Please Join CM Carlina Rivera Live Tomorrow at 7:30 p.m.

Get Your COVID-19 Questions Answered LIVE By Carlina – TOMORROW at 7:30 PM
Join Carlina tomorrow, April 7 from 7:30 PM-8:30 PM for the second edition of her Facebook Live conversations, where she’ll be discussing the latest on New York City’s COVID-19 response and answering your questions.

From updates on her work as Chair of the Council’s Hospitals Committee, to the best resources for workers and families impacted financially by COVID-19, Carlina will share updates on how her team is working across District 2 and the City in responding to this unprecedented crisis.

To submit your questions in advance, send us an email at, or send a message or comment on Carlina’s posts on Facebook or Twitter.

We look forward to hearing from you!