Judges! Environment! Greg Martello!

Greetings Tildenites,

On Thursday evening, a very large group of Tildenites participated in the annual Supreme Court Judicial Convention at Harlem Hospital. During the long evening, those of us present witnessed a long series of candidates get nominated and – in most cases – decline the nomination. By the end of the evening Supreme Court Justice Barbara Kapnick was renominated for another term, and four judges were nominated to run for Supreme Court Justice. The Fabulous Four are: the Honorable Arlene Bluth, who received a roof-raising, roaring standing ovation; the Honorable Arthur Engoren, who accepted the nomination with a brilliantly funny speech that brought the crowd to its feet; the Honorable Tanya Kennedy, who ‘floored the nominating floor’ with her well-known brilliance; and Raymond Bruce who charmed the crowd. Our own Louise Dankberg was called upon to nominate several candidates, including Tilden’s own Honorable Nancy Bannon, who gave one of the evening’s most elequent and classy speeches.

A shout out goes to Judge Kennedy’s beautiful Mother who was in attendance (we met her when Judge Kennedy spoke to Tilden earlier this year) and to Tilden’s own Kate Waterman, who serves as Judge Engoren’s Law Clerk. The nominees will all be on the November 3 ballot, when we can make it official.

We missed having our Vice Pesident Greg Martello at the Convention. Greg is at home recovering from a nasty bone break that has him laid up for several months. Greg, we all send you our best and look forward to seeing you soon!


Mark P. Thompson

President, Samuel J. Tilden Democratic Club