Executive Meeting Notice for April 7, 2016


Executive Meeting Notice

 A meeting of the Executive Committee will be held on April 7, 2016 at 7:00 pm at the Seafarer’s & International House

#1 Club in New York!

Democratically yours,

Greg-Patric Martello, President

Housing Resolution

Dear Fellow New Yorkers:

The Samuel J. Tilden Democratic Club has a long tradition of helping those in the community in the most need.

The following resolution passed with the help of our two dedicated District Leaders, Louise Dankberg and Sandro Sherrod, the tireless efforts of Shelley Winfield and the Housing Committee and all the members of our club. This resolution reflects our ongoing commitment to ease the burden on the most vulnerable of New Yorkers and to make sure justice is accessible to all regardless of their economic circumstances.

Democratically yours,

Greg-Patric Martello

Tilden President

Tilden Housing Resolution 2016-02

Regular Meeting Notice & Agenda for February 18, 2016 7pm


Regular Meeting

Thursday, February 18, 2016

7:00 PM

Seafarer’s & International House

  1. Call to Order
  2. President’s Report
  3. District Leaders’ Report
  4. Committee Reports
  5. Speakers(on housing issues and legal representation)
  6. Ms. Andrea Dorsey & Ms. Joan Berenbaum
  7. Housing Resolutions 0214-2014Discussion and vote
  8. In support of a right to counsel for low income New Yorkers who face losing their homes in legal proceedings
  9. Old / New Business
  10. Adjournment (Please note, tentative schedule for next regular meeting at Seafarer’s & International House on Thursday, March 17, 2016 at 7:00 p.m.)


Get on the Bus for Hillary, this weekend!


This is a wonderful opportunity to get involved to support our endorsed candidate for President. I know it is short notice, but I hope you will join me in helping to get Hilary elected.

The New Hampshire primary plays a pivotal role in presidential politics that few Americans get to experience. The Human Rights Campaign (HRC) is providing a few dozen people the opportunity to be a part of their team for two days working to make history by electing Hillary Clinton as our next President.

Transportation? Covered by the HRC PAC
Hotel? Covered by the HRC PAC
Meals? Two meals a day covered by the HRC PAC

All you need to do is donate $20 online to reserve a seat on the Equality Bus from New York to New Hampshire and agree to help us get out the vote for Hillary Clinton. The first 10 Tilden members will be reimbursed the $20, so this historic trip will be free!

The Details

Friday, February 5th
– At 4:45 p.m. the Equality Bus will leave from Midtown, arriving in Manchester, NH around midnight.

Saturday, February 6th – At 8:30 a.m. we will arrive at the Human Rights Campaign Office in Downtown Manchester to begin our day working to elect Hillary Clinton (coffee and light breakfast provided). HRC will host a mixer at a local bar in the evening to connect you with local New Hampshire volunteers.

Sunday, February 7th – At 8:30 a.m. we will arrive at the HRC Campaign Office to begin our day working to elect Hillary Clinton (coffee and light breakfast provided). At 4 p.m. we will board the bus back to Manhattan, arriving no later than 11:45pm.

HRC has a block of rooms reserved in Manchester, NH. HRC will provide transportation to and from the hotel. There will be two people to a room and you have the option of choosing your roommate if you’re traveling as a pair. For a $300 donation, you can have your own private room for both nights, for one or two people.

ACTIONS You will be working side by side with HRC staff and volunteers making phone calls and going door-to-door getting out the vote for Hillary.


Be sure to reply to this email to let us know that you signed up and be sure to check in with me before you get on the bus.

Democratically yours,
Sandro Sherrod
District Leader

Annual Meeting and Presidential Endorsement Reminder

Greetings Tlldenites,

On Thursday, January 21 at 7 pm we will hold our Annual Meeting. All qualified members will be able to vote for Officers and Executive Committee members for 2016, as well as for our Club’s Presidential endorsement.

The meeting will be held in our regular location, on the second floor of the Seafarer’s Institute (East 15th Street at Irving Place).

The Draft Agenda is as follows:

  • Call to Order
  • Presentation and acceptance of donation checks to community receipients
  • Vote for Officers and Executive Committee*
  • President’s Report
  • District Leader’s Report
  • Democratic Presidential Endorsement Vote
  • Announcement of election results
  • Swearing in of New Officers and Executive Committee

Adjournment and Merrymaking (hooting and hollering required)

(* Please note ballot box will be open for 1 hour)

Democratically Yours,

Mark P. Thompson

President, Samuel J. Tilden Democratic Club

New York’s Club of the Year

Toys for Tots – An Amazing Success!

Greetings Tildenites!

Saturday’s Toys for Tots may have been the most successful yet. With a sold-out house, guests were entertained by jazz musician extraordinaire Adam Smale. Adam led the 75+ attendees in a beautiful rendition of “God Bless America” to start off the afternoon; what followed was a delicious meal and amazing conversations. There was so much activity inside that many people didn’t notice the SantaCon mobs roaming the street, trying to come in and join the festivities. (Special thanks to Lou and his crew for keeping the red-capped carousers at bay!)

We were joined by Borough President Gale Brewer and State Senator Brad Hoylman, as well as the leadership of GSID, the Eleanor Roosevelt Democratic Club, and the Lexington Club, and numerous judges, judge-elects and future judges. Of special note was Tilden’s own Lyle Frank, who will be inducted as a Civil Court Judge on January 14.

The room took time to pause and remember our dear friends District Leader Charles Buchwald and Tildenite Genevieve Cervera. They are deeply missed and we honor them for their service to the community and Democratic ideals.

During the afternoon, Tildenites took part in a straw vote, endorsing Hillary Clinton for President. The Club will hold an official endorsement vote at our January 21 Annual meeting.

Before the dessert course, Tilden presented a $2,000 check to Children of Bellevue’s Reach Out and Read and the H.E.L.P. Project. Claudia Aristy, Director, received the check on behalf of the Project and described its programs and how the donation would be used to buy more multi-language books for the children. Tilden is presenting a total of $10,000 to five local organizations for their work.

While the event was scheduled to end at 3, it carried on until close to 5 pm, with guests continuing to socialize to the very end. The entire effort would not have been possible without the dedication of Pat Levenson, Committee Chair, Laura Koestler, Esther Ramos, Sandro Sherrod and Louise Dankberg. On behalf of the Club, I thank you for all your extraordinary efforts.

Again, congratulations to everyone for a wonderful event!

Mark P. Thompson


Samuel J. Tilden Democratic Club

#1 Club in New York!



The Toys 4 Tots Brunch is Saturday! Let us know if you are coming

The Club of the Year’s Event of the Year is just a few days away – this Saturday, December 12! It’s our Club’s Toys for Tots brunch. For those of you who have not yet made your reservation, please reply to this email and let us know if you plan to attend. You can bring your check (better than cash) to the door.

The brunch is being held at Tilden’s favorite, Paul and Jimmy’s, at 123 East 18th Street (between Irving Place and Park Avenue South). The festivities begin at 1 pm and last until 3 pm.

Adam Smale, who has become Tilden’s own jazz musician, will provide wonderful entertainment.

So let us know if you are coming by replying to this email ..  your Tilden family looks forward to seeing you Saturday afternoon!

Warmest Regards,

Mark Thompson


Samuel J. Tilden Democratic Club

Club of the Year