Please note that the Tilden meetings were mistakenly listed as occurring on September 18th when in fact they will be on September 14th.
Don’t Forget to vote at the Democratic Primary on September 12th open from 6am-9pm for our endorsed candidates for City Council, Carlina Rivera and Keith Powers. You can verify where you pollsite is located here. If you encounter any difficulties at your pollsite please report them to District Leader Sandro Sherrod.
Tilden General Membership Meeting
September 14, 2017 – 7:30 pm
123 East 15th Street, 2nd Floor
1. Call to Order
2. Adoption of Agenda
3. Adoption of Minutes
4. President’s Report
5. District Leader’s Report
6. State Committee Report
7. Treasurer’s Report
8. Guest Speaker – Brianna Mankey: Breaking Ground Out-Reach Program
9. Old/New Business
10. Adjournment
Tilden Executive Committee Meeting
September 14, 2017 – 5:45 pm
123 East 15th Street, 2nd Floor
1. Call to Order
2. Adoption of Agenda
3. Vice President Vacancy
4. State Committee Report
5. 65th Gala
6. Endorsed Candidates for local council districts 2 & 4
7. Primary Day
9. Homeless Shelter on 17th Street
10. Nominating Committee
11. Old/New Business
12. Adjournment
Come Celebrate the Supreme Court Candidacy of Nancy M. Bannon at The Wheeltapper Room at the Fitzpatrick Hotel Grand Central at 141 East 44th Street and Lexington Avenue on Sunday, September 17th from 11am-1pm.
Eleanore Roosevelt and Four Freedoms Democratic Clubs are holding a New York Supreme Court Candidates Forum at the New Church at 114 East 35th Street on September 18th from 7-9pm.
Congratulations to State Senator Hoylman and his family on the new addition, his second daughter, Lucy.
from Sandro, Louise and Greg