2010 Endorsements

The Tilden membership gathered last evening and voted to endorse the following candidates:

US Senate: Charles Schumer
US Senate Special Election: Kirsten Gillibrand
US House of Representatives: Carolyn Maloney
NYS Lieutenant Governor: Bill Samuels
NYS Attorney General: Eric Schneiderman
NYS Comptroller: Thomas DiNapoli
NYS Senate : Thomas Duane (29th District), Liz Krueger (26th District)
NYS Assembly: Brian Kavanagh
State Committee (74th AD): Michael Farrin (Male), Sylvia Friedman (Female)

Please click on the candidate’s names above to learn how you can help out with their campaigns.

May Meeting & Forum Reminder

While there is a bit of chill in the air, it is in fact May. With May comes the second of our cosponsored candidate forums and our May membership meeting.

Be sure to join us at the east midtown democratic club candidate forum this coming Sunday for NYS Governor, NYS Lieutenant Governor and House of Representative candidates for the 14th district. Each candidate will be given an opportunity to speak followed by a period for questions from the audience. The flyer for this event may be found here.

East Side Candidate Forum No. 2
May 16th, 1pm – 3pm

Candidates for NYS Governor, NYS Lieutenant Governor and 14th Congressional Seat will take your questions.
Baruch Performing Arts College, Engelman Recital Hall Lexington Avenue and 24th Street.

At our next membership meeting we will be voting to endorse candidates for several offices.

Tilden General Meeting
May 20th, 7:30 pm

Endorsement vote for both US Senate Seats, US House of Representative NY14, NYS Governor, NYS Lieutenant Governor, NYS Comptroller and Male and Female State Committee positions.
123 East 15th Street and Irving Place, 2nd floor.

57th Annual Dinner and Reception

We are very excited to be celebrating out 57th year and honoring some very important members of our community.  Please join us as we present Councilmember Rosie Mendez with the Beth R. Cosnow Award for Democratic Leadership and District Leader Steven W. Smollens and Lyle Frank with the Tilden Humanitarian Award for Community Service.  Each of them have been outstanding leaders in the community and we will take this opportunity to recognize them and thank them for all that they have done.

Tilden 57th Annual Dinner & Reception
May 6th, 2010
6:00 PM
Il Cortile Restaurant
125 Mulberry Street, New York City.

It is not too late, if you have not already done so, you may RSVP to dinner@tildendemocrats.com or by leaving a message at (347) 948-3367.  Tickets are $350 for Patrons, $275 for Sponsors, $175 for Guests and $95 for Members.  Please indicate your desired level of sponsorship when you email or call.

April Events

We hope you are enjoying the spring weather but can take some time to join us during the month of April.

Tilden General Meeting
April 15th, 7:30 pm

Invited Speakers: Senator Liz Krueger and State Committee Members Sylvia Friedman and Michael Farrin and Jonathan Tasini, Reshma Saujani and Eric Dinallo.
Seafarers’ and International House
123 East 15th Street and Irving Place, 2nd floor.

East Side Candidate Forum No. 1
April 18th, 1pm – 4pm
Candidates for US Senator, NYS Attorney General and NYS Comptroller will take your questions.
Robert F. Wagner Middle School Cafeteria
220 East 76th Street between Second and Third Avenues

The 57th Annual Tilden Dinner and Reception will be on Thursday, May 6th from 6pm – 9pm.  Invitations have already been sent out, please RSVP if you have not already done so.  If you didn’t receive your invitation and would like to receive one, please email dinner@tildendemocrats.com

Meeting Reminder

Our next general meeting will be on 18th of March and will take place at 7:30 pm at the Seafarers’ and International House at 123 East 15th Street and Irving Place, 2nd floor.

Next Meeting

The next general meeting of Tilden will be on 18th of February and will take place at 7:30 pm at the Seafarers’ and International House at 123 East 15th Street and Irving Place, 2nd floor.

Election Results

The January 2010 Annual Meeting concluded with the following officers being elected.

Sandro Sherrod

Laura Koestler
Steven Newmark
Julie Torres


Paula Schaeffer
Recording Secretary

Mollie Dunlap
Corresponding Secretary

Pat Levenson

Executive Committee

Elizabeth Aivars
Tony Ficcio
Linda Goldman
Sandy Hecker
Claude Kleefield
Laura Lopez
Roger Parrish
Janice Plumer
Marcia Robinson
Edie Shanker
Shelley Winfield
Arthur Wolf
Alicia Zanelli

2010 Annual Meeting

The Annual Meeting will be on 21 January will take place at 7:30 pm at the Seafarers’ and International House at 123 East 15th Street and Irving Place, 2nd floor.

The agenda is as follows:

1. Report of the Elections Committee
2. Election and Induction of Tilden officers and the Executive Committee members
3. Old and new business

Toys for Tots Photos

Thank you to Julie Torres and everyone else who helped make our toys for tots event a wonderful success. A special thanks to Sandy Hecker who took many wonderful photos that can be viewed on flickr.

Toys for Tots Holiday Party

Please join us for our annual Toys for Tots Holiday Party

Sunday, December 6, 2009
Noon to 3:00 pm


Paul and Jimmy’s Restaurant
123 E 18th Street
(212) 475-9540

A donation will be made to the Beth Israel Pediatric Resource Center.
Please do not bring a gift to this event.

$20 for Members and $35 for Non-members