Dear Tilden Members!

This weekend is GOTV and EDAY for Carolyn Maloney’s campaign.  Please sign up  to help.

Click here  to sign up:

When: Saturday, June 23 from 5:00 pm – 9:00 pm
Where: Campaign HQ (1322 3rd Ave, Entrance on East 76st)
What: Phonebanking

When: Sunday, June 24 from 5:00 pm- 9:00 pm
Where: Campaign HQ (1322 3rd Ave, Entrance on East 76st)
What: Phonebanking

When: Monday, June 25 from 2:00 pm- 5:00 pm
Where: Campaign HQ (1322 3rd Ave, Entrance on East 76st)
What: Phonebanking

When: Tuesday, June 26 (Primary Day) 5:30 am- 9:30 am
Where: At a Poll Site (TBD based on your geography)
What: Poll Site Visibility

When: Tuesday, June 26 (Primary Day) 5:00 pm- 9:00 pm
Where: At a Poll Site (TBD based on your geography)
What: Poll Site Visibility

June updates

We are well into petitioning season!

Many thanks to all our members and friends who’ve shown up to petition!

Tilden General Membership Meeting
Thursday, June 21st, 2018 at 7:00 pm (Note earlier start time)
Seafarer’s International House
123 E 15th ST
1. Presentation by Joe Telano from NY State Democratic Party
2. President report
3. District Leader Report
4. Committee Reports
5. Old / New Business
6. Adjourn

Petitioning Schedule:

June 14th -CVS on 3rd Ave. between 21st and 22nd Sts. 4:30 pm
June 15th- July 2nd  Members to petition on their own, but it’s more fun and effective if you have buddies. Let us know if you want members to join.
July 9th- Last day to turn in petitions AND petition wrap party is 7/9 at 6:30 pm at Patrizia’s Restaurant on 26th St. and 2nd Ave. Entrance fee is two completed petitions or $40. (Please RSVP to me


Ahsia Badi, President

Follow us:
Join Tilden

Tilden June Schedule

Petition Pick-up
Monday, June 4th, 2018 7 pm
Seafarer’s International House
123 E 15th ST, New York, NY

74th AD multi-club Petitioning Training
Thursday, June 7th, 2018 7 pm
Seafarer’s International House
123 E 15th ST, New York, NY
Come join us and learn all aspects of petitioning from start to finish, binding and bringing to the BOE please RSVP to Louis Dankberg- so we may bring supplies

Tilden Street Fair
Sunday,, June 10th 11-4pm
3rd Avenue 23rd-34th street

Tilden General Membership Meeting
Thursday, June 21st, 2018 at 7:00 pm
Seafarer’s International House
123 E 15th ST, New York, NY

Petitioning Schedule:
June 5th First day of petitioning
June 6th Morton Williams on 23rd St. between 1st. and 2nd Aves. at 4:30 pm.
June 8th in front of Morton Williams on 23rd St. between 1st. and 2nd Aves. at 4:30 pm.
June 10th Street Fair. The exact location is not known as yet but it will be on 3rd Ave. in the high 20s.
Petitioning 11 am-4 pm
June 11th D’Ags 25th St. and 3rd Ave. 4:30 pm
June 14th -CVS on 3rd Ave. between 21st and 22nd Sts. 4:30 pm
July 2nd- Turn in petitions Seafarers at 7 pm.


Ahsia Badi, President

Follow us:
Join Tilden


May meetings updates

Dear members,

Sending along a couple of updates

Civil Court Candidate Forum co-hosted with GSID, CODA and ERDC
Monday, May 21st, 7 pm
Seafarer’s International House
123 E 15th ST, New York, NY

Tilden Executive Committee Meeting
Thursday, May 24th, 6 pm
Seafarer’s International House
123 E 15th ST, New York, NY

Tilden General Membership Meeting
Thursday, May 24th, 2018 at 7:30 pm
Seafarer’s International House
123 E 15th ST, New York, NY 100033/22

1. Call to Order
2. State Committeewoman report
3. Endorsement vote
4. Presentation: Working Toward Equitable Access in NYC Public Education, Robin Broshi, CEC2 President
5. District Leaders’ Report
6. Committee Reports
3. President’s Report
7. Old / New Business
8. Adjourn


Ahsia Badi, President

Follow us:
Join Tilden



May Tilden Meetings and Events

Dear members,

Sending along a couple of updates

Civil Court Candidate Forum co-hosted with GSID, CODA and ERDC
Monday, May 21st, 7 pm
Seafarer’s International House
123 E 15th ST, New York, NY

Tilden Executive Committee Meeting
Thursday, May 24th, 6 pm
Seafarer’s International House
123 E 15th ST, New York, NY

Tilden General Membership Meeting
Thursday, May 24th, 2018 at 7:30 pm
Seafarer’s International House
123 E 15th ST, New York, NY 100033/22

1. Call to Order
2. State Committeewoman report
3. Endorsement vote
4. Presentation: Working Toward Equitable Access in NYC Public Education, Robin Broshi, CEC2 President
5. District Leaders’ Report
6. Committee Reports
3. President’s Report
7. Old / New Business
8. Adjourn


Ahsia Badi, President

Follow us:
Join Tilden



Tilden meeting still on Tonight

Dear members,

We are monitoring the weather and still hope to meet. We ask you to use your own discretion if it’s safe for you to attend.

Tilden General Membership Meeting
Thursday, March 22, 2018 at 7:30 pm
Seafarer’s International House
123 E 15th ST, New York, NY 100033/22


1. Call to Order
2. Presentation: Tilden Donation Committee
3. Presentation: Sister District
4. Endorsement of Assembly Candidate.
5. President’s Report
6. District Leaders’ Report
7. Committee Reports
8. Old / New Business
9. Adjourn

March 24th- March for our Lives- Anti-gun violence Meet at 11 am at 75th and Broadway to join other Manhattan Democratic Clubs.

Thursday, April 5th Frederick E. Samuel Community Democratic Club Senior Citizen’s Forum Ahsia Badi will be a guest speaker in her work capacity. See attached flyer below

#1 Club in New York!
Ahsia Badi, President
Renew your membership for 2018 today: Tilden Membership Renewal

Petitioning Schedule for Congresswoman Carolyn B. Maloney
March 24 – Noon – 16th & First Avenue, NE corner
April 4th – 4:30 p.m. D’Ags Supermarket, 25th St. & Third Avenue

Please contact Michelle D. Winfield 646-853-5904 if you’d like to join or have questions

Dates to note for 2018

Thursday, April 19th, 2018 Tilden Gala
Tuesday, April 24, 2018 New York State Special Election
Thursday, May 24, 2018, General Meeting
Thursday, June 21, 2018 General Meeting
No meetings July and August
Thursday, September 27, 2018 General Meeting
Thursday, October 25, 2018 General Meeting
Thursday, November 29, 2018 General Meeting

Tilden General Membership Meeting- Amended Agenda

Dear members,

We are monitoring the weather and hope to meet.  We ask you to use your own discretion if it’s safe for you to attend.

Tilden General Membership Meeting
Thursday, March 22, 2018 at 7:30 pm

Seafarer’s International House
123 E 15th ST, New York, NY 100033/22


1. Call to Order
2. Presentation: Tilden Donation Committee
3. Presentation: Sister District
4. Endorsement of Assembly Candidate.
5. President’s Report
6. District Leaders’ Report
7. Committee Reports
8. Old / New Business
9. Adjourn


March 24th- March for our Lives- Anti-gun violence Meet at 11 am at 75th and Broadway to join other Manhattan Democratic Clubs.

Thursday, April 5th Frederick E. Samuel Community Democratic Club Senior Citizen’s Forum Ahsia Badi will be a guest speaker in her work capacity. See attached flyer below

#1 Club in New York!
Ahsia Badi, President
Renew your membership for 2018 today: Tilden Membership Renewal

Petitioning Schedule for Congresswoman Carolyn B. Maloney
March 24 – Noon – 16th & First Avenue, NE corner
April 4th – 4:30 p.m. D’Ags Supermarket, 25th St. & Third Avenue

Please contact  Michelle D. Winfield 646-853-5904 if you’d like to join or have questions

Dates to note for 2018

Thursday, April 19th, 2018 Tilden Gala
Tuesday, April 24, 2018 New York State Special Election
Thursday, May 24, 2018, General Meeting
Thursday, June 21, 2018 General Meeting
No meetings July and August
Thursday, September 27, 2018 General Meeting
Thursday, October 25, 2018 General Meeting
Thursday, November 29, 2018 General Meeting




Tilden March General Membership Meeting

Tilden General Membership Meeting
Thursday, March 22, 2018 at 7:30 pm

Seafarer’s International House
123 E 15th ST, New York, NY 100033/22

1. Call to Order
2. Presentation: Tilden Donation Committee
3. Presentation: Sister District
4. President’s Report
5. District Leaders’ Report
6. Committee Reports
7. Old / New Business
8. Adjourn

#1 Club in New York!
Ahsia Badi, President
Renew your membership for 2018 today: Tilden Membership Renewal


Petitioning Schedule for Congresswoman Carolyn B. Maloney
March 6 – 10 am, Starbucks, 23rd St & First Ave
March 7- 4:30 p.m. Starbucks, 23rd St. & First Ave.
March 9 – 5:15 pm Morton Williams Supermarket, 23rd St & off Second Avenue
March 18 – 11 am Ess-a-Bagel, First Avenue & 19th Street
March 21 – 5:00 p.m Morton Williams Supermarket, 23rd St. & off Second Avenue
March 24 – Noon – 16th & First Avenue, NE corner
April 4th – 4:30 p.m. D’Ags Supermarket, 25th St. & Third Avenue

Please contact  Michelle D. Winfield 646-853-5904 if you’d like to join or have questions

Dates to note for 2018
Tuesday, April 24, 2018 New York State Special Election
Thursday, April 19th, 2018 Tilden Gala
Thursday, May 24, 2018, General Meeting
Thursday, June 21, 2018 General Meeting
No meetings July and August
Thursday, September 27, 2018 General Meeting
Thursday, October 25, 2018 General Meeting
Thursday, November 29, 2018 General Meeting

February Membership Meeting and Congressional Candidate’s Forum

February Membership Meeting and Congressional Candidate’s Forum – UPDATED AGENDA

Thursday, February 22, 2018 at 7:30 pm
Seafarer’s International House
123 E 15th ST, 2nd Floor, New York, NY 10003

1. Call to Order
2. 12th Congressional District Candidates Forum
Sander Hicks –
Carolyn Maloney –
Suraj Patel –
3. Possible Endorsement for the 12th CD
4. President’s Report
5. District Leaders’ Report
6. Committee Reports
7. Old / New Business
8. Adjourn

All three candidates and their representative have been invited to address the club. We will also discuss the calendar of meetings for the upcoming year.

REMINDER: Our own Nancy M. Bannon will be inducted as Justice of the Supreme Court of the State of New York on Wednesday, February 21, 2018 at 4:30 pm at 60 Centre Street in Room 300 with a reception to immediately follow in the Rotunda. Please come out to join us in celebrating with her.

We look forward to seeing you there,

Ahsia Badi, President
Sandro Sherrod & Louise Dankberg. District Leaders

Tilden General Membership Meeting

Tilden General Membership Meeting
Thursday, February 22, 2018 at 7:30 pm

Seafarer’s International House
123 E 15th ST, New York, NY 10003

1. Call to Order
2. President’s Report
3. District Leaders’ Report
4. Committee Reports
5. Old / New Business
6. Adjourn

#1 Club in New York!
Ahsia Badi, President
Renew your membership for 2018 today:Tilden Membership Renewal

Dates to note for 2018
Thursday, March 22, 2018 General Meeting
Tuesday, April 24, 2018 New York State Special Election
Thursday, April 26, 2018 General Meeting
Thursday, May 24, 2018, General Meeting
Thursday, June 21, 2018 General Meeting
No meetings July and August
Thursday, September 27, 2018 General Meeting
Thursday, October 25, 2018 General Meeting
Thursday, November 29, 2018 General Meeting