GOTV and support Blue candidates

Dear Tildenites,

We are partnering and supporting several initiatives throughout the City supporting Blue candidates near and far.  We have one month until the midterms and a team full of drive and with the power of the people to get Democratic candidates elected.

  1. Sister District NY12-13-14 If you recall, Sister district came to our general meeting in the Spring. They working hard to support Tina Davis Democrat for Pennsylvania’s Senate District 6.

Saturday, October 20, Sister District is offering free transit to visit Bucks County. PA and knock on doors to talk about Tina. Thier bus leaves Midtown Manhattan at 8:30 am and gets you home by dinnertime. Join them!  they are making this trip in partnership with other local teams and with EMILY’s List, so seats are filling quickly. Grab yours today! 

Facebook initiatives: Leadership at Sister District HQ have kicked off an experiment testing whether folks become likelier to vote when an activist tags them on Facebook. They’re testing this idea in four states including Pennsylvania. If you’re game to tap this turnout possibility, read this primer.  Then sign up by midnight on October 11 and prepare for training the next day.

October 13, 8 am – 7 pm

Join us and fellow New Yorkers on a trip to canvass for Democratic candidate Antonio Delgado, looking to take District 19 in the Hudson Valley. Bus leaves at 8 am and returns by 7 pm. Organizers are asking for $10 to help cover costs. If you are a student or cannot afford the ticket, please let us know. Register at

Location: Union Square East

3. New York Dems  

This  Wednesday, October 10 we will phone bank for Antonio Delgado, the candidate for CD19. Sign up here!

This Thursday, October 11 we will phone bank for Antonio Delgado,  the candidate for CD19. Sign up here!

We will also be calling for CD22 candidate Anthony Brindisi on Thursday October 11. You can sign up here!

GOTV Weekend(S) The GOTV (Get Out The Vote) period are the three days leading up to election day and election day itself. These are the most important days of the campaign and we now have the full schedule for those who want to Flip the House! Along with this, the two weekends prior to GOTV will serve as dry runs. Please sign up to either canvass or phone bank below to help Get Out The Vote!

October 20 Dry Run Phone Bank

October 20 Dry Run Canvass

October 21 Dry Run Phone Bank

October 21 Dry Run Canvass

October 27 Dry Run Phone Bank

October 27 Dry Run Canvass

Remember the main things that you can do to help are either phone bank, canvass, and register voters, and recruit volunteers. If you have questions or suggestions for an event, email Suggestions are welcome

We will continue to send reminders out. Let us know if you’re hosting any events so we can also share them.



October Updates, GOTV buses, phone banking and birthday cake

Dear Tilden members,

Hope you are having a wonderful Fall!

Tilden Executive Committee Meeting
Thursday, October 25th,  2018 at 6:30 pm
Seafarer’s International House
123 E 15th ST, New York, NY

Tilden General Membership Meeting
Thursday, October 25th,  2018 at 7:30 pm
Seafarer’s International House
123 E 15th ST, New York, NY

We still have much to do to help flip districts blue! 

Buses every Saturday and Get Out The Vote
Leaving from Union Square at 8:30am
Returning to Union Square at 8:00pm

Vote Blue 2018 is a grassroots initiative, Democrats and Democratic clubs in New York City are sponsoring buses to transport volunteers to support Democrats running for office in NY, NJ and PA.

In addition, NY Dems is organizing several phone banks and we all will be participating!

This  Wednesday, October 3 we will phone bank for Perry Gershon, the candidate for CD1. Sign up here!

This Thursday, October 4 we will phone bank for Antonio Delgado, the candidate for CD19. Sign up here!

Now that the state primary is over, we can concentrate on electing Democrats up and down the ballot. We will be having phone banks for Congressional candidates every Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday from 6PM to 8PM at 370 7th Ave, 14th Floor until the November 6th election.

GOTV Weekend(S)

The last two weekends of October (10/20-21 & 10/27-28) will be Weekends of action before the Final 4 days of the election for GOTV. Mark your calendars and look out for more information soon!

In addition, download the vote with me app to keep exercise the buddy system of voting accountability. You can download the app for free here:

Judges have been nominated as Democratic candidates for NYS Supreme Court-Lynn Kotler, Alex Tisch and Mary Rodado and will appear in the November ballot.

NYDLC Election Day Voter Protection Volunteers
Calling all Voter Protection Volunteers! NYDLC is working with Democrats across New York to protect the civil rights of ALL eligible voters on Election Day (11/6) and we need your help to monitor the polls in top priority Red-to-Blue Congressional and State Senate contests.


We are also excited to co-host a celebration of Eleanor Roosevelt with our sister clubs. Please email to RSVP


Ahsia Badi, President

Follow us:
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September updates-flip district phone banks and this week’s meeting cancelled

Dear Tilden members,

A reminder that this week’s Tilden General Meeting is canceled. 

After a busy primary season lets not forget we still need to support Democrats across the State get elected.

Congressional Flip District Phone Banks
When: Tuesday, September 25ᵗʰ at 6:00 pm EDT
Where: RWDSU
370 7th Ave
New York, NY 10001


With your help, Democratic campaigns across the country will be able to educate, organize, engage, and mobilize a record number of voters by November 6th. But this work will require Democrats like you to join this effort.


Ahsia Badi, President

Follow us:
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September 9/27 meeting cancelled and GOTV

Dear Tildenites,

We are canceling this month’s general meeting on 9/27. This month’s Committee meetings will continue as per the Chairs.

We encourage you to help GOTV for next week’s primary for our endorsed Democratic candidates.

Here are few links for you to sign up:

Harvey Epstein 

Please sign up for election day GOTV.

Tish James  

Many more GOTV events and activities out there please help support ALL our endorsed candidates where you can!


Ahsia Badi, President

GOTV for next week’s primary!

Dear Tildenites,

We encourage you to help GOTV for next week’s primary for our endorsed Democratic candidates.

Here are few links for you to sign up:

Harvey Epstein 

I  and a few Tildenites will be at 23rd and Park (SE side) on Monday at 5 pm.

Tish James  

Many more GOTV events and activities out there please help support ALL our endorsed candidates where you can!


Ahsia Badi, President

Judicial candidate meet and greet dates, forums and convention dates

Dear Tildenites,

Sending a quick note with relevant judicial candidate dates.

Hon. Jennifer Schecter
5:30 p.m.
Eighteen Restaurant
240 East 81 Street

Hon. Shawn T. Kelly
6:30-8:30 p.m.
Home of George Dorsey
171 East 84th Street@ 3rd Ave. Apt. 33E

Judge Alexander Tisch
Candidate for Justice of the Supreme Court
5:30 pm – 7:30 pm
Katz’s Delicatessen 205 East Houston Street New York, New York

Supreme Court Judicial Report Out TBA

Hon. David Cohen
Noon – 2 p.m.,
Brunch Bedford Park Restaurant 61 East 34 Street @ Park + Madison

Supreme Court Judicial Forum
7:00 p.m. Community Church 14 East 35th Street

Supreme Court Convention
TBA possible SVA @ West 23rd Street

September updates

Dear Tilden members,

Hope you all had a wonderful Labor Day!

September is a busy month with Judicial events, primaries and meetings.

September Primary! 9/13/18
It is crucial that you come out and vote and bring your friends and neighbors.  Please vote for our Tilden endorsed democratic candidates, vote against IDC and GOTV to support candidates throughout the State!

Judicial Events (Several candidates have ” meet and greets” this month. If you have not received information please reach out to Louise Dankeberg)
*Supreme Court Judicial panel reports out. 9/6/18
*Supreme Court Judicial Forum co-sponsored by Tilden and many Clubs
7 pm at The New Church, 114 East 35th Street
*Supreme Court Judicial Convention 9/20/18.

General Meeting 9/27/18
Thursday, September 27th, 2018 at 7:00 pm (Note earlier start time)
Seafarer’s International House
123 E 15th ST
1. President report
2. District Leader Report
3. Committee Reports
4. Old / New Business
5. Adjourn

Housing Lotteries

Tilden remains committed to supporting affordable housing and helping members find housing. Here’s a link to upcoming affordable housing lotteries. There is always an affordable apartment for someone, it all depends on your income and the number of people occupying the apartment.

Warm Regards,

Ahsia Badi, President

Follow us:
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Help Tisch James become our next AG!

We will be talking to voters and distributing literature for New York State Attorney General  Candidate Letitia “Tisch” James this Tuesday at 6pm. We hope you can join us at the 16th Street and First Ave!

Petions, parties, Attorney General forum and more

Dear Tilden members,

Hope you all had a wonderful 4th of July!

Petitioning: Please note that petitions must be turned in by 7/9 at the Petition wrap party.

Petition Wrap Party is 7/9 at 6:30 pm at Patrizia’s Restaurant on 26th St. and 2nd Ave. Entrance fee is two completed petitions or $40. Please rsvp to me if you’d like to attend.

If you can not attend the 7/9 event please contact me or Louise Dankeberg for instructions on how to drop off your petitions.

Attorney General Forum: Tilden is delighted to co-sponsor with our fellow Democratic clubs on July  11th.

Confirmed attendees: Letitia “Tish” James, Zephyr Teachout and Leecia Eve

Where:New Church, 114 East 35th Street (between Park & Lex)
When:7:00 -9:00 p.m.

RSVP and Submit Questions at:

Co-sponsored by:

ERDC, GSID, CoDA, Tilden, Lex Club, Four Freedoms,
Ansonia, Park River, and West Harlem.

Warm Regards,

Ahsia Badi, President

Follow us:
Join Tilden

Tuesday Primary and GOTV

Dear Tilden Members,
We hope petioning is going well?
Tuesday is election day and you’re invited to Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney’s election night party.  We thank you for your continuous support of Carolyn and would love for you to join us that night.
1. Please vote on Tuesday and bring people with you! Double check that your poll site hasn’t moved! 
2. Please consider volunteering on Monday or Tuesday to help get out the vote by making calls or door knocking with the campaign.  You can sign up to cover a shift HERE. 
3. Join Carolyn on election night to watch the results come in.
The party will be held at Stout NYC Grand Central, 60 East 41st Street (between Park and Madison Avenues)
It will begin at 9 p.m. (when the polls close) and last until victory!
Please call (212) 531-2858 or email to let us know if you will be able to attend the party. Thank you again for supporting Carolyn.