Presidential Debate Watch Party


First Debate Watch Party

Monday, September 26 – 8 p.m.

The moment we’ve all been waiting for. Hillary Clinton finally gets her chance to debate the issues, one-on-one with Donald Trump. Tilden and the Eleanor Roosevelt Clubs will co-host a Watch Party this Monday for the first debate where we will cheer on our candidate.

Doors open at 8 p.m. at Shades of Green Pub, 125 East 15th Street. There is no cover, and drink specials will be available.

RSVP on, Facebook or via email.

AGENDA – Regular Meeting – Thursday, September 15, 2016


Regular Meeting

Thursday, September 15, 2016

7:00 PM

Seafarer’s & International House

  1. Call to Order
  2. President’s Report
  3. District Leaders’ Report
  4. Speaker: Councilmember Daniel Garodnick
  5. Committee Reports
  6. Old / New Business
  7. Adjournment

#1 Club in New York!

Democratically yours,

Greg Martello, President

No Primary Tuesday

Quick reminder- while other districts have a Primary Election this Tuesday, September 13th, we do not.

Mark your calendars now, the General Election will be held on November 8th. If you plan to be out of town please register for an absentee ballot for this extremely important election. Before then please consider helping to keep PA blue each Saturday with us.

To learn more about your poll site or to look up election dates you can use the poll site locator online app.

Get on the Bus – Day trip to PA!


Starting September 17th and continuing each Saturday until election day, Tilden is joining over 18 NYC political clubs to help keep Pennsylvania Blue. Join your Democratic family for this important outreach to PA’s beautiful Lehigh Valley area. We will be leaving from Union Square at 8:30am and returning at 8:00pm each Saturday. While tickets are normally $10, the first 20 Tilden members to participate will be eligible to be reimbursed for their tickets.

Please email to indicate you will be going – we would like to travel together if possible so we will try to match you with other Tilden members to make the trip even more fun. After you email us, please register for the bus by clicking on the picture above.

2016 Supreme Court Judicial Candidates Found Most Highly Qualified

Last night the Independent Screen Panel announced the following Supreme Court Judicial Candidates Found Most Highly Qualified.

In no particular order, they are:

Anthony Cannataro
David Cohen
Jennifer Schechter
Alex Tisch
Melissa Crane
Paul Goetz
Gerald Leibovitz
Adam Silvera
Machelle Sweeting
Erika Edwardes
Shawn Kelley
Verena Saunders
Lisa Sokoloff

They join Nancy Bannon, Andrea Masley, Robert Reed, Kelly O’Neill Levy, Lynn Kotler and James d’Auguste who have already been reported out twice and are already candidates for this year.

Congratulations to all.  We will forward receptions as they become known. The Judicial Convention will be held on Thursday, September 22nd, at a venue to be annouced.


Louise, Sandro, Greg

Tilden Resolution in favor of NYS Assembly bills A09108 and S6452-A


Resolution: In favor of New York State Assembly bills A09108 and S6452-A, whereby all primaries would be held in June.

Whereas, The New York State Assembly has passed a bill, A09108, to revise Sec. 8-100 (1) (a) of the State electoral law; and

Whereas, that bill is now before the New York State Senate as S6452-A; and

Whereas, said revision, inter alia, provides that all state and county party positions will be filled hereafter at primary elections on the Fourth Tuesday of June, currently the date for congressional primary elections; and

Whereas, said revision further provides that in years of presidential elections the electors to the national conventions of each party shall be chosen at a primary election on the First Tuesday of February of said years; and

Whereas, the cost of multiple primaries is an unnecessary burden to the taxpayer and are likely to discourage voters and result in reduced voter turnout; now

Therefore, be it

Resolved, that the Samuel J. Tilden Democratic Club supports and urges the passage of S6452-A, with the added proviso that all state and county candidates for party or public office, including judicial candidates, be chosen in the primary election on the Fourth Tuesday in June.

Adopted unanimously on June 16, 2016.

Democratically yours,

Greg-Patric Martello

Tilden President

Congressional Primary Today- GO VOTE!

Screen Shot 2016-06-27 at 9.04.53 PMToday is the New York Congressional Primary, the polls will be open from
6AM to 9PM.

To find your poll site or see a sample ballot use the online poll site locator tool.

Turn out today is expected to be low, but we know Tildenites will make a big showing to help re-elect Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney who has fought for 9/11 responders, Women and New Yorkers again and again.

If you have any difficulty finding your poll site, difficulties while voting or know someone else who had, please contact District Leader Sandro Sherrod at 646-883-8683.

We also need volunteers to act as poll watchers at our neighborhood poll sites to help tally the vote. If you are interested in doing so, contact Sara at 347-729-6778 or


A Personal Reflection on the Passing of an American Icon

Muhammad Ali

A Personal Reflection on the Passing of an American Icon

We all heard the sad news of Muhammad Ali passing over the weekend.

I was fortunate enough to meet him one evening. His warmth and charm immediately made me feel like an old friend.

Upon meeting him, he touched my hair and uttered his signature phrase “pretty”.

I replied “No champ, you’re the prettiest”. He smiled.

That was his way. He was a sensitive soul with the heart of a champion. He skyrocketed to fame and fortune as a boxer in the ring but his commitment to civil rights and his work as a worldwide humanitarian made the title “The Greatest” fit like a crown.

He was not perfect but greatness doesn’t require perfection.  It requires only a pure heart and the courage to do what you believe to be right.

As Ali said “If my mind can conceive it and my heart can believe it, I can achieve it”.

Rest in peace Champ!

Democratically yours,

Greg-Patric Martello

Tilden President