TILDEN NOTICE: Candidates Forum – May 16, 2017 (Tuesday) at 6:30 pm


Candidates Forum

Sponsored by all the clubs in the 74th AD

(Tilden, CoDA, GSID and ERDC)

For Mayor, Public Advocate, NYC Comptroller, Manhattan District Attorney, Borough President, and City Council (Districts 2 & 4)

DATE:  May 16, 2017 (Tuesday)

LOCATION:  Seafarer’s & International House

123 E 15th St, New York, NY 10003

TIME:  6:30 pm

Refreshments will be served.

Please save the date and make all efforts to attend and participate.

Louise Dankberg and Sandro Sherrod as District Leaders of the 74th A.D, Part C

#1 Club in New York!

Democratically yours,

Greg Martello, President

TILDEN NOTICE: Judicial Candidates Forum – May 11, 2017 (Thursday) at 6:30 pm


Judicial Candidates Forum

Sponsored by all the clubs in the 74th AD

(Tilden, CoDA, GSID and ERDC)

DATE:  May 11, 2017 (Thursday)

LOCATION:  Seafarer’s & International House

123 E 15th St, New York, NY 10003

TIME:  6:30 pm

Refreshments will be served.

Please save the date and make all efforts to attend and participate.

Louise Dankberg and Sandro Sherrod as District Leaders of the 74th A.D, Part C

#1 Club in New York!

Democratically yours,

Greg Martello, President

TILDEN NOTICE – Upcoming Community Meeting

Washington Irving Follow up Meeting

Re: Garbage & Rodents

May 4th, 630pm

Washington Irving Campus

Join NYC Councilwoman Rosie Mendez for a community meeting to address concerns of garbage and rodent infestation surrounding the Washington Irving Campus building.

#1 Club in New York!

Democratically yours,

Greg Martello, President

Message from the President – Tilden’s 64th Gala

Dear Fellow Tildenites and Friends of Tilden,

I can’t begin to express how gratifying it was to see Tilden work so well as a team making our 64th Gala one of the best ever.

From all accounts everyone enjoyed a very festive evening reconnecting with old friends and making new ones. The Gala turned into a well deserved homecoming for two of our most treasured elected officials and friends Dan Garodnick and Rosie Mendez upon our presentation of the Beth R. Cosnow Award for Democratic Leadership to them.

Other highlights included the Millard L. Midonick and Margot Gayle Humanitarian Award to Bill Samuels and the very special honor of having the First Lady of the City of New York Chirlane McCray attend and give a very important speech concerning mental illness and the City’s efforts to aid those in need.

And of course close to all our hearts was our surprise and well deserved award to our very own Kate Waterman for all the hard work and dedication she has shown over the years for Tilden. Smiles were had all around!

I must reiterate what I said at the Gala and again thank the entire Dinner Committee and the Chair Michelle Winfield, Vice Chair Laura Koestler and our two amazing District Leaders Louise Dankberg and Sandro Sherrod for all their hard work in making sure every detail of our gala turned into a special moment for all of us!

Democratically yours,

Greg-Patric Martello

Tilden President

REMINDER NOTICE – Samuel J. Tilden March Meeting – Thursday, March 16, 2017 at 7:00 pm


Samuel J. Tilden March Meeting

 Thursday, March 16, 2017 at 7:00 pm

Seafarer’s & International House

located at 123 E 15th St, New York, NY 10003


1.  Call to Order

2.  President’s Report

3.  Distribution of Checks to Charities

4.  District Leader’s Report

5.  Committee Reports

– Final Dinner Committee Report

6.  Old / New Business

7.  Motion to Adjourn

#1 Club in New York!

Democratically yours,

Greg Martello, President

NOTICE – Samuel J. Tilden March Meeting – Thursday, March 16, 2017 at 7:00 pm


Samuel J. Tilden March Meeting

 Thursday, March 16, 2017 at 7:00 pm

Seafarer’s & International House

located at 123 E 15th St, New York, NY 10003


1.  Call to Order

2.  President’s Report

3.  Distribution of Checks to Charities

4.  District Leader’s Report

5.  Committee Reports

– Final Dinner Committee Report

6.  Old / New Business

7.  Motion to Adjourn

#1 Club in New York!

Democratically yours,

Greg Martello, President

Reserve now for the Tilden 64th Annual Gala

RSVP and pay online by clicking here.


The First Lady of the City of New York

Chirlane McCray
Presented by Mayor David N. Dinkins
Council members

Daniel R. Garodnick and Rosie Mendez

Recipients of the Beth R. Cosnow Award for Democratic Leadership


Bill Samuels

Recipient of the Millard L. Midonick and Margot Gayle Humanitarian Award for Community Service

Thursday, April 20, 2017
6:00 to 9:00 p.m.
National Arts Club
15 Gramercy Park South

RSVP and pay online by clicking here.

Club Election Results

The Samuel J. Tilden Democratic Club held Club Elections on February 16, 2017 with the following results:


President:                              Greg-Patric Martello

Vice President:                      Wilbur Weder

                                                                  Claude L. Winfield

   Shelly Winfield

                   Recording Secretary:            Greg Lampert

Corresponding Secretary:    Steve Smollens

Treasurer:                              Charles Sturcken


Ahsia Badi

Mollie Dunlap

Ellen Imbimbo

Jamie Kazi

Laura Koestler

Alan Krevis

Pat Levenson

Laura Lopez

Bert Ongkeo

Angelica Perkins

Janice Plumer

Virginia Rosario

Amelia Smollens

Brian Van Nieuwenhoven

Ronnie White

Alicia Zanelli

I would like to congratulate all those who ran and won their respective positions in our club. I would also like to thank all the members whether they won or lost for participating in our election.  All of you have demonstrated a willingness to volunteer your precious time away from work and families to act in furtherance of Tilden’s goal to make our community and politics the best it can be.

#1 Club in New York!

Democratically yours,

Greg Martello, President

TILDEN NOTICE – Executive Committee Meeting – Thursday, March 2, 2017 at 7:00 pm


Executive Committee Meeting

Thursday, March 2, 2017

7:00 PM

Seafarer’s & International House


1.  Call to Order

2.  Discussion of:

a.  Committees

b.  Formation of Committees

c.  Committee Agendas

3.  Motion to Adjourn

Please note: All members are invited to attend. Your presence and participation is always welcome. Only Executive Committee Members however will be allowed to sit and vote on committees formed.

#1 Club in New York!

Democratically yours,

Greg Martello, President

Election Chair’s Election Report

Hello Tildenites,

 As you know, our 2017 Elections will take place on Thursday, February 16, 2017 at 8:00 p.m., at The Seafarer’s Institute on 15th Street and Irving Place, 2nd Floor. The Elections are conducted by secret ballot.

 The following is a list of all of positions and the candidates running for those positions. Each candidate is a Tilden member in good standing:

 Position                                                Candidate

 President                                             Greg Martello

 Vice-Presidents                                    Wilber Weder

                                                     Claude L. Winfield

                                                     Michelle Winfield

 Recording Secretary

 Corresponding Secretary                     Steven Smollens

 Treasurer                                            Charles Sturcken

Executive Committee                           Ahsia Badi

                                                     Mollie Dunlap

                                                     Ellen Imbimbo

                                                     Laura Koestler

                                                     Jamie Kasi

                                                     Alan Krevis

                                                     Patricia Levenson

                                                     Laura Lopez

                                                     Bert Ongkeo

                                                     Angelica Perkins

                                                     Janice Plumer

                                                     Virginia Rosario

                                                     Mark Shapiro

                                                     Amelia Smollens

                                                     Brian Van Neuvanhoven

                                                     Ronnie White

                                                     Alicia Zanelli

 Thank you for your continued dedication to Tilden and our community!

Very truly yours,

The Elections Committee

Kathleen C. Waterman, Chairperson