Last Call for Toys 4 Tots brunch and the 2015 Club Calendar

If you haven’t purchased your ticket for Toys 4 Tots, you should do it now! There are only a few seats left for this fun and delicious meal on Sunday December 14 (12 – 3 pm at Paul & Jimmy’s restaurant, 123 East 18th Street between Park Ave South and Irving Place). Tickets are $30 for members, and $50 for non-members. Please send your check to Pat Levenson, 444 East 20th St #6D, NYC, NY 10009. (Don’t bring toys; your ticket price covers the donations.)

Since 2015 is just around the corner, be sure to mark your calendar with the following dates:

1/22/15 – Annual Meeting 

2/19 – Monthly Meeting 

3/19 – Monthly meeting

4/23 – Annual Dinner at National Arts Club

5/21 – Monthly Meeting (Candidates Night and Endorsement Vote)

6/7 – Street Fair

6/25 – Monthly meeting (first petition collection)

7/13 – Petition Wrap Party

9/13 – poll coverages/palm card distribution festivities (location TBD)

9/14 – Primary Day

9/17 – Monthly Meeting

10/15 – Monthly Meeting

11/19 – Monthly meeting

12/6 – Toys 4 Tots Event

 1/21/16 – Annual Meeting