New Baby! New News!

A huge Tilden “congratulations” to former Tilden President Steve Newmark and Bonnie Starfield (and Harrison Newmark) on the birth of Marley Rosa Newmark. Marley arrived on March 23; it is rumored she arrived holding a green petition and Tilden flashlight pen!

The Annual Dinner on April 23 at the National Arts Club is selling out quickly, so be sure to send in your reservation as soon as possible. If you need more information contact President Mark Thompson at As a reminder, the event will serve as the April monthly meeting.

Our own Genevieve Cervera is undergoing surgery today (3/31), so please keep her in your thoughts. We wish her the best and will provide an update.

We have been invited to the Association of the Bar of the City of NY’s April 28 (6-8 pm) panel discussion on the governance of the City Council. The event will feature many City Council members and other elected officials and special guests, including Borough President Gale Brewer, Councilmembers Levin, Rosenthal and Lander, Public Advocate Tish James, Christopher Collins (formerly of BSA, now with Capalino+Company), Dick Dadey (Citizen’s Union), and Susan Lerner (Common Cause). Please RSVP at by clicking on “Events.”

At our last meeting, Tilden voted unanimously to support Senator Brad Hoylman’s eforts to restore the budget allocation for runaway and homeless youth. Please sign the petition by cut-and-pasting this address: into your browser. It’s important that we show our support!

Our Male District Leader Steve Smollens, who attended Council Member Corey Johnson’s event “Reforming the Rent Guidelines Board,” prepared a very informative summary of the event and the information presented. Since the document exceeds the capacity of this posting, if you would like a copy please contact for a copy.

Save the date May 19 for a bus trip to Albany. Enjoy what should be nice weather (finally!) Upstate and join fellow New Yorkers for a rally to support keeping rent regulations. More information to follow.

And a special shout out to Steve “Eagle Eyes” Smollens and Sandro “Typo” Sherrod!

Happy Holidays!

Mark P. Thompson
