Best Wishes to VP Greg Martello and Cheers to Charles Sturcken!

All of us at Tilden send our best wishes for a speedy recovery to Vice President Greg Martello, who is at home recovering from a serious bone break. While he has been ordered to stay home and not move for several months due to the severity of the break, we know this can’t keep him down! Greg will be Skyping in to this month’s meeting on the 17th so bring your Tilden Light sabers to wave at the screen!

Cheers to Tilden’s own well-published Charles “Charlie” sturcken whose most recent appeaance was on the New York Times editorial page (9/3/15). Below is his letter to the editor, making another brilliant point.

The Kentucky Clerk Who Denied Marriage Licenses to Gay Couples



To the Editor:


“Under whose authority?” asked the applicant denied a wedding license. “Under God’s authority,” responded the clerk. Elected public servants answer to no higher authority than the public who elected them. When you arrive at work in government, you leave your religion outside the door.




New York