Yes, Tildenites …
Those rumors you’ve been hearing on the streets, in the backrooms of political clubhouses and on buses to Albany are true! All of your hard work gathering signatures on those beloved green petition sheets could get more than just great candidates elected to office. It could get you a free ticket to The Demmy’s! The top five Tildenite signature-getters will receive a ticket to The Demmys (July 13). Can you imagine the excitement this is causing?
So hit the streets, corner your neighbors, and get as many Democrats signed up as possible. Bring those signed petitions to the Petition Wrap Party at Patrizio’s on July 22 (details to follow shortly). Two full petition sheets give you a free dinner! And more than that could get you an evening of Democratic Glamor! Golly gosh, can it get better than this?
Mark P. Thompson
Samuel J. Tilden Democratic Club