As we wind up Summer and celebrate our Democratic values on Labor Day, Tildenites can remember what great work we have done for our City. Our next task is to make sure everyone votes on Primary Day, next Tuesday, September 9.
In advance of November’s General Election, Tilden will take part in “National Voter Registration Day,” which is September 23. This is a nationwide day of action to register as many new voters as possible. Last year Texas won by just 12 registrations; our goal is to make New York State the winner! Shelly Winfield – Chair of Tilden’s Voter Registration Committee – will bring materials to our next meeting on Thursday, September 18, so take some packets home with you and reach out to your friends, family, neighbors, and even random people who may need your encouragement.
Don’t forget to attend the upcoming Senior Issues Forum on Monday September 15 (6-8 pm at NYU Langone Medical Center Alumni Hall B). Attendees will hear about a variety of programs available for seniors and will have the opportunity to ask questions. Thanks to Senator Liz Krueger and Community Board Six for sponsoring the event. Bring friends!
Tilden has been invited to two events being held by other local Democratic Clubs. The Stonewall Democratic Club is hosting an Educational Policy Forum on September 17 (LGBT Community Center, 208 West 13th near 7th Avenue, 8 pm). The panel will include NYC School Chancellor Carmen Farina and City Councilmember (and City Council Education Committee Chair) Danny Dromm. In addition, GSID is hosting Gubernatorial Candidate Zephyr Teachout at its monthly meeting (September 4, 7:30 pm, at Seafarer’s Institute).