as we get ready for 2020!

Tilden Member John “Butch” Purcell will be honored by Stuyvesant Town 9/25 at 10 am. Playground 9 will be named in his honor. The naming ceremony will on September 25th at 10 am. We should all come out to support our own Butch for this well-deserved honor!

Tilden September General Meeting September 26th 7:30 pm.
Seafarer’s International House at 123 E 15th ST 7 pm

Tonight we will have a special visit by Congresswoman Maloney’s Chief of Staff Sarah Hughes
1. Call to Order
2. Adoption of Agenda
3. Committees reports by Chairs of
• Donations
• Membership
• Housing
• Dinner/Gala
4. State Committeewoman Report
5. District Leader Report
6. Old/New business

In addition, the following advertisement appeared in Town & Village from the Stuy Tenant’s Association regarding the City’s planned Eastside Coastal Resiliency Project.


Ahsia Badi



Join Tilden


September Tilden General Meeting

Dear Tildenites,

We hope you’ve had a wonderful and restful Labor Day weekend.  We all commemorate the collective power of America’s Labor movements.   America’s Unions have worked together to help organize and make America work better for us all. 

A few quick items to note:

Tilden Member John “Butch” Purcell will be honored by Stuyvesant Town on September 25th.  Playground 9 will be named in his honor. The naming ceremony will on  September 25th at 10 am. We should all come out to support our own Butch for this well-deserved honor!

Our amazing Tilden member and District Leader for the past 25 years,  Louise Dankeberg was re-elected Chair of the New York County Executive Committee.

Many congrats to them both!

Tilden  September General Meeting September 26th 7:30 pm. Seafarer’s International House at 123 E 15th ST 7 pm

Tonight we will have a special visit by Congresswoman Maloney and her Chief of Staff Sarah Hughes

  1. Call to Order
  2. Adoption of Agenda
  3. Committees reports by Chair a. Donations b. Membership c. Housing d. Dinner/Gala
  4. State Committeewoman Report
  5. District Leader Report
  6. Old/New business
  7. Adjournment


Ahsia Badi, President



Join Tilden

Save the Date: Tilden Holiday Party 12/1 at Paul and Jimmie’s

Debate watch party and Supreme court forum

Tilden Presidential Debate Watch Parties
Tuesday 7/30 and Wednesday 7/31   8 pm
Shades of Green
125 E 15th St, New York, NY 10003
Watching with other Dems is so much fun! After the great success of our last watch party, we are holding another one for both nights! Come watch with us as we get ready for 2020!

2019 State Supreme Court Candidates East Side Forum
Tuesday, August 6, 2019, 6:30-8:30 PM
New Church, 114 East 35th Street (between Park and Lexington Avenues).

Passing of Pat Levenson

Dear friends;

It is with deep sadness we are emailing to note the passing of our wonderful friend Pat Levenson. Pat passed away peacefully during the early hours of Friday, July 19.

In keeping with her wishes Pat’s privacy was respected during the past few weeks.   Pat remained strong and was alert until her final hours, with almost no pain as she retained her brilliant wit, dignity and calmness.

Her family is in our thoughts.

There will be a celebration of Pat’s life in the Fall. Information regarding a memorial fund in her honor will be forthcoming shortly.


Ahsia Badi, President



Petitioning Wrap Up Party

Once again, as a thanks to our hard working volunteer petitioners, we will be having a thank you party to celebrate your rolling up of your sleeves to get good, progressive candidates on the ballot and in office.


Tilden Petitioning Wrap Up Party
Tuesday, July 9th,  6-8 pm
Citizens of Gramercy
362 Second Avenue and 21st Street

Those who petitioned with Tilden petitions enjoy complimentary access, all else are $40. Please RSVP to Michelle D. Winfield to confirm your attendance.

We look forward to seeing you there!

Sandro Sherrod
District Leader

GOTV for Grace Park and Dem Debate watch!

Dear TIldenites,

We all are out and about this weekend to help get our Civil court Candidate Grace Park Elected.

Check out this wonderful poem by our Tildenite Carol Rinzler in support of Grace Park.

Join Dan Garodnick on Monday at 5:15! Meet at 23rd St. and 1st. Ave. at 5:15 pm and parade to 14th St. and 1st. Ave.
Please contact Louise for other times to GOTV.

If anyone can GOTV or pamphlet, they should contact Joanna Saccone,
(917)-975-3611 or to arrange places and times.

On Election Day Joanna will be at the Starbucks at 1st Avenue and 23rd street if anyone wants stop by and volunteer.

Victory Party!
At The Globe, 158 East 23rd, between 3rd and Park Avenue South. Starting 9:00 pm.

NY State Primary June 25, 2019

Tilden Presidential Debate Watch Party Wednesday, June 26th! 
Shades of Green
125 E 15th St, New York, NY 10003
9 pm
Tilden members get a free drink! Snacks provided. Come watch with other Dems as we get ready for 2020! Bring a friend!. New members get a free drink too!

June Tilden Meeting (Cancelled)

Save the Date! East side Supreme Court Judicial Forum 
Aug. 5th at 6:30pm


Ahsia Badi, President

June News and Events – Updated

Dear TIldenites,

Looking forward to a wonderful June with some great events

Criminal Justice Reform Forum (Joint ERDC/GSID/Tilden event)
Special speaker Janos Dev Marton, State Campaign Manager, ACLU
Note there will be NO Tilden meeting that night) 
When 6/20/2019 7pm
Where: New Church 114 E. 35th St.

NY State Primary June 25, 2019 We are getting out the vote for our candidate Grace Park. Please reach out to Louise if you would like to help volunteer.

Tilden Presidential Debate Watch Party Wednesday, June 26th! 
Shades of Green
125 E 15th St, New York, NY 10003
8 pm
Tilden members get a free drink! Snacks provided. Come watch with other Dems as we get ready for 2020! Bring a friend!. New members get a free drink too!

June Tilden Meeting (Cancelled)

Save the Date! East side Supreme Court Judicial Forum 
Aug. 8th at 6:30pm


Ahsia Badi, President