Judicial candidate meet and greet dates, forums and convention dates

Dear Tildenites,

Sending a quick note with relevant judicial candidate dates.

Hon. Jennifer Schecter
5:30 p.m.
Eighteen Restaurant
240 East 81 Street

Hon. Shawn T. Kelly
6:30-8:30 p.m.
Home of George Dorsey
171 East 84th Street@ 3rd Ave. Apt. 33E

Judge Alexander Tisch
Candidate for Justice of the Supreme Court
5:30 pm – 7:30 pm
Katz’s Delicatessen 205 East Houston Street New York, New York

Supreme Court Judicial Report Out TBA

Hon. David Cohen
Noon – 2 p.m.,
Brunch Bedford Park Restaurant 61 East 34 Street @ Park + Madison

Supreme Court Judicial Forum
7:00 p.m. Community Church 14 East 35th Street

Supreme Court Convention
TBA possible SVA @ West 23rd Street