First Annual Tilden Petition Contest!!!!!

Yes, Tildenites …

Those rumors you’ve been hearing on the streets, in the backrooms of political clubhouses and on buses to Albany are true! All of your hard work gathering signatures on those beloved green petition sheets could get more than just great candidates elected to office. It could get you a free ticket to The Demmy’s! The top five Tildenite signature-getters will receive a ticket to The Demmys (July 13). Can you imagine the excitement this is causing?

So hit the streets, corner your neighbors, and get as many Democrats signed up as possible. Bring those signed petitions to the Petition Wrap Party at Patrizio’s on July 22 (details to follow shortly). Two full petition sheets give you a free dinner! And more than that could get you an evening of Democratic Glamor! Golly gosh, can it get better than this?


Mark P. Thompson


Samuel J. Tilden Democratic Club



Meeting Tonight! Intergalactic Voting for Tilden as Club of the Year!

Don’t forget tonight’s meeting! The agenda has been revised to include a discussion of next year’s annual dinner and a decision on the date and location. We will be meeting at Seafarer’s Institute (123 East 15th Street at Irving Place) starting at 7:30. The meeting will be followed by festive munchies and libations courtesy of the Hospitality Committee. Department of Consumer Affairs Commissioner Julie Menin is our guest speaker and will be there to kick off the meeting.

Petitioning! Please bring any completed petitions to the meeting. You’ll be able to hand in your other petitions later, but bring any that you have so that we can start binding them. And do not forget that Time-Tested Tllden Tradition … the member who brings the most signatures wins a free ticket to the Annual Dinner!

If you need signatures, we’ll be petitioning today (Thursday) at Morton Williams (23rd Street near 2nd Avenue) starting at 4:30.

We will also be petitioning at the following times/locations:

Monday June 22 – 5 pm Hane (20th and First)

Friday June 26 – 5 pm Stuy Town (16th at First)

Monday June 29 – 5 pm Stuy Town (16th at First)

Remember the hysteria at last year’s Demmy’s when our own Louise Dankberg took control of the stage at the Apollo? Well, it could happen again! The Demmy’s – the intergalactically-acclaimed New York County Democratic Committee annual wing-ding and award show – is back on Monday July 13. If you are interested in attending please speak with Louise Dankberg at the meeting or contact her ASAP via email at 

Perhaps the most important item in this eblast is this: Nominate Tilden as the “Club of the Year” at the Wuith enough votes we can win! We were close last year and your vote will push us to the top!

Warmest Regards,

Mark P. Thompson


Samuel J. Tilden Democratic Club

Remembering Tildenite Anthony X. “Tony” Ficcio

It is with deep sadness that we bring you news of the passing of Tildenite Tony Ficcio. Tony was a long-time member of the Club and served as a Vice President and member of the Executive Committee. Most recently, Tony took part in the Voter Registration Drive on the corner of 23rd Street and First Avenue. He lived in East Midtown Plaza, stronghold of Tildenism, for nearly 40 years, where he worked to protect senior housing rights and supported EMP’s Senior Circle.

Tony served as the Metropolitan Area Staff Director of the NYS United Teachers for 25 years, and his devotion to students was shown by his leading the Tilden committee to register students at Baruch College. He was an animal lover, and rescuing and caring for cats and kittens; he even founded a not-for-profit for their care and was known for his ‘rescue’ table at the Tilden Street Fairs.

He suffered a stroke and heart attack six weeks ago, and recently passed away at the age of 83 at NYU Langone Medical Center. His family and close friend Anita Mackey cared for Tony during these past few weeks.

He had made a request to be cremated without a service. If we receive any adddtional information we will share it with everyone.


Mark P. Thompson

President, Samuel J. Tilden Democratic Club


Agenda for June 18 Monthly Meeting


Monthly Meeting

Thursday, June 18, 2015

7:30 PM

Seafarer’s & International House

  1. Guest Speaker: Department of Consumer Affairs Commissioner Julie Menin
  2. President’s Report; Bronx Tour, Fun Brunch
  3. Petitioning Update
  4. District Leader Report
  5. Old/New Business
  6. Adjourn & Refreshments



Let’s Petition at the Tilden Street Fair on Sunday!

Next Sunday is the World Famous Tilden Street Fair. In addition to exciting, never-before-seen food and fashion (Mozzarepas and tube socks!) Tilden will be petitioning for our endorsed candidates, conducting a voter registration drive, and recruiting new members.

We need people to arrive at 10:30 to help set up our booth, which will be on Third Avenue between 25th and 26th Streets. Several members (thank you!) have already voluntered to help out for a few hours, but we need more folks to come out and join the fun. Be sure to wear sun block.

If you can spend a few hours with us please email Louise ( Volunteers will be treated to lunch after we finish.


It’s Petition Time!

Yes, folks, once again it’s our favorite time of year .. Petition Time! For those of you who have done it before, you know what fun it is. For any newbies, come join and experience one iof the most important things that we do as club members.

Come to Seafarers Institute (123 East 15th Street at the northeast corner of Irving Place), where we meet each month, and pick up your lovely green petition sheets somtime between 7 pm and 8 pm.

We will begin petitioning Tuesday morning at 7:30 am, then head to breakfast after we finish. The locations are:

20th Street at First Avenue (southeast corner in front of Hane Japanese restaurant)

16th Street at First Avenue (northeast corner in Stuyvesant Town)

23rd Street at First Avenue (southeast corner near Starbucks)

During the coming weeks we’ll be joining other groups to petition in other areas.

See you Monday evening!


Mark Thompson



Endorsement Meeting: Results ‘n More

Tilden met last night with in a packed-chapel turnout to endorse canidates in several races. Hearty congratulations to Tilden’s own Lyle Frank, who was unanimously endorsed for Civil Court Judge District 2. Congratulations to Louise Dankberg, who was reelected as Female District Leader, and Sandro Sherrod, who was elected as Male District Leader. Tanya Kennedy received a unanimous endorsement for Countywide Civil Court Judge. We were joined by Eleanor Kennedy, Judge Kennedy’s Mother, who was there to hear her daughter speak and receive accolades from the Club members. After the meeting, more than 40 Club members retired to Mumbles where we enjoyed festivities and lots of laughter. 

We would like to thank our current Male District Leader, Steve Smollens, who served the Club and District for many years and continues to be an integral member of Tilden. In adition to his many activities and his support for the Club, Steve has been an amazing and valuable resource to everyone in the area of housing and tenant advocacy, and has provided members with an education on all related matters.

We were joined by City Council Members Inez Dickens and our own Dan Garodnick; Dan may have agreed to bring future Tilden President Asher Garodnick to our next meeting.

Shelley Winfield, Chair of the Housing Committee, presented a resolution to the Club; it was voted on and approved. The text of the resolution and additional information will be sent in an upcoming update.

Stay tuned for more information on petitioning.

Note: The Executive Committee will be meeting at 7 pm on Monday, June 1. Members will receive notification.

Endorsement Meeting is Thursday Night!

This Thursday, May 14, is our endorsement meeting. All eligible members (dues paid prior to March 16 and having attended a meeting) are eligible to vote. Candidates will be given three minutes to speak followed by a three minute Q&A session for each candidate. The ballot box is open from 7:30-8:45.

The meeting will be held at The Seafarer’s Institute, 123 East 15th Street (Irving Place), in the ground floor Chapel.

After the meeting, those members who RSVP’d to Louise Dankberg ( will retreat to Mumbles.



Mark Thompson


May 14 Endorsement Meeting and Afterparty, and Lots of News!

The Samuel J. Tilden Democratic Club will be holding our Candidates Night and Endorsement Meeting at 7:30 pm on Thursday May 14 in the ground floor Chapel of Seafarer’s International House (123 East 15th Street at Irving Place). We will be voting to endorse for District Leaders, County Committee members, Judicial Delegates and Alternates, and for the Countywide opening for Civil Court judge. Among our guest speakers will be Judge Tanya Kennedy. The New York County Executive Committee meeting will be held in the Chapel immediately before our Tilden meeting, so many political dignitaries and celebrities will be with us.

Immediately after the Tilden meeting, members will retire to Mumbles to celebrate, discuss politics, and have more fun than political activists should be allowed to have. If you want to attend you must RSVP to Louise at .

The Annual Tilden Street Fair wil be held on Third Avenue – often referred to as The Boulevard of Fairs – on Sunday June 14. Members are encouraged to volunteer to work at our booth, greet neighbors, recruit new members, and gather names on petitions (Shelley Winfield will be leading the charge!). Tildenite Erica Sais recently volunteered – join her! It’s a fun day and you can stay for as long as you want; when it’s over enjoy a meal with the other Tilden volunteers. If you want to volunteer please contact President Mark Thompson at

We all want to send special greetings and wishes to Marcia Robinson and Genevieve Cervera, who are both home recuperating. We miss you and look forward to seeing you soon!

And last, a big congratulations to the Dinner Committee and everyone who attended our Annual Dinner at The National Arts Club.  There were 150 seated guests at dinner, plus a large additional crowd for cocktails, and 13 of our elected officials in attendance. We thought we couldn’t top last year’s success, but we did it!


Warmest Regards,

Mark P. Thompson


Samuel J. Tilden Democratic Club







Annual Dinner tickets going fast! Housing Clinic happening tonight!

Don’t delay in reserving your Annual Dinner ticket for April 23. The date is fast approaching and we are nearing another sold out house. If you need more information contact Louise at For those of you who attended last year you’ll remember the fun and good food we had at the National Arts Club.

Our Male District Leader Steve Smollens is offering his professional services again at Council Member Corey Johnson’s Housing Clinic tonight (Tuesday April 15) from 5:30-7:30 pm. The free, walk-in event is being held at Corey’s District Office, 224 West 30th Street (Suite 1206).