Multi-Club Presidential Forum

Save the date for the 2015 Multi-Club Democratic Presidential Forum! Tilden is joining with more than a dozen Clubs to host a Presidential Forum on Sunday November 1 at 2 pm. The event will take place at the School of Visual Arts (SVA) Theater on West 23rd Street (between 8th and 9th Avenues). Big thanks to SVA President David Rhodes, who has covered the cost of the 480-seat theater.

Tickets are free. More information will be sent out soon. Attendees will need to RSVP.

Please be advised that unlike other recently televised “debates,” hatred of women, minorities, the LGBTQ community, and just about everyone else alive will not be on this afternoon’s agenda. And truly bad hair will not be invited …


Mark P. Thompson

President, Samuel J. Tilden Democratic Club

Genevieve Cervera

It is with great sadness that I write the news of the passing of one of Tilden’s beloved members, Genevieve Cervera. Genevieve had been a member for many years, and after moving to New Mexico she stayed true to her Club, rejoining when she returned to New York City a few years ago.

Genevieve recently moved to Nashville to be near her family. She stayed in touch with her friends in New York and kept up with Club, local news and activities at Community Board 6 news (she was an active member of CB 6). 

Genevieve had the distinction of being the first person honored with the “Tilden Pen Light Salute” and we will raise our pens in her memory at our next meeting.

Our prayers and condolences go out to her family, as well as all of her friends and Tilden Family.

As soon as I have any additional information I will post it.

With deep sadness,

Mark P. Thompson


Samuel J. Tilden Democratic Cub

Primary Day and more!

For those of us living in the Tilden neighborhood, we will not be voting on Thursday in our 74th Assembly District since there are no contested elections. Since you will now have lots of free time on Thursday, please volunteer to help in other areas where there are contested elections.

As of Thursday night, our long-serving Male District Leader, Steve Smollens, will be stepping down from his position. The Club thanks Steve for his years of service; I’d personally like to thank Steve for his educational, insightful and very funny political commentaries during our meetings. Having Steve with me at the table has been an honor. Steve (and his family) will remain active members of the Club.

I would like to welcome Sandro Sherrod, former Tilden President, as our new Male District Leader. He joins the Legendary Louise Dankberg, who is starting her 23rd year as Female District Leader.

Our first Fall meeting will be held at 7 pm on Thursday, September 17. As usual the meeting will be held at the Seamen’s Institute on Irving Place at 15th Street.

Best Wishes,

Mark P. Thompson

President, Samuel J. Tilden Democratic Club





Best Wishes to VP Greg Martello and Cheers to Charles Sturcken!

All of us at Tilden send our best wishes for a speedy recovery to Vice President Greg Martello, who is at home recovering from a serious bone break. While he has been ordered to stay home and not move for several months due to the severity of the break, we know this can’t keep him down! Greg will be Skyping in to this month’s meeting on the 17th so bring your Tilden Light sabers to wave at the screen!

Cheers to Tilden’s own well-published Charles “Charlie” sturcken whose most recent appeaance was on the New York Times editorial page (9/3/15). Below is his letter to the editor, making another brilliant point.

The Kentucky Clerk Who Denied Marriage Licenses to Gay Couples



To the Editor:


“Under whose authority?” asked the applicant denied a wedding license. “Under God’s authority,” responded the clerk. Elected public servants answer to no higher authority than the public who elected them. When you arrive at work in government, you leave your religion outside the door.




New York


Salute to Tildenite John “Butch” Purcell

It’s recognition time for Tilden’s own John “Butch” Purcell, starting with last week’s honor at the Rucker Basketball Award Ceremony. Butch was honored for his contribution to the internationally known Rucker Park basketball tournament and to the many players he coached and steered through life. For readers of Town & Village, this week’s editorial page included a tribute by our former Assemblymember Steven Sanders to four local heroes. Butch was included in the four heroes, while the article highlighted Butch’s work in Stuyvesant Town, his career at Beth Israel, and his guidance to so many people whose lives were changed through his amazing skills. Congratulations to Butch. You make Tilden proud!


Mark P. Thompson



Condolences to our District Leader Steven Smollens

Our condolences go to our District Leader Steve Smollens and his family on the passing of Steve’s mother, Ruth Smollens. The funeral service will be held tomorrow, Sunday August 16, at 11:30 am at Riverside Memorial Chapel (Amsterdam @ 76th Street). Donations may be made to the Brotherhood Synagogue Tikvah Fund (28 Gramercy Park South, NY NY 10003). The Smollens Family is a Tilden Family and their loss touches us all.

Mark P. Thompson


Upcoming Community Events for the Club of the Year

Greetings to The Demmy-Award-Winning Tilden Club-of-the-Year!

The NYC Parks Department has launched “Trees Count! 2015” and invites Tildenites to help with a census of our City’s trees. Census takers will traverse neighborhoods in an orderly fashion using the latest in tree counting technology to map every one of the estimated 130,000 trees. Volunteers will receive tools and training. If you are interested visit or email There will be prizes and swag!

Bike New York will provide free bike safety classes and programs for everyone at all skill levels. Classes are being held at Robert Moses Playground (East 42nd Street at First Avenue) on 8/23 from 10 am – 1 pm and again on 8/30 from 10 am – 1 pm. Bring your own bike and helmet. For more information contact

This Thursday August 6, Common Cause is cosponsoring a rally to commemorate the 50th Anniversary of the Voting Rights Act. The rally begins at noon at Foley Square (easiest route is 4/5/6 trains to Brooklyn Bridge station and walk a block north.

Enjoy Summer!

Mark Thompson


Membership Meeting April, 21

At our next meeting we will be joined by Manhattan Borough
President Scott Stringer who will update the club on his borough wide initiatives on
improving access to fair banking and fresh produce to the city.

If you haven’t yet RSVP’ed for the 58th Annual Tilden Dinner and Reception on April 28, do
so now. Tickets are going fast. If you need extra invitations please call (347) 948-3367.

Tilden General Membership Meeting

April 21, 2011 – 7:30 pm
123 East 15th Street

1. Call to Order
2. Adoption of Agenda
3. Adoption of Minutes
4. President’s Report
5. District Leader’s Report
6. Report from Borough President Scott Stringer
7. Treasurer’s Report
8. Old/New Business
9. Adjournment

I look forward to seeing you,

Sandro Sherrod

March Meeting Notice

In case you have not already heard the governor’s
budget proposal includes cutting the Title XX funding
that allows senior centers to operate. This could
result in the closing of 105 senior centers around
the city. We have invited a representative from
our own Stein Senior Center to talk about what
we can do to help keep this from happening.

Tilden General Membership Meeting
March 24, 2011 – 7:30 pm
123 East 15th Street


1. Call to Order
2. Adoption of Agenda
3. Adoption of Minutes
4. President’s Report
5. District Leader’s Report
6. Stein Senior Center Rep on Title XX cuts
7. Treasurer’s Report
8. Old/New Business
9. Adjournment

February Meeting Notice

We have invited Manhattan Borough President Scott Stringer to come join us at our next membership meeting. He will be updating us on his progress to facilitate better networking among community and neighborhood groups as well as his successful efforts to save money for New Yorkers who spent too much of their paychecks on “cashing fees”.

Tilden General Meeting
February 17th, 7:30 pm
123 East 15th Street and Irving Place, 2nd floor.

1. Call to Order
2. Adoption of Agenda
3. Adoption of Minutes
4. President’s Report
5. District Leader’s Report
6. Treasurer’s Report
7. Remarks from Manhattan Borough President Scott Stringer
followed by a brief question and answer period.
8. Old/New Business
9. Adjournment