Annual Dinner Photos

Many thanks to all who supported and attended the Tilden Annual Dinner last Thursday, which was a smashing success. Many members, elected officials and community leaders turned out to show their support. An amazing evening was had by all.

Confused by the New Medicare Prescription Drug Program – Medicare Part D

Come to a free Medicare Part D Information Session on Monday May 8th, 2006 10:00am – 11:00am at the Stein Senior Center, 340 East 24th Street, 2nd floor. This event is sponsored by the Samuel J. Tilden Democratic Club and the Blue Tiger Democrats. Bring your Medicare Card, list of medications and correspondence regarding your drugs. Reserve your space now at 646-872-0044.

Subway Safety and Security

The Tilden Democratic Club &
Blue Tiger Democrats
Present a Community Forum on


Led by Emergency Management Initiatives, Inc.

Sidney Baumgarten, Brigadier General (ret.)
Chris Velez, NYPD Bomb & Chemical Warfare Expert
Jim Duffy, FDNY Captain (ret.)

Wednesday, March 22nd, 2006
Seafarers, 123 East 15th Street @ Irving Place, Manhattan

Space Is Limited
RSVP or 212-228-5980

Upcoming Meetings and Events

Sunday, March 12th
14th Congressional District Caucus
NYU Medical School
Alumni Hall A
550 First Avenue near 31st Street
Guest Speaker: Attorney General and Gubernatorial Candidate Eliot Spitzer. Following the meeting will be a press conference with other elected officials
to express east side support for Eliot Spitzer.

Thursday, March 16th @ 7:30
Tilden General Meeting
Guest Speaker: State Senator Tom Duane & Chris Neidl, Education and Outreach
Coordinator from SolarOne.
Seafarer’s and International House, 123 East 15th Street @ Irving Place, 2nd flr
All are welcome. Light Refreshments served.

Wednesday, March 22
7 – 9pm
Tilden Democratic Club along with Blue Tiger Democrats sponsors a forum on
Subway Safety and Security with an introduction to Community Emergency
Response Team (CERT). Guest speakers will be experts in the emergency fields.
All are welcome. Light refreshments served.
Seafarer’s and International House, 123 East 15th Street @ Irving Place. For info:

Monday, April 3rd
Special Bylaws Meeting
Seafarer’s and International House
123 East 15th Street @ Irving Place, 2nd flr

Dan Garodnick Installed

On Thursday, February 9th, Dan Garodnick was installed as the latest Councilman for the 4th District of the City of New York at the Temple of Dendur at the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Many elected officials attended to pay tribute to this rising star in both the city and the party. Congrats again to Dan and his family!

Special Event: Ready NY

On Thursday February 16, 2006 The Samuel J. Tilden Democratic Club presents Ready NY, a campaign to prepare New Yorkers for all types of emergencies. The Office of Emergency Management created this campaign in order to provide useful information and instructions. Families, people with disabilities and the elderly learn first hand about helpful procedures. The presentation will be about 30 minutes long with time for questions at the end. Light refreshments will be served. This event is open to the public and all are welcome. Seafarer’s and International House, 123 East 15th Street @ Irving Place, 2nd Floor. 7:30pm. Visit for more information or call: 646-872-0044.

New Officers Sworn In

Dara Kane was sworn-in as President of The Samuel J. Tilden Democratic Club by City Councilman Dan Garodnick on Thursday January 19, 2006. Ms. Kane has been active in The Club for the past four years. In Fall 2005 she served as a Delegate to the Judicial Convention. Presently, Kane is a Delegate to the Democratic County Committee. Dara and her husband, Steve are active at P.S. 40 where their son attends school. Dara recently secured a donation of $1,000 from the Donations Committee of The Club for P.S. 40’s arts program. Ms. Kane has been a resident of Stuyvesant Town and Peter Cooper Village for the past 16 years.

Annual Meeting Notice

Dear Tilden Members and Friends:

The Annual Meeting of the Samuel J. Tilden Democratic Club will convene at the Seafarers’ House, located at 123 East 15th Street @ Irving Place on Thursday, January 19th, 2006 in the second floor meeting room at 7:45 PM. There will be an Executive Committee meeting at 7 PM before the Annual Meeting.

Happy Holidays!

Annual Brunch Report

The Samuel J. Tilden Democratic Club held its annual Toys for Tots Brunch on Sunday December 4, 2005 at the Cottage Restaurant on 16th St. and Irving Place. Over 100 people attended the event. It is a two-fold event: to thank the Tilden members for their hard work all year round and to give $1500 to the Children at Bellevue, to make the holidays a little brighter for needy children who are hospitalized during this festive time of year.

The brunch was also well represented by our Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney, our newly elected Council Members Daniel Garodnick and Rosie Mendez, our new Civil Court Judge, Tanya Kennedy, all three candidates for the Assembly – Don Tobias, Steve Kaufman and Sylvia Friedman.

At the brunch, we also celebrated our December birthday guests, including former Club President, Jay Dankberg and Amelia and Lilly Smollens, daughters of District Leader Steven Smollens.

We take this opportunity to wish everyone a happy holiday season and lots of good health and peace in the New Year. We can be reached at 212-228-5980.

Meeting Notice

Special Meeting: Candidates for the 74th Assembly District Seat

A discussion and possible vote on candidates:

Sylvia Friedman
Stephen Kaufman
Donald J. Tobias, Esq.

Seafarers’ House
123 East 15th Street

Wednesday, December 7th, 2005
7 PM in the Chapel

Reminder: Democratic County Committee Meeting, December 15th

If you are a member of the County Committee and cannot attend, please call Louise Dankberg, 212-475-5347.