Tilden Endorses Clinton for President ’08

The members of The Samuel J. Tilden Democratic Club would like to announce their endorsement of New York State Senator Hillary Clinton for President in 2008. The Club met on October 18th for a General Meeting and overwhelmingly voted to endorse Senator Clinton. District Leader Louise Dankberg said, “Sen.Hillary Clinton deserves our endorsement as I feel she is the only candidate who can win the General Election in November 2008. She is highly intelligent, has a great campaign and has Bill Clinton. We must not be shortsighted and look for a better candidate who might be more appealing. Our aim is to take back the White House and try to fix some of the disasters of the last 7 years. All the Democratic candidates would make great Presidents,
but only Hillary can actually attain that status at this time.”

Tuesday July 17th Petition Wrap Party

Date Correction: Tilden’s Petition Wrap Party will be held on TUESDAY
JULY 17th
at 6:30pm at the Office of Staff Analysts, 220 East 23rd
Street, 7th Flr. Light supper served. All members are welcome!

Petitions should be completed and handed in at this event. Contact Louise Dankberg at 212-475-5347 to make drop-off arrangements if you will not be able to attend this event.

Join Us for Petitioning June 24th

On Sunday June 24th at the 3rd Avenue Street Fair Tilden Members will be out gathering signatures from 11am – 4pm. Join us! Contact Louise Dankberg: 212-475-5347.

Tilden General meeting: Monday June 25th at 7:30pm. Seafarer’s & International House, 123 East 15th Street in the Chapel. PLEASE BRING YOUR COMPLETED PETITIONS!

Affordable Rent Campaign

Tilden is joining New York is Our Home: Affordable rent Campaign on Wednesday, May 23rd, from 5 – 7 p.m. at Stuyvesant Town, to March and Rally for Affordable Housing. Tilden Club members are meeting at 20th Street and First Avenue.

Tilden Annual Dinner April 26th

We will be hosting our 54th Anniversary dinner on Thursday April 26, 2007 at Tavern on the Green. As usual, we will have an open bar and sit down dinner. Our honorees this year will be Manhattan Borough President Scott Stringer and Joy Garland, Executive Director of Stuyvesant Cove Park. Ticket prices are as follows: Member $80, Guest $175, Sponsor $275, Patron $350. To make a reservation send a check to Pat Levenson, 444 East 20th Street, NY, NY 10009. For more information contact: 646-872-0044.

Free E-Mail 101 Class for Seniors at 14th Street Y

Tilden Democratic Club and Blue Tiger Democrats present E-Mail 101 at the 14th Street Y on Friday March 30, 2007 at 12pm. This free class will give an overview on how to use e-mail. Making the presentation will be OATS a non-profit organization dedicated to helping older adults with technology.

Sol Goldman 14th Street Y
344 East 14th Street

Friday March 30, 2007


2007 Meeting Schedule

Monday January 22, 2007 Annual Meeting
Monday February 26, 2007
Thursday March 15, 2007
Thursday April 19, 2007 Elected Officials Visit/TBA
Thursday April 26, 2007 – 54th Anniversary Dinner at Tavern On The Green
Thursday May 17, 2007 Candidates Night & Club Endorsement
Monday June 4, 2007 Petion Distribution
Sunday June 10, 2007 Street Fair
Thursday June 21, 2007

Time: 7:30pm
Seafarer’s & International House
123 East 15th Street @ Irving Place


On Tuesday November 7th Democratic Candidates nationwide were voted into office and took control of both the House and Senate as well as several state Governorships. The country quickly made a transformation. Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld resigned Wednesday November 8th. And, President Bush says he is now open to hearing ‘any ideas or suggestions’ concerning the Iraq War. The Democrats look strong and have a great opportunity now.

Congratulations to our New York State Officials Governor-elect Eliot Spiter, Lt. Governor-elect David Paterson, Attorney General-elect Andrew Cuomo, and Comptroller-elect Alan Hevesi.

Locally on the East Side of Manhattan, Brian Kavanagh won his Assembly seat in a landslide. Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney, State Senators Krueger & Duane, and Assemblyman Bing won re-election.

Brian Kavanagh Wins Democratic Primary for Assembly/74th District

On May 18th 2006 Tilden Democratic Club endorsed Brian Kavanagh for Assembly. On Tuesday September 12th Kavanagh won the Democratic Primary for Assembly in the 74th District. He will be running against Republican Frank Scala in the General Election on November 6th. We congratulate Brian on his success and thank all the members of Tilden who worked hard during the campaign season.

Tilden Endorses:
Eliot Spitzer- Governor, David Paterson- Lt. Governor, Alan Hevesi- Comptroller, Andrew Cuomo- Attorney General, Hillary Clinton- US Senator, Carolyn Maloney- Congresswoman, Tom Duane- State Senator, Liz Krueger- State Senator, Brian Kavanagh- Assemblyman, Angela Mazzarelli- Supreme Court Justice, Joan Lobis-Supreme Court Justice, Jane Soloman- Civil Court Judge, Michael Stallman- Civil Court Judge.

Street Fair Photos

Last Sunday’s street fair was a big success. Mark Green stopped by and Air America was there to help as well.