Reminder Constitution Convention Forum and Meeting – Tonight

Join us for a Constitutional Convention Forum where we weigh the benefits that might be possible and the potential losses should there be a constitution convention in New York. Come learn more about the process and what it may bring before you vote on it on November 7th. The forum will be followed by our monthly meeting.

Thursday, October 19th at 7:00pm
123 East 15th Street, 2nd Floor

State Senator Liz Krueger
Assemblymember Dick Gottfried
Evan Davis,  Senior Counsel – Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton LLP
Jordan Marks, New Yorkers Against Corruption

All current members are encouraged to renew their membership now. Please bring your completed 2018 membership application and a check with you to the forum. You may also pay online but you must still submit an application. New members are of course always welcome and may use the same form.

We hope to see you tonight for an interesting discussion.

Constitutional Convention Forum and Endorsement Club Meeting


Constitutional Convention Forum and Endorsement meeting

Thursday, October 19, 2017


Seafarer’s & International House

123 East 15TH St., 2nd Floor.


Confirmed Panelists/ Speakers

State Senator Liz Krueger

Evan Davis, Partner at Clearly Gottlieb

Jordan Marks, New Yorkers Against Corruption


Format: Panelists introductory remarks, moderator-let panel discussion

and audience Q&A


                                      ENDORSEMENT AND CLUB MEETING

  1. Call to order
  2. President Report
  3. District Leaders Report
  4. Endorsement Vote
  5. Committee Reports
  6. Old/ New Business
  7. Adjournment

Next Membership Meeting and September events

Please note that the Tilden meetings were mistakenly listed as occurring on September 18th when in fact they will be on September 14th.


Don’t Forget to vote at the Democratic Primary on September 12th open from 6am-9pm for our endorsed candidates for City Council, Carlina Rivera and Keith Powers. You can verify where you pollsite is located here. If you encounter any difficulties at your pollsite please report them to District Leader Sandro Sherrod.

Tilden General Membership Meeting

September 14, 2017 – 7:30 pm
123 East 15th Street, 2nd Floor

1. Call to Order
2. Adoption of Agenda
3. Adoption of Minutes
4. President’s Report
5. District Leader’s Report
6. State Committee Report
7. Treasurer’s Report
8. Guest Speaker – Brianna Mankey: Breaking Ground Out-Reach Program
9. Old/New Business
10. Adjournment

Tilden Executive Committee Meeting

September 14, 2017 – 5:45 pm
123 East 15th Street, 2nd Floor

1. Call to Order
2. Adoption of Agenda
3. Vice President Vacancy
4. State Committee Report
5. 65th Gala
6. Endorsed Candidates for local council districts 2 & 4
7. Primary Day
9. Homeless Shelter on 17th Street
10. Nominating Committee
11. Old/New Business
12. Adjournment

Come Celebrate the Supreme Court Candidacy of Nancy M. Bannon at The Wheeltapper Room at the Fitzpatrick Hotel Grand Central at 141 East 44th Street and Lexington Avenue on Sunday, September 17th from 11am-1pm.

Eleanore Roosevelt and Four Freedoms Democratic Clubs are holding a New York Supreme Court Candidates Forum at the New Church at 114 East 35th Street on September 18th from 7-9pm.

Congratulations to State Senator Hoylman and his family on the new addition, his second daughter, Lucy.

from Sandro, Louise and Greg

President’s Message On Charlottesville Tragedy

Dear Fellow Tildenites and Friends:

My heart and prayers goes out to the young life lost and all those injured by the recent tragedy in Charlottesville. We must come together as Americans especially in times of tragedy.

Hate, racism and extremism from anyone, anywhere in any form must be condemned and has no place in American society. There is no room for hearts filled with hate and intolerance in our neighborhoods, houses of worship , on our streets and in our country period.

It is in the American DNA to be inclusive and tolerant. It is from our wonderful diversity we have always gotten our strength.

The giant sometimes stumbles but as always will again stand tall and lead the way down the path and the world will follow.

E Pluribus Unum!

Democratically yours,

Greg-Patric Martello

Tilden President


Dear Tildenites,

All year long Tilden has practiced the highest form of democracy and civic involvement in our communities.  It’s something to be very proud of.

Have the best Fourth of July with your family and friends celebrating the greatest Country on Earth!

God Bless America!

#1 Club in New York!

Democratically yours,

Greg Martello, President

The Demmy Awards Nomination Process Is Now Open!

Know someone who you would like to nominate for Manhattan Democrat of the Year or Young Democrat of the Year? Great! Submit a nomination by emailing us at with the word “nomination” in the subject line.

Would you like to see your club win a Demmy this year? Go for it! Send us your nomination at with “club of the year” in the subject line.

The nominating process closes on July 6th at 12PM. Don’t delay send in your nominations today! 

#1 Club in New York!

Democratically yours,

Greg Martello, President


Dear Tildenites,

As you know the Petition Wrap Dinner is set for July 24, 2017. We are able to accommodate more than 25 guests but the seats are filling up fast so RSVP Shelley Winfield at to reserve your seat!!

 #1 Club in New York!

Democratically yours,

Greg Martello, President

The Demmys – July 17, 2017


It is that time of the year! The Demmys is set for July 17, 2017.  As in the past years it would be wonderful if Tilden again had a strong showing this year.  After all we are the #1 club for a reason!

As a thank you to our members Tilden will be paying $20.00 towards the price of an $80.00 or $50.00 ticket.

Please bring checks for your tickets at the Executive Meeting on Monday June 26, 2017 at 6:00 pm.

Thank you.

#1 Club in New York!

Democratically yours,

Greg Martello, President

REMINDER – Executive Meeting – Monday, June 26, 2017 at 6:00 pm



Executive Meeting

Monday, June 26, 2017 at 6:00 pm

On the Second Floor at

Seafarer’s & International House

1.  Call to Order

2.  President’s Report

3.  Reports and Agenda/Goals of Committees

Committee Chairs should be prepared to discuss their committee’s agenda. The committee’s plan of action and time deadlines to be implemented should be included.

Written memos by Chairs for handouts are preferred.

In the interest of time for all the members participating the President chairing the meeting will moderate time for report presentations.

4.  District Leaders Report

5.  Old / New Business

6.  Adjournment

PLEASE NOTE: All members are invited to attend. Your presence, ideas and participation is always welcome.  Only Executive Committee Members will be allowed to sit and vote on committee activity.

#1 Club in New York!

Democratically yours,

Greg Martello, President

NOTICE – Samuel J. Tilden Democratic Club Petition Wrap Dinner Party – Monday, July 24, 2017


Samuel J. Tilden Democratic Club Petition Wrap Dinner Party

Event date: Monday, July 24, 2017

Location: Patrizia’s on Manhattan

462-466 Second Avenue, corner of 26th Street

Time: 5:45 pm – 7:45 pm

Guests: Limited availability to 25 guests

Please RSVP Shelley Winfield at who is creating a guest list ASAP. The cut off for going on the dinner list will be when we have 25 guests confirmed or by July 10, 2017 whichever comes first.

Menu: salad, salmon, chicken, pasta Vodka, wine, beer, soft drink, dessert (small portions)

Price: tax and tip included

Downstairs, L shaped set up

Agreed on $35 pp, all included.

 Any member who turns in two completed petitions with 30 names before the petition wrap dinner will have their dinner paid by Tilden. Deadline to turn in petitions for dinner comp is July 10, 2017.

 Reminder: Tilden Executive Committee Meeting will be held on June 26, 2017 at 6:00 pm at Seafarers.

 Looking forward to our well deserved dinner party!

 #1 Club in New York!

Democratically yours,

Greg Martello, President