Happy New Years and January dates and info


Dear Tildenites,

Happy New Years!

This month we have several events as we have Tilden officer and executive committee elections!

Tilden November Candidate Night (Note time and date)
January 7th, 2020 7pm
Seafarer’s International House at 123 E 15th ST

Tilden November Annual Meeting (Note time)
January 30th, 2020 8pm
Seafarer’s International House at 123 E 15th ST

Please save the date for our April 2nd Tilden Gala!  Details and online tickets, sponsors and patron information will be released soon!

If you are interested in supporting any presidential campaign petition, etc.  You may directly contact the campaigns: Please note this information is from NY State Dems and is subject to change as each campaign updates their contact info etc. Also please note that NY Dems has a DNC Delegate guide and presentation on their website that’s really informative!

Michael Bennet
Email: info@michaelbennet.com

Joe Biden
Point of Contact: Carla Frank
Email: cfrank@joebiden.com

Michael Bloomberg
Point of Contact: Norma Rahall
Email: nrahall@mikebloomberg.com

Cory Booker
Point of Contact: Chelsea Goldinger
Email: cgoldinger@corybooker.com

Pete Buttigieg
Point of Contact: George Hornedo
Email: ghornedo@peteforamerica.com

John Delaney
Email: info@johndelaney.com

Tulsi Gabbard
No contact information has been provided

Amy Klobuchar
Point of Contact: Lucinda Ware
Email: lucinda@amyklobuchar.com

Deval Patrick
No contact information has been provided

Bernie Sanders
Point of Contact: Matt Berg
Email: mattberg@berniesanders.com

Tom Steyer 
Point of Contact: Cameron Koob
Email: cameron.koob@tomsteyer.com

Elizabeth Warren
Email: ewdelegates@elizabethwarren.com

Marianne Williamson
Email: contact@marianne2020.com

Andrew Yang
Point of Contact: Zach Fang
Email: zachfang@yang2020.com


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