NOTICE (Corrected) – Samuel J. Tilden February Meeting – Thursday, February 16, 2017 at 8:00 pm (New Time)

TIME CORRECTION: Due to schedule conflicts meeting time starts at 8:00 pm


Samuel J. Tilden February Meeting

Thursday, February 16, 2017 at 8:00 pm (New Time)

Seafarer’s & International House

located at 123 E 15th St, New York, NY 10003


  1. Call to Order
  2. Election Committee Report
  3. Election of Club Officers and Executive Committee Members
  4. Installation of Club Officers and Executive Committee Members
  5. President’s Report
  6. Announcement of Executive Committee Meeting
  7. District Leader’s Report
  8. Committee Reports
    • Dinner Committee Report
    • Donation Committee Report
  9. Old / New Business
  10. Motion to Adjourn

#1 Club in New York!

Democratically yours,

Greg Martello, President

NOTICE – Samuel J. Tilden February Meeting – Thursday, February 16, 2017 at 7:00 pm


Samuel J. Tilden February Meeting

 Thursday, February 16, 2017 at 7:00 pm

Seafarer’s & International House

located at 123 E 15th St, New York, NY 10003


  1. Call to Order
  2. Election Committee Report
  3. Election of Club Officers and Executive Committee Members
  4. Installation of Club Officers and Executive Committee Members
  5. President’s Report
  6. Announcement of Executive Committee Meeting
  7. District Leader’s Report
  8. Committee Reports
  • Dinner Committee Report
  • Donation Committee Report
  1. Old / New Business
  2. Motion to Adjourn

#1 Club in New York!

Democratically yours,

Greg Martello, President

Message from the President regarding our annual meeting and election

Message from the President regarding our annual meeting and election

In order to facilitate a smooth and enjoyable annual meeting and election as President and Chair of the meeting I am appointing certain members to assist in carrying out certain tasks to accomplish this.

Since Charles Sturken is our Treasurer and his duty is to compile, approve and keep the list of members in good standing and Kate Waterman is the Chair of the elections committee and her duty is to carry out the details of the election itself I ask that our Treasurer Charles and our elections Chair Kate set up a table welcoming people and check off the members and hand out ballots.

The polls will open once either Charles or Kate arrive and will close at 9:00 p.m.

There will be no further campaigning.

I further ask Steve Smollens as Corresponding Secretary to collect all ballots using the ballot box which will be given to him. Members will be instructed to place their ballot in the box which Steve shall safeguard.

All ballots are to be secret and folded when given to Steve for the ballot box.

If either Charles, Kate or Steve cannot perform the tasks I have outlined please let me know so I can find a replacement.

I know we will have much to celebrate and a lot of goodies with which to celebrate with courtesy of our hospitality committee.

See you all Thursday.

Democratically yours,

Greg Martello

NOTICE – Samuel J. Tilden Annual Meeting – Thursday, January 19, 2017 at 8:30 pm


Samuel J. Tilden Annual Meeting

Thursday, January 19, 2017 at 8:30 pm

Seafarer’s & International House

located at 123 E 15th St, New York, NY 10003


  1. Call to Order
  2. Election Committee Report
  3. Election of Club Officers and Executive Committee Members
  4. Installation of Club Officers and Executive Committee Members
  5. President’s Report
  6. Announcement of Executive Committee Meeting
  7. District Leader’s Report
  8. Committee Reports  (Dinner Committee; Donation Committee)
  9. Old / New Business
  10. Motion to Adjourn

#1 Club in New York!

Democratically yours,

Greg Martello, President

REMINDER – TILDEN NOTICE – SAVE THE DATE – Candidates Night – January 9, 2017


To All Members,

Candidates night will be held on January 9, 2017 between 7:00 – 9:00 at Seafarers & International House located at 123 E 15th St, New York, NY 10003.

It will be your opportunity to hear from the candidates seeking positions within our club.

Let us show democracy in action at Tilden.

See you on January 9th.

Democratically yours,

Greg-Patric Martello

Tilden President

TILDEN NOTICE – SAVE THE DATE – Toys for Tots Holiday Party – December 4, 2016


SAVE THE DATE – Toys for Tots Holiday Party

Our annual Holiday Party for Toys for Tots Brunch will be held on December 4, 2016 at 1:00 pm at Paul & Jimmy’s Restaurant located at 123 East 18th Street, New York, New York 10003.

The price will be $30.00 for members and $50.00 for guests. There will be a cash bar.

Please RSVP at your earliest convenience because there is limited seating capacity.

You can RSVP at either Patricia Levenson at or Laura Koestler at

The Link is

Thank you all for your support and looking forward to our upcoming Holiday Season.

Democratically yours,

Greg-Patric Martello

Tilden President

Message from President regarding the Election

Dear Fellow Tildenites,

Democracy can be messy and not always have the outcome you wish or expect; but remember the alternative is worse.

Elections regardless of whether our candidate won or lost is a referendum of our OWN freedom. Our freedom to choose. And conversely someone who disagrees with us and their freedom to choose. Take heart that the free elective process we cherish in America and unfortunately millions around the world do not have is itself our victory no matter the outcome.

As Democrats we must wipe ourselves off from a bruising election and move boldly forward undeterred. And as Americans we must unite together as a nation.

In Secretary Clintons own gracious words:

“Our campaign was never about one person or even one election. It was about the country we love and about building an America that’s hopeful, inclusive and big hearted.”

So in that spirit we must unite as Americans…All Americans of all political parties and continue the vital mission of our great nation.

And as Democrats more than ever we must stay active, we must come to meetings and encourage friends, co-workers and family to join Tilden in the democratic process. We must work on the local and national level pushing the ideas and values of our party in advancing the American cause.

Democratically yours,

Greg-Patric Martello

Tilden President

Notice from the President

Hello Fellow Tildenites,

The Elections Committee met on November 3, 2016 to elect a chairperson and discuss committee business.  I am honored and grateful to introduce myself as the chairperson of Tilden’s 2016 Election Committee.  I am equally pleased to report that it is time for club elections!

The Elections Committee is ready to accept nominations for club Officers and Executive Committee Members.  According to our By-Laws, you may nominate yourself or others for office.  As you know, the Club Officer positions are: President; Vice-President (3 “V-P” spots); Corresponding Secretary; Recording Secretary; and Treasurer.  We also have 12-16 spots on our Executive Committee.

According to our By-Laws, all persons nominated must be members in good-standing.  In addition, we would like to point out that an officer position requires a certain level of commitment, more than the bare minimum.  It is important that all candidates be willing and able to attend the four Executive Committee meetings, and most of the club’s monthly meetings, functions, and events.  While we understand that attendance at every meeting and event is impossible, we wish to emphasize that officers and executive committee members are expected to actively participate in the club’s governance and assist in club activities, such as our annual dinner and the summer street fair.

If you wish to nominate anyone for this year’s elections, please submit the names of all persons you wish to nominate, specifying the office you wish to nominate them for, to me by November 15, 2016.  At our November 17, 2016 Club Meeting, we will report the names of those nominated as of November 15.  However, nominations from the floor may be entertained at our November 17 meeting, at which point nominations will be closed.

Also, please note that the Elections Committee and Executive Committee will hold a “Candidates Night” on Monday, January 9, 2017 at 7:30 p.m. at the Seafarer’s International House (15th Street and Irving Place, 2nd Floor) which all nominees must attend and make a presentation in support of their candidacy.  The elections will then take place ten days later at our January 19, 2017 Annual Club Meeting.  I look forward to receiving your nominations and seeing you at the Candidates Night on January 9!


Kate  Kathleen C. Waterman, Esq.


Greg-Patric Martello